Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

how do you grocery shop?

do you do a weekly routine grocery trip and buying what you need more of? or do you wait until you absolutely have no food left at home and then go do one giant trip?


Oh my goodness. How are yall handling the rebellion?

My 2 year old girl has been an absolute beast, when I ask her to do something- or not to- all I get is.. “I don’t want to” or “I can’t. I’m busy” or just flat out “no” and refuses when asking simple things. I know it’s a phase and she’s exploring her independence and self choice.. but DAMN.. it’s frustrating. Then...


Do you think he is cheating?

My husband and I have been together for 7 years. Recently, I noticed he started looking at women's profiles on facebook that we went to high-school with. At first, it didn't bother me until it became consistent. Now it's turned into not only looking them up, but looking up corn stars and women dressed in spicy outfi...


Burn out

I'm just feeling a lot of burn out. I'm a stay at home mom with BPD. My kids are both on the spectrum and I'm finding it hard to stay afloat some days. My husband works but it only covers bills, so we live paycheck to paycheck. I want to take my kids places but everything is so expensive. I'm just drained. This is m...


Posting incognito, not ready to share yet

Looking for advice from anyone who’s been there. I recently found out my husband has been cheating our entire relationship and marriage, I had absolutely no idea. We have two kids under 2 and I feel so lost trying to navigate this. Do I stay or do I file for divorce? Can I ever trust him again? He says it was a mist...


Anyone else's husband getting on their nerves?!

Everything he does annoys me at the moment. He's not been helpful at all in this pregnancy, I do all the housework, cooking and cleaning, literally think he lives in a hotel sometimes. As well as looking after our 3 year old, doesn't help much with thay either as he works a lot and even when he is here he's not much...


Cursing around your kids??

So this has been a debate for the longest time. But do yall curse around your kids and allow them to curse? And I don’t mean teenagers I mean toddlers or children under 10. A lil context: My bf was raised in a family where they let the kids curse bc they couldn’t censor themselves and me being the person I am don’...


Never in the mood for my son?

Hi, I know this is a bit of a weird one and might sound horrible to some people, but I’m literally never in the mood to deal with my son. He’s 2 and a half, he’s really testing me at the moment and pushing all his boundaries. I work full time and we have evenings and weekends together, it’s just us 2 at home and I h...


Mother in laws

Hey, Please tell me if I am over reacting but I was talking with my mil earlier today and in conversation I said oh my partners name and my mum are going to be my birthing partners and she was like well I will be at the hospital aswell. I really don’t want anyone else to be there! Am I being silly or should she be...


Please tell me I’m normal

My sons 2 in a few days and I’m with him 24/7 my husband has took him out a few times to the shop literally only about 10 minutes at a time. But I miss him so much I want to cry and I don’t know what to do with myself. Is there a way to make it easier?


Tried to have bd help but he will never stop asking me to lend him money..

It’s so sad I’ve dealt w horrible guys but nothing worse than someone always coming up with reasons to ask you to lend them money. I’m pregnant so I’ve been lonely and he was being so mean and w a nasty attitude after a while of helping me organize things. I just can’t wait to one day feel loved by someone else it’l...


"We've got time"

I'm trying to get the nursery sorted but there are still things in there that need to be moved out. There's a TV that needs mounting in the living room and a box that needs to be put in the loft. I'd do it all myself but the box is super heavy and I'm not allowed to climb ladders, and I don't want to mess up the wal...


Somedays I'm reminded I truly have no village

My mom stopped by today because we didn't have power and she commented how our kitchen was clean (it doubles as our laundry room so there's typically a lot of clothes piled in bins). I told my brother about it after she left and he told me that she talks shit about how our kitchen is dirty all the time. Saying stuff...


Partner issues

Hello, Posting anonymously as a bit of a touchy subject. I had the idea of being a wonderful loving family with me, my husband and my baby. I don’t know if it’s because the baby now comes first now but my priority is her and being with her but he goes out a lot and that’s not what I had in mind. Obviously he can go...


Baby not settling with dad

Does anyone else’s baby just not settle with dad at all? He’s breastfed but so was my daughter and she settled with dad no problem. It’s starting to get to me because I feel like I can’t get anything done or spend much time with my daughter which is really upsetting me. My partner feels like crap because of it too, ...


Nearly 14 weeks still feeling rough

House is a mess! Everything feels dirty or smelly - I have a large dog and a 2 year old. My partner tries to help but doesn’t do things properly Any advice on how I can cope?



House is a mess, 1 year old has syrup in her hair from breakfast , I put her in the tub to wash her hair and she diarrhea in the tub 🙄 the older kids act like toddlers leaving mess everywhere , husband went to play basketball ( lucky him) and I’m just here trying to hold it together. Plus in 34 weeks pregnant !…


Really struggling with 13 week old

I've struggled with depression/anxiety for years on and off. My first baby was an absolute dream and we never had any issues in regards to extreme fussiness/crying.. but my 2nd baby who's now 13 weeks has been an absolute nightmare in all honesty, sometimes I actually regret having another and that makes me feel ter...


Hey Moms Idk How To Go About This Situation

How can I get this paraprofessional off the bus my daughter ride I don’t feel safe after the incident that happened two weeks ago now she hit my kid with a phone on her knee and threatened to do it again I do not trust this lady for one second and don’t feel comfortable with her riding the bus with my kid….


Is it still a form of abuse?

He doesn't hit me, never has. He constantly wants to go thru my phone, assume who I'm talking to or what we're talking about. I can't have friends because he'll assume I'm cheating, or I'm not even allowed to hang with them. If we get into an argument and I say something the wrong way he will constantly repeat himse...


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