Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Rant warning. I just need a safe spot to put my feelings...

My daughter is 7. My son is 1. I've been with my current man since August 2018. Over the years I've done much for him and our family ( not saying he hasn't) I've cleaned and made non expensive surprises for him with maybe only a thank you...when he found out that we were having our first kid together there was no ex...


Irritability and rage

I'm 31 weeks and I find I'm so irritable and little things make me angry. I can go from wanting my husband near all the time to finding everything he says and does so annoying. It's not just my husband little things people are saying or doing around me really get under my skin and I feel like I need to vent about...


Anyone else feeling the same? Please no hate😭

My baby is 2 weeks old today, and god I love him so much but also can't help but feel a little resentful. I am exclusively breast feeding and it's so demanding. I feel like anytime I try and do anything he wakes and wants feeding. I'm not sure if im setting to high expectations for us that my life can continue the w...



Hi guys! I don’t really get on here but I’m kinda stumped rn with my toddler. Usually she’s pretty good but there’s daily tantrums. Which I know are normal for her age. But there’s other things like sprinting and running across and completely out of the store and just disciplinary things I’m having a big problem wit...


Husband taking over tv playing pS5

Hi maybe a really silly thing to write about on here but it’s something that becoming really annoying now and taking over home life ! My husband is 42 and keeps playing online every evening!! It’s taking over our living room and it’s just not fair on me and my 9 year old daughter!! When i ask him To not play he gets...


Needing advice

Mamas my son is EBF, I’m also a stay home mom/undergrad student/small business. I’ve been trying to explain to my partner that I need more help with the baby during the next couple months. My small business busiest time of the year is in November/December due to holidays. But he doesn’t view what I do as work. So th...


I’m just over everything at this point

Work is toxic. Home life is….boring. Husband and I have been going through a bit of a rough patch, just not really as close as I’d like to be anymore, barely a sex life, don’t plan activities like we use to with the kids…just dry. I’ve been under so much stress at work. I don’t have any friends to vent or talk to so...


Does anyone understand this behaviour?

My husband yelled at me and then cleaned the house and made me food. Context At breakfast we planned the day, first being when baby naps we will do our family admin of reading a contract and filling some forms needed doing ASAP. Then do personal things when we're free after... So, baby naps, and my husband gets h...


Mum guilt

I need some advice. I am really struggling with day to day life. My baby is a pretty good baby really, but i’m still so overwhelmed. I find it really hard to be motivated to do anything… cleaning/tidying etc when she is up in the daytime so i do everything at night when she goes to bed. I feel like i need to be cons...


Would this bother you, or am I overreacting?

So, my daughter is in kindergarten and will be cheering before an upcoming football game as part of a mini cheerleading camp she's gonna be participating in. The key word here is BEFORE the football game. It's not gonna be halftime, it's not gonna be after the game...the mini camp performances will be done in the ho...


UC mums to work or not to work

So if your on UC you'll probably get my point if we earn over 400 we get deductions... my sons 2 other son in school age. I work around 25 hours week (mon to Fri school hours) I just feel like it's all getting too much I'm a carer so the job is quite hard sometimes. For travel expenses and a dog walker I'm spending ...


I hope to be like my mom ♥️

I go to my moms maybe once a month. It’s a 6 hour drive. Can I just say that when my daughter gets to my age that I hope she knows she can utilize me like I do my mom because it’s so nice. I drive up with two dogs and two cats if it’s more than the weekend (if not I leave my cats at home). Obviously I have my baby t...


Should I bring my 10m old to the doctor?

I was having my daughter hold onto a hanger to practice standing up. I was on the floor right in front of her when all of a sudden the hanger broke and she fell and hit her forehead on the edge of the hard part of the couch. She absolutely screamed and immediately had a red/purple mark on the forehead. Within the la...


AITA or hormonal?

My partner works away some weeks, some days he’s not home until late and our LO is asleep. I have to try and juggle everything which sometimes means I can’t stop what I’m doing to cuddle my child when he is being a little clingy. But my partner gives in all of the time which makes it harder for me. We’re expecting b...


Letting baby spend the night at his dad's.

I spilt from my partner in August, before then I was the one to get up every night and in the mornings. We have two children together. Our 5 year old has been going every other weekend for a sleep over but I've been a little reluctant to let our now 9 nearly 10 month old as my ex has said he doesn't hear him cry. He...


Childcare funded hours

Hello all! Stressing atm! I currently work 3 nights a week! My partner just told me he’s got a new job in 2 weeks doing nights 🙄 I can’t afford night childcare so my only option is to leave my night shift job… but the kids will be out of nursery too! Any mums in the same boat as me? What’s the best way to go…


Strategy/Plan with Hubby for Baby’s Arrival

I’m 37+4 and based on reading and speaking with our doula/antenatal teacher, I’ve tried talking to my husband through some questions on how we can best prepare for when baby comes. This includes things like, plans for cooking/eating, things we both need to feel human and have some self care, potential shifts or thin...


Mummy organisation tips please??

Hi all, I’m returning to work in a few weeks and I’m nervous about how I’ll manage to juggle everything. I’m a FTM and already find housework especially washing etc builds up on me so much I’m afraid I’ll find it really overwhelming if I don’t figure out better ways to get it all done. Even how you make nutritious m...



I just need to rant I love my son but he's Soo demanding he's 6 months and really always want my attention I try to let him cry it out for a bit as I can't ponder to him every second but honestly his cry makes me sad and depressed, my partner tell me I need to use my support systems for a break when he's at work but...


Husbands drinking

I'm not sure if my husband has a drinking problem but his habits are getting to be too much for me. So his best friend who he sees multiple times a week had his birthday last week. I woke up at 3am on the Friday morning amd went out to the shed to find my husband as he wasnt in bed and i find him drunk and red eyed ...


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