Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Strategy/Plan with Hubby for Baby’s Arrival

I’m 37+4 and based on reading and speaking with our doula/antenatal teacher, I’ve tried talking to my husband through some questions on how we can best prepare for when baby comes. This includes things like, plans for cooking/eating, things we both need to feel human and have some self care, potential shifts or thin...


Mummy organisation tips please??

Hi all, I’m returning to work in a few weeks and I’m nervous about how I’ll manage to juggle everything. I’m a FTM and already find housework especially washing etc builds up on me so much I’m afraid I’ll find it really overwhelming if I don’t figure out better ways to get it all done. Even how you make nutritious m...



I just need to rant I love my son but he's Soo demanding he's 6 months and really always want my attention I try to let him cry it out for a bit as I can't ponder to him every second but honestly his cry makes me sad and depressed, my partner tell me I need to use my support systems for a break when he's at work but...


Husbands drinking

I'm not sure if my husband has a drinking problem but his habits are getting to be too much for me. So his best friend who he sees multiple times a week had his birthday last week. I woke up at 3am on the Friday morning amd went out to the shed to find my husband as he wasnt in bed and i find him drunk and red eyed ...


When will I l Iearn?!

How many times does it take to get the hint. I am so tired of going and beyond just to try and get the coparenting thing to work. Last night he yelled at me about the volume on the TV. And then when he gets mad he just don't stop so I packed up my 15 month ikd son at 1am and went home 🙄


“Chicken pox party”

My little boy had chicken pox a few weeks back now (11 months old) we seen my MIL yesterday and she made a comment on how “the last of the children have got over the pox” I asked her what she meant and apparently when she’s had our little one her and her friends have got together knowing one of the children had the ...


Feel so overwhelmed

I have a 17mo and sleep is really taking its toll - the thought just gives me anxiety of what is to come night and day. Since 4 month regression it’s been very wakeful and always needs to feed back to sleep. Ive tried to make some changes but it’s just horrible she gets so upset. My husband can put her down for ...


Missing old life 😞😞

Before I say anything else, I love my baby more than life itself... But I seriously miss my old life... The spontaneity of just doing anything whenever you feel like it... For example... My husband came home this morning and said "why don't we go somewhere and have breakfast" First I said yes sure sounds nice! T...


Does your three year old tidy up?

I don’t know if I’m expecting too much of my three and a half year old.. She never tidies up after herself and says she’s “too tired” which is clearly just an excuse. Sometimes I just do it when she’s at nursery or when she’s gone to bed but other times I’ll try to get her to help. This morning she asked to get he...


How would you handle this?

So I have had numerous issues with my MIL disrespecting boundaries etc I won’t get into it all. But specifically she’s super pushy over the top and basically steamrolls everyone. She’s the type to take my son out of my arms the second she sees us. When they come to visit us or we go there she all but grabs him off m...


At my wits end

I have a hard time justifying my irritation with my in laws because they are nice to me and my MIL isn’t the typical “no one’s good enough for my son and I’m going to be evil to my DIL just because”. My problem with them started due to their lack of boundaries with my husband. Hes their only child and they’ve been s...



My boyfriend and I have been disagreeing since I’ve had the baby because I felt like he didn’t help nearly enough. He stayed home with us for two weeks and has gone back to work this past week. He feels like I dont do enough cleaning and I feel like he doesn’t help with the baby enough. Tonight I got to the point ...


Feeling overwhelmed…

How would anyone feel if your husband told you that 2 years ago when you and him started dating that 2 months after got together that he lied about something that happened on his vacation……he went to Minnesota and he had told me he “fell down some stairs” he went to the emergency room and came home with bruises and ...


It's too late..

I've recently just realized that I'm probably having a baby with the wrong man... I'm 7months pregnant and now he's "not ready" and not focusing on dating me because he has trauma that he didn't realize until things got more serious.. he " wishes to get to a place mentally where he can be with me " but he was...


Vent advice or just words of encouragement

I hate feeling like a single parent when I'm around my husband. My husband is out of town for work months at a time but when he does come home it just seems like he came home to be with me and not to spend time getting to know our little boy. We've talked about it in the past and he just says that it's because our s...


Cheated on

My partner and father to my two year old tried cheating on me today while I was at work calling him to check on our daughter. I saw his messages making plans to go get drinks with another woman (mind you he has photos of us up on his social media) I wasn’t expecting this at all, just this morning we were making arra...



So today is my daughter's first birthday and tomorrow is her birthday party. We'll my mom isn't coming to either. I planned her party on Sunday because it's when the restaurant was available and it's also my mom's only day off work most weeks. Well, when I told her, she got really quiet and didn't text me back for a...


How would yall feel?

I’m 39 weeks pregnant and have a scheduled induction on Monday the 7th, My boyfriend’s close cousin (they were like brothers, basically grew up together) just passed away and the funeral is the 12th, he has to drive like an hour for the funeral and is planning on going, leaving me and the newborn home (if she come...


Can I get some thoughts on this…MIL wanting to hold the baby basically ALL DAY….

Sooo my baby is 3 weeks old and my in-laws are in town for a week visiting to meet him. Today is day 4 out of 7. At first, before I even gave birth I was kinda annoyed they were coming so early, especially since it was only 2 weeks after my due date and i didn’t know how many weeks PP i would be but obviously I wa...



So I need advice on what to do. Hubby literally took my wallet and used my debit card without asking. Any advice on what to do?


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