Struggling Mumma..

Hey ladies, I almost feel bad posting this but I am really struggling at the moment.. am 12 weeks 3 days pregnant I have 3 of my own children who I have for a week every other week as shared custody with my ex and my partner has 2 teenage boys, I am just running round after everyone all the time and I just feel like I’ve got nothing left. I understand it’s part and parcel being a mum and no complaints from me but for the first time I’m really struggling. I Moved house 3 weeks ago and I just feel like I’ve done loads and maybe over done it. I cannot stop crying, my mood swings are awful and I just feel so bad that I feel this way. Having a really low day today and I just don’t feel my partner fully understands, he tries but can’t seem to grasp why I am so tearful and exhausted. I’ve gone really quiet with friends and family as just don’t feel like talking. Has anyone else experienced this? I am happy about the pregnancy I just feel like I can’t really enjoy it with how low I’m feeling. I don’t really have anyone to talk to that understands either.
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It’s hormones I think. I moved into my house 4 weeks ago and a stay at home mom. And I phoned my mum yesterday saying even though I don’t really do too much I feel like since being in our new house I’m always busy and never get time for myself. Then when I feel low all I hear is will you cheer up.. 🙈.. x

That sounds like a lot to be coping with while pregnant lovely. I’m almost 12 weeks myself and struggle with juggling work, my step children and general day to day life so I can only imagine how you must feel with those added pressures. My husband also struggles to understand even though I know he is trying. Try sitting down and having a conversation with your partner to explain how you feel and that it is pregnancy hormones/exhaustion and you just need a little more help than usual. Try and talk to family and friends too, see if anyone can help take the pressure off. If you’re working, perhaps take some time off if you can and concentrate on resting and looking after you and the baby x

@Claire honestly I’m so exhausted, I have taken a bit of time off work and it’s just so full on at home I don’t feel it’s made a difference if you know what I mean. It’s tough isn’t it, first trimester is a killer and this pregnancy I’ve really struggled. I’ve tried explaining how I feel and his response is “I don’t know what to say” he’s a really good guy just doesn’t get it at all and tries to support me but he has his Saturday and Sunday nights to have a couple of beers and play his ps5 and it grates on me because I don’t have the time to relax like that. When I’m upset he tells me to calm down and find something to do to relax. Had a row last night because of it all and my mood is even lower today. Not sure whether to speak to the midwife when I see her next or put a note in my badger notes so she can explain to him at my next appointment. I haven’t told my mum yet as she can be a bit explosive at times so telling her after the scan. A couple of friends know and they’ve been good

But don’t like the thought of going to them constantly moaning about how I feel. I’m hoping it will all ease off as the pregnancy progresses 🤞 I hope you are getting on okay too with your pregnancy I don’t think men understand how tough it really is and expect us to carry on as normal xx

@Emma It is really tough isn’t it. I thought my husband would be more understanding as he’d been through it before but I don’t think it matters how lovely a man you have, they will never truly understand. This might sound silly but do you have to do all the things you’re doing? I was really struggling cooking dinner every night and doing all the house work. I got to a point where I just stopped cleaning (did the bare minimum) and kept ‘forgetting’ to prepare dinner so it almost forced my husband to see how much I was struggling. Thankfully the severe exhaustion passed, but I’ve just explained to my husband that I’m really struggling and this is so new for me it’s not at all what I expected. Speaking to your midwife may help, and maybe ask your partner if you can share the load a bit more as you’re struggling. Tell him it won’t be forever and you hope that in a few weeks you won’t feel so exhausted. Try and take care of yourself x

It’s is lovely. They really can’t seem to understand how tough it is. I don’t have to no, that’s a good idea I need to start slowing down a bit I’m full throttle all the time because things need doing but I’m gonna take a back seat now and let him help out more. He needs to share the load a lot more but will definitely speak to my midwife. I will do lovely and you x

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