Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Feeling rubbish :(

My baby is 4 weeks old and on the whole I'm having the best time. I'm feeling well recovered, I'm enjoying being a mum and being on mat leave. This is all I've ever wanted and I'm making the most of it. However my husband and I have been arguing more and it's making me feel sad. I do everything in the week as he wor...


Am I wrong to feel annoyed?

I'm 17 weeks pregnant and finding the exhaustion hits me mid afternoon at the moment, I have to push through it most of the time because of work or looking after my 3yo, but it's Saturday and my daughter and husband were out at the park so I decided to have a lie down. It'd only been 10mins then they both got home, ...


My mum is a narc.

I have a big family and last Xmas my family were going to visit a few days after Xmas as they had plans. My mum demanded I’d be there on Xmas day and the day everyone was coming and didn’t like that I would see my husbands family. I said we would come when everyone else does. She has just asked me about this year an...


Is it creepy FIL used my computer to look at porn?

So this has been a few years ago but recently I remembered it while cleaning up my computer. Before having a baby my In-laws would offer to watch our pets if we ever wanted to go out of town. So I gave them my computer pin in case they ever needed it. They said they never would because they both always bring their ...


Help! Advice needed

Hi mums, warning venting ‼️ Not really a question about little one but it does involve her. Since she was born I’ve been desperate to move out of our small 2 bed rented place and get our own home, I dunno why, nesting or maybe just because now she’s here I wanted a family home, only problem is my husband. I earn mor...


Update - met my SIL today after 5 months

As promised here’s the update….🙃 She decided to show up an hour and half early whilst me and LO was asleep… She also decided before the visit that she wasn’t going to come into our home (long story, but weird regardless) So I had to get up and get me and LO ready, it was lunch time so ideally after her nap she was…


Happy Hour-- wasn't just the guys

I'm annoyed. I thought I would shake it off but I woke up even more annoyed. My husband is pretty respectful and communicates with me if he plans to do anything that takes him away from our family. He reminded me last minute (the day before) that was was scheduled to volunteer at a high school football game with t...


Anyone else’s husband?

I am extremely sick and my 7 month old is as well. I’ve been trying to get stuff done around the house, but I barely have any energy. My husband told me I do nothing around the house and since I’m sick, I don’t have any excuse to not be doing anything. He said “clean our room while I’m at work” (our room is dirty bc...


Hard conversation

So we were having a hard conversation last night about this whole concept of being “Head of household”. I don’t disagree with this title, but I disagree with the way men tend to view/attach to it. So I ask what it means and looks like to him. He described basically to sum up that it’s someone who is responsible FOR ...


This is for mummies who co parent.

I’m happy with things are but i do also feel like wtf I don’t get time to myself to do anything I want but he’s free as a bird and gets the fun bits with the kids. He’s the one that couldn’t stop doing cocaine at my flat so I had to kick him out. I want him to get help and want things to be easier for him. But ...


Am I wrong??

Okay, so my husband and I both work full time. I work a very stressful, demanding job. We all just got over bad colds recently and I had to miss a day of work because of it. I can’t afford to miss any other days off. My husband is still coughing here and there. Just recently my 11 year old started coughing again. I ...


Cleaning the house

Hi mums, Am I being overly sensitive or would this upset anyone else? My husband did his one housework chore of hoovering this morning and then told me that the house was a mess and I need to do a better job of keeping it clean. My baby is 6 weeks old and has been really fussy this week and difficult to put down. I...


Household “chores”

Does anyone else cringe internally when your S/O does your household chore.. but VERY GRATEFUL at the same time? Lol. I do laundry every weekend. And sometimes when I’m busy my husband will do it for me/us. I love that he takes it upon himself to do it… but I do it in a specific order and he doesn’t .. NOT THAT IT M...


New to being a sahm/wfhm...

I have worked outside of the house with a crazy schedule the entire time my husband and I have been together and as long as we have had kids. At the beginning of summer, I started working from home but the job didn't really work out. I fell in love with being at home with my kiddos, and don't want to go back to work...


Issues with my mum and my 1 year old.

Hi everyone, just for context, I have a little boy who's 1, since he was born my mums only ever minded/babysat him twice (1 for a full day and night, and one for a couple of hours). 2 weeks after I gave birth (C-Section) I went back to university and had catch up to play, adapting to my new mother role and it was ju...


I’m so mad right now

My daughter’s dad takes the first wake up she does around 2am. I wake up just now at 5:30 and he’s in bed and I don’t remember him coming in. I ask him if she ever woke up he says no. I ask him if he ever fed her he says no. I ask him if he brought new bottle up he says no. I go downstairs to make a new bottle and ...


Should I relax?

My MIL and I have a “strained but polite” relationship,without going into details. They live local and my husband is upset we aren’t closer to them so we do try and see them for a few hours most weekends, usually he will go with LO and I’ll stay home but maybe every other time I’ll go too. She is always picking up...


Turning to alcohol for grief

Hi girls, My partner is struggling at the moment as his nan is dying of cancer, she’s just had more bad news and it looks like it’s getting worse rapidly. He cared for his dying gramp when he was 15 years old, cancer again. He’s turning to alcohol, not constantly, only maybe twice a week but getting so belligerent...


What does your self care routine look like with a baby under 3yo

My son will be 1yo tomorrow and I’m still struggling finding balance in taking care of myself. I have to choose between sleep,taking care of the other ppl in my house, house work and taking care of myself. I’m a single mom no friends it’s just me. My son sleeps great with me next to him (we co sleep). How do you man...


Help and advice needed-Tantrums

Just wanted some advice in what I should do about my little boys tantrums. He isn't too bad generally with the odd one when he is told no however... he started swimming lessons a few weeks ago and every lesson is a battle. I personally think its really important that children learn to swim at an early age for safety...


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