Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

TV time

Who else watches TV while their LO plays in the same room? Some days I'm just so fed up and all I want to do is binge watch shows so I do. My baby is in the same room as me playing with their toys sometimes she looks up at the screen but most of the time she's playing. Is a lot of screen time at this age bad? I so...


2 year old falls downstairs

I’m absolutely heartbroken to be writing this, however my LO fell down half a flight of stairs just over an hour ago. She seems okay in herself and is now having a sleep. However, the moment it happened my partner got so angry at me, to the point he tried to go for my face twice (whilst I was holding our daughter)...


What should I do?

My husband came home in the morning drunk, yelling at me and the kids. He is stressed about our current financial situation. He is currently knocked out on the couch. My son has a birthday party I should bring him to, but my husband was supposed to watch my younger ones. I don't want to go to then have to bring all ...


Argued with my Mum

I had a big argument with my mum yesterday and it’s really upset me. Am I in the wrong? Our hairdresser was at her house, I am VERY sleep deprived as my baby doesn’t sleep. I turn up and they are discussing the current renovation works I am having on my house. My hairdresser says she doesn’t like the colour I’ve p...



So my son’s father only has him every other Saturday for 8hrs. In between this he doesn’t text or call his son he doesn’t provide or do anything for him. He brought by son back home in an extremely full nappy and a red sore bum with poo all up in his crack. As you can imagine I’m very upset about this. I had told hi...


I’m pissed

Okay so my mom often takes my bothers kids for the night, today my nephew was asking to go there and out of no where my mom makes a plan that my nephew is coming to my house with my other brother (he’s childless). I didn’t indicate that I wanted company and I wasn’t asked if that was okay with me. I’m so tired of my...


Would this annoy you?

I have lovely in-laws but whenever they visit or we visit them all my partner and them do is talk about people from their old neighbourhood where they used to live and reminisce on old times… I’ve been with him 6 years and heard ALL the stories over and over plus all the updates on these people I don’t know! Even wh...


Struggling Mumma..

Hey ladies, I almost feel bad posting this but I am really struggling at the moment.. am 12 weeks 3 days pregnant I have 3 of my own children who I have for a week every other week as shared custody with my ex and my partner has 2 teenage boys, I am just running round after everyone all the time and I just feel like...


In law struggles- long post!

So we have come on holiday with my partners family and it’s our first holiday abroad with our 9 month old. Safe to say it’s been very difficult and stressful not the mention I suffer with postnatal depression. Well it all came to a head the other night I have really really struggled with this holiday more than I tho...


1st time leaving your baby

I have family visiting next month for my daughter's first birthday and my sister offered to babysit if my husband and I want to go out to eat or see a movie. I'm so tempted to do it because I love going to the movies and haven't since before she was born but hesitating only because I WFH and I'm always with her. I'm...


Ladies, I think am a horrible host. Should I?

My MIL is staying with us for a few months. I told her multiple times that the fridge is full, feel free to grab anything whenever she wants. She just sits in her room and waits for us to call her for breakfast, lunch and dinner. She does not interact much with the kids due to the language barrier. I just feel so an...


Child support?

I’m a 24F and my fiancé is a 28M. He has been struggling with mental illness and was using shopping as self medication. I told him it was an addiction and he wouldn’t listen. He just kept saying he had it under control and our bills would be paid. While I was at work Tuesday I got a notification that the car payment...


Needing guidance and strength support friends

Hello I’m recently a single mom of 2. Their dad and I were together for almost 9 years(in April) we over the last year had 3 miscarriages and were actively trying for another. He told me Wednesday night and also Thursday morning he didn’t love me and I haven’t made him happy in a long time. And I needed to leave, ...


What to do

I'm gonna keep this short but with the info you need for advice ok. I have 2 kids a 2 year old and 4 month old. Both boys, I was 19 and happy just living life when I met my husband and after 2 kids I've gained about 50 pounds which I've lost 9 of so far and more to come. My husband is my best friend and sometimes si...


Functioning Toxic?!

I’m 100% certain I’m in a functioning toxic marriage (if that’s a thing) my husband and I love each other but he can be so toxic and so can I but we seem to work? I think it’s to the outside world standards I feel we must seem soo toxic. Like we had an argument last night slept without resolving it this morning I br...


Ignoring a child

Heya So I need help with something , I’m trying to find out how to word something . I’ve read about this recently due to the situation I’m in but now I can’t think what it was called . Basically , I want to know what it’s called when a adult is angry with another adult so they chose to ignore the adult their ang...


Does your Mother in Law think she knows more about caring for your baby than you?

Dying to know the stats on this!


Anxiety around in laws

Does anyone else experience major anxiety over the thought of meeting up with in laws? They’re rude and self centred and I find them toxic to be around. My partner knows I dont like them but I obviously hide it and make an effort to be nice around them for the sake of him and our baby. Anyone else? Tips on how to ge...


Lazy parenting

I always wake up with our son in the morning. Even if I try to get his dad to get him he refuses to wake up. Last night I also got up in the night and spent 30 mins settling our son back to sleep (he normally sleeps through). So when he woke up this morning, crying and very upset, I shoved his dad until he woke up a...


When they think they know how to parent better than you... 🎫🎫

This used to be an issue I suffered with... I've got kids from different Dad's, and I can say I'm not a huge fan of in laws 🤣 in laws are easier to deal with when they aren't your in laws anymore... weird or a coincidence, idk... they kinda have no choice but to be nice, though... 😅 Anyhow, I repeatedly had this…


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