Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Feeling like our baby is not as important to my partners family as our niece

Feeling really torn- we love my partners parents and his sister and our niece who live with them but we’re avoiding taking baby girl into their house as its a complete mess, not clean and has three poorly controlled dogs- before we had baby was just not particularly pleasant but doable but now we really don’t feel c...


Porn in Marriage

Hi ladies, My husband and I matched on Bumble on 5/30/23, had our first date on 6/2/23 and we both knew the moment that we met that we would get married. I had been praying for years that I would know the man I’m supposed to marry the moment I saw him. We went through premarital counseling and I talked about my pas...



partner left home saying he is going to work left in uniform (sat morning) , he then said after work he will meet his friends that was fine, then after (sunday morning) that he rang saying he was at work again and he’s injured and going to a&e i started to not believe it so stopped replying he was just texting not c...


Is this an identity crisis?

My son is a year old, been with my husband for coming to 10 years. My husband has recently raised he doesn’t feel cared for and needs reassurance that I want to be a housewife and he can come home and things are done. He says this as currently it’s not all done and I’m focusing so much on our son. I feel so over...


Men in this generation

What is wrong with the men of this generation???? Anyone else feel like men expect so much out of women but give the bare minimum… this is just my experience, i know there are good men out there…. Somewhere 👀 but i haven’t met one man who won’t test the relationship with his partner for a moment of satisfaction or…


How to

Looking for advice from submissive traditional women. Yesterday I was extremely nauseous and in a lot of pain. We were at my in laws from 3-9. I didn't start feeling bad until around 7 or so. I know it was because I was snacking on candy with no real meal the whole day. I went to lay down and woke up still in pai...


Extended Family

Am I being unreasonable…long story cut short my husbands family make no effort with our children. We have two toddlers a year apart and live within close proximity to his extended family im talking less than 3 miles from various family members. The only time they see our children is that their birthdays or events ( ...


Feel like a rubbish mum

All i do is look after baby, house chores and cook. The only time i rest is at night, if baby doesnt cry every hour. Baby is clingy and wants to be held. He is 5 months old. My MIL says I've gotten him into the habit of being held and thats why he won't go to anyone else except me and husband and wont lie down on hi...


To what extent should I be cleaning my baby's lady area....?

Please don't judge! First time mum here, am I supposed to be cleaning inbetween and inside everything with every nappy change?


Is this normal??

Is this normal for my partner who's addicted to weed.. and a cheating bastard • Rarely clean up behind himself whenever he does he always leaves something!!! When I tell him he catches an attitude • Cheat then take no actions to show accountability but the same day wants me to forgive him?! I think he's smoking ...


How are you coping?

Hey group. LO is 14 wks, constantly fighting naps but sleeps through the night. I’m on Mat leave and feel exhausted trying to manage crying/whiny baby for most of the day cos she’s overtired.. even though I sleep well on most nights I feel tired and fed up of being ‘ok’ and feel pressured to be a perfect Mum trying ...


Divorce 2 under 2

My husband has packed his bags today and will be leaving. We’ve been so rocky for 2 years. He’s been going through a lot of work stress but has also become so short tempered towards me, always tells me to shut up, shows no love or affection gets angry because if I wake him up. We’ve had 3 sessions of marriage counse...



How are you disciplining your children ? toddlers will be toddlers but there are just some unbelievable things my son does and he doesn’t exactly face any consequences for them, I do the timeout or give him a scolding but he just spends it crying and tantrum-ing some more


Telling family

Sorry ladies, it’s a long one. When me and my partner got together, my mum and dad did not approve because of the age gap. I was 25 and him 31 (now 26, and 32). We haven’t been together for very long, and have found out about the pregnancy which was a massive shock due to being told by a gynae that chances were low....


Why do men never understand the consequences of their actions?!

Rant/ Partner decides on Saturday night to spray squirty cream in our 2 year olds hair as a joke. They’re both having a laugh, it’s absolutely fine, no problem, I tell partner he’s going to need to bath our 2 year old so he can wash the squirty cream out of his hair, he can’t just wipe it because it will stink of s...


Am I tripping ( short post)

“Y’all, I need your opinion. So, my baby daddy and I got into an argument over something that feels silly to me, and I’m wondering if I’m wrong. We’ve been together for almost 3 years and live together, and our daughter is 15 months old. She follows me everywhere around the house, including the bathroom. Today, I h...


Am I overreacting??

We all went for a trip to see lake and fall color. I just blindly followed my husband without looking at the trails or anything. Gotta 4 month old baby, and 5 year old. We took a wrong turn and the trail was going somewhere, we infact asked people if that trail would take us to the lake Nd three set of people set no...



Okay guys here’s the story. My husband and I have been together for 12 years. He has a porn addiction and was lying about it for years. Spent over 10k in credit card bills on it. Got pictures from my friends the list goes on. We are trying to make it work and have gotten a lot better but recently I saw an ex that I...



I'm having a second child that wasn't planned, by the time we found out it was to late in my own mind to make any other choices then to keep it. I have pcos so the signs aren't always there. The issue is my marriage. We weren't doing well to begin with and haven't been since my first born came. How do you women cope...


How do you know if you want a divorce?

How do you know if you want a divorce or just a break from life? I love him and don’t want to hurt him but sometimes it feels like I want a divorce am I just crazy or is it the hormones and because I’m always overwhelmed and over stimulated


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