Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.


I'm having a second child that wasn't planned, by the time we found out it was to late in my own mind to make any other choices then to keep it. I have pcos so the signs aren't always there. The issue is my marriage. We weren't doing well to begin with and haven't been since my first born came. How do you women cope...


How do you know if you want a divorce?

How do you know if you want a divorce or just a break from life? I love him and don’t want to hurt him but sometimes it feels like I want a divorce am I just crazy or is it the hormones and because I’m always overwhelmed and over stimulated


Leaving toddler to go to a concert?

I feel extremely guilty leaving my 20 month old behind for hours (4 hours or more) so my husband and I can go for a concert. She'd be with my father in law whom we already live with but he doesn't coddle her the way I do and I'm worried she won't have a good time and how am I supposed to have a good time if it's at ...


Husband considering joining the Army

So my husband is sick of feeling stagnant in his job, he doesn’t have a college degree and is kind of limited. His sister is a recruiter and we both have a lot of military in our families so he is considering joining and going into the reserves. We have had trust issues in the past, he can be attention seeking with ...


Need another view

Things have been rough, and I won't go into detail. But we are struggling, correction I am he feels like we are just like floating. I voiced my concerns and how I feel we need help, and he needs some professional help (mental heath crisis everaly times in last few months). I mentioned how I don't feel enough effort ...


AITA? Boogery Aggressive Godson

I feel horrible writing this post because I feel like I shouldn’t feel this way about a 3 year old, but my godson who is 3 and a half is quite a handful and now that I have a 6 month old it’s more pronounced. He is my SIL’s son and her and I have had a good relationship however it slightly took a downturn when she h...


Found out I’m pregnant

So my bd and I are still together we have a 9 month old and he has a 6 year old (from past relationship) the mom moved across the country with the kid and we were sapossed to have moved to by now but for months it has been technical issues after each other and then I’ve been feeling really stressed and sick que find...


Division of Labor

Sorry for the long rant. I'm honestly just furious right now. Anyone else feel like they do far more than their fair share of work? I'm the primary breadwinner - my husband makes about 1/3 of what I do and only works 2-5 days every week while I always work full time. I'm also default parent. I do ALL night wakings,...


Do you pick up your baby when they want you to?

My husband thinks I pick my 16m old son up too much.. he's very much a mamas boy and often wants to be held or snuggled by me. I'm not by any means constantly holding him.. in fact he's quite good at independent play. But when he's upset or hungry he wants me. My husband thinks I'm making him "soft" and I'm like a d...


Am I overreacting?

So any little issue I have when it comes to raising my child or how family members interact with my son I’m being told that I need to stop adding in all this psychology and emotions because I’m over complicating it. So last night my ex and I had a little disagreement on punishment styles based off of empire the sh...


Cluttered house and husband doesn't help

My husband likes to keep so many things that the house is cluttered and its of 90% of his stuff and 10% of mine. He likes to keep things that some people like to throw away like plastic cups, cereal boxes, snack boxes with a movie theme or McDonald's toys, and so many collectible things from a table, small cars, mov...


So christmas the time for family and fun

So my partners family decided to move more then 10 hours away from us when my son was 8 weeks old now they have decided since she no longer speaks to her daughter she will be coming down for Christmas but one second she will be here boxing day and next second it's Christmas day now I'm wondering as my partner said w...


BD had BPD… Abusive?

My BD has BPD (borderline personality disorder) and is manic depressive. It is a constant roller coaster of emotional torment - I never know what version of him will walk through the door when he gets home. He really is a great dad though - very attentive to our daughter (5mo) and tries his best to care for her wh...


Am I overreacting?

I done this quiz with my partner and I asked him when is my birthday…. He turned around and said September (it’s March) his exes birthday is in September. We’ve been together for 7 yrs now but I just feel hurt that he’s instantly come out with that. It sounds so little but to be honest it’s just hurt me a bit.


WWYD? Husband reaching out to other females..

Hi everyone 🙋🏻‍♀️ I'm curious what you lovely moms would do in my situation. I've been visiting my family overseas for several months. My husband had to work, so he stayed home until now. He's here for 2 weeks before all of us head back. I checked his phone and found out that as soon as the kids and I left he…


Feeling inadequate

Feeling super down this evening with feeling like my little boy deserves a better Mum. I absolutely adore my little boy. He is my absolute world and there are no words to explain what absolute joy he brings to my life. But sometimes I feel like he deserves better. I've had a horrible (pre-menstral) migraine toda...


My man's working night shift but I'm so horny

Wish I had some attention, I Hate just sorting myself 😕 Anyone else in a similar situation?


Husband mad that I went out dancing

Hey everyone, what do you guys think? I went out dancing with some girlfriends on Friday at a club and came home at midnight. Husband wasn’t happy. Is there a rule that married women with kids can’t go out dancing? I’m confused. I was out about 3 hours.


how do you grocery shop?

do you do a weekly routine grocery trip and buying what you need more of? or do you wait until you absolutely have no food left at home and then go do one giant trip?


Oh my goodness. How are yall handling the rebellion?

My 2 year old girl has been an absolute beast, when I ask her to do something- or not to- all I get is.. “I don’t want to” or “I can’t. I’m busy” or just flat out “no” and refuses when asking simple things. I know it’s a phase and she’s exploring her independence and self choice.. but DAMN.. it’s frustrating. Then...


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