Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Mom guilt

I’m a SAHM w/ a 3 yr old son and he is amazing. I was expecting him to get into preschool this school year but fortunately he overqualified. He isn’t able to start school until next school year and I am struggling w/ keeping up with him. Between stressing about if I’m teaching him properly and keeping up with his en...


I regret having my last child

I feel like a shit person & parent for feeling this way towards my own kid who didn’t ask to be here . To give quick run down of the situation. My husband and I were done having kids after our 2 boys . After 5 years my husband kept begging and begging for another baby as he really wanted to try for a girl . I gave i...


Thoughts from a working mom with a newborn

I started back at work on the 8th of October. Today my baby is 2 months old exactly. I did two shifts in a row of 11-9, one day off Friday 11–9 and today and tomorrow I work 730-5. I get out and either drive 25 minutes and back to get my baby, get home and immediately breast feed, I have to wash my pump parts from...


MIL always trying to compete with my family..

Anyone else’s MIL seem to get jealous/spiteful of your relationships/spending time with your own side of the family? It’s like she thinks it’s always a competition. For example, we went on holiday with my side of the family and it just so happened to fall the week of my son’s first birthday. This was not planned a...



My Fiancé came upstairs and asked me again what I wanted to do for tea (said he wanted a kebab earlier but I didn’t, I wanted a different place so I said I’d go for mine, not to worry. So he said well can you order now and go for me too I’m starving (he had been out in the morning getting lunch, filling my car/helpe...



Girls I have a question. So my husband is either working or gaming. He rarely chooses to spend time with me and when he does it feels like a once a week thing just so I don’t complain and he can say he spent that time with me. I feel so pathetic begging for his time. What do I do. He’s an amazing father and husband...



Today my 16month LO is just crying uncontrollably and I don’t know why ,no temperature or fever but I know he is teething! He just wants to be on my breast , he hardly did nap well today I don’t know what to do and I am getting frustrated. Any ideas


Very Intrusive Thoughts

Considering dumping boiling grits on my soon-to-be-ex-husband. We’re still married and came to the conclusion a while ago I want to divorce but am now sure of my decision. He’s got a severe gaming addiction and hasn’t been part of our kids lives for years. He doesn’t work, celebrate, or spend any time with our kids...


How do you deal with homesickness?

Mamas whose family is in another country - how do you deal with being homesick? I am coming back to Canada after seeing my family overseas and I feel heartbroken. After every visit it starts to feel worse. I didn’t used to be so homesick but after having kids I miss my country and my family. My husband has turned ou...



It has been so difficult recently, I got a 3 year old with learning disability which has been really hard recently he’s been really mean to his youngest sister, taking toys from her, hitting her, hitting me, getting angry, taking him out is such a challenge. We got so many professionals in his life right now try...


Do ur in laws ask if they can come visit or do they just say “we are coming today”? This happens to me every time . They’ve never asked.

I told my MIL we couldn’t come visit them this weekend and she said “oh I’ll just come visit u guys instead” .. It’s not just a few hours visit ,they stay over the weekend. Is it wrong to want my in laws to ask for permission to visit or is that too strict? I know this is my husband apartment but Im not used to peo...


Am I being a b****? 😞

Context- I have a 3 year old and went back from mat leave 4 days a week to spend Fridays with my son. My husband works Mon-Fri and spends Saturdays at football as a coach. I can’t help but feel what I can only describe as resentment? He has this outlet and what should be a 90min game ends up leaving the house at 11a...


Feel so awkward and embarrassed

So we are at my partners dad and step mums house. A few weeks ago it was his step mums mothers funeral (she passed away in Ghana) however they did a get together/funeral somewhere in London. My partner went and I stayed home with our 1 year old son due to it being 6 and finishing midnight. We thought it would have...


I pay 50% of the bills. If I give up my office for the nursery should I still pay 50%

We rent a 3b 2b. Not married. Each of us has had an office. Now one room is going to become a nursery. Seems like it’s going to be my office that becomes the nursery. Is it fair to keep splitting everything 50/50? I wfh and love having my own space. I’m bummed to lose it but he has so much stuff if he loses his room...


Feeling rubbish :(

My baby is 4 weeks old and on the whole I'm having the best time. I'm feeling well recovered, I'm enjoying being a mum and being on mat leave. This is all I've ever wanted and I'm making the most of it. However my husband and I have been arguing more and it's making me feel sad. I do everything in the week as he wor...


Am I wrong to feel annoyed?

I'm 17 weeks pregnant and finding the exhaustion hits me mid afternoon at the moment, I have to push through it most of the time because of work or looking after my 3yo, but it's Saturday and my daughter and husband were out at the park so I decided to have a lie down. It'd only been 10mins then they both got home, ...


My mum is a narc.

I have a big family and last Xmas my family were going to visit a few days after Xmas as they had plans. My mum demanded I’d be there on Xmas day and the day everyone was coming and didn’t like that I would see my husbands family. I said we would come when everyone else does. She has just asked me about this year an...


Is it creepy FIL used my computer to look at porn?

So this has been a few years ago but recently I remembered it while cleaning up my computer. Before having a baby my In-laws would offer to watch our pets if we ever wanted to go out of town. So I gave them my computer pin in case they ever needed it. They said they never would because they both always bring their ...


Help! Advice needed

Hi mums, warning venting ‼️ Not really a question about little one but it does involve her. Since she was born I’ve been desperate to move out of our small 2 bed rented place and get our own home, I dunno why, nesting or maybe just because now she’s here I wanted a family home, only problem is my husband. I earn mor...


Update - met my SIL today after 5 months

As promised here’s the update….🙃 She decided to show up an hour and half early whilst me and LO was asleep… She also decided before the visit that she wasn’t going to come into our home (long story, but weird regardless) So I had to get up and get me and LO ready, it was lunch time so ideally after her nap she was…


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