Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

I think I’m being too sensitive

My bf texted his dad basically inviting him to my birthday party. Saying how they are having a dinner for me and his dad responded with “okay” and nothing else. My bf found that odd that he was short with him. When I invited FIL to my bfs birthday party he told me thank you and that he will be there. All I get is an...


Bad day 😩

Hey everyone. I just need to vent about my crappy day. So it started last night. My husband woke up not feeling well and being rather loud about it. Then our 5 year old woke up..3 times. Then the 20 month old woke up multiple times as well. So to start off I had very broken sleep. My husband around 4 said he was go...



So I’m being induced Friday it’s a night induction so I go in at 8pm well my boyfriend (baby’s dad) is excited about a video game that’s coming out Thursday and has told me he plans on bringing the PlayStation to the hospital so he can play it. And I told him flat out absolutely no and that game (dragon ball sparkli...


Mom guilt

I always feel guilty for sticking my son in his playpen or swing to take time for myself or to eat because I’m not entertaining him. I know I shouldn’t but I feel like when I do that he’s not getting enough love. He’s only 7 weeks so he doesn’t do much but I just can’t get rid of this thought


Am I overreacting?

My bd has suddenly after almost 5 years added his ex bm on Facebook, he has only ever bad mouthed her and said she was crazy. I was pissed because why does he need to keep up with her? Their son was adopted out before we met and he has never expressed any desire to find out about him until now. We are going through ...


Should I report to Children's Services?

So I know 2 sets of siblings, and I'm legitimately worried about them, but I don't want to blow families up. First set, let's call them Jude and Calvin. Jude has been given watered-down juice every day for about 18 months, and as a result of that and his diet has awful teeth. They are misaligned and discoloured. On...


Am I parenting incorrectly man?

Am I too soft,too harsh? Too bland and introverted? 2yr old just threw the biggest fit of her life She napped in the car for like an hour I stayed in there with her. I turned off the car to which she woke up and she started screaming at the top of her lungs,fought me while I took her out,kicked her crocs off, b...



Hey all, Venting out here. I am so frustrated with my son. He is 15 months old and I HATE HIM because he just screams all day. I mean I do love him when he is quieter but I literally start my day when he is screaming and end my day when he screams and through out the f*cking day he screams not like he is in pain or...


When does Stella get her groove back

My boy is 19 months old and I just keep hearing “it’ll get easier/better” - we have tons of fun but I am just always so tired, emotional, ANGSTY (esp towards hubs). My son still breastfeeds morning and night and I’m sure my hormones are so out of wack but I just don’t feel like myself, like at all. I keep busy (obv...


mil looking after lo

so my lo is 13 months and whenever i’ve needed someone to have her overnight i’ve asked my own parents as i trust them and feel comfortable putting boundaries in place (and trust they also respect these). I feel like i’m not comfortable i’m able to do the same with my mil (whose also an alcoholic). My partner had to...


So deflated 😩

I’m literally feeling like crap..I’m currently eating mash for dinner because I can’t afford to do a full food shop. I got my child everything he needs and food and his snacks etc but not myself. I feel like I’m drowning in bills and moneys disappearing. I feel like such a shit mum that’s letting everyone down I don...


Pregnant with 2nd child feelings

My son is 2, I never wanted him to be an only child. I found out I was pregnant today and have so many thoughts. I’m happy, but also full of dread. I feel like I’m ’betraying’ my son 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m worried about money, space, ability to be a mum again. I am being totally irrational?


Would anyone be annoyed with this?

My partner is going away tomorrow morning till next weds. We have a 6 week old and a 3yr old. Both of which are poorly. He just messaged to say he’s going to stay at his mums tonight as it’s easier for the morning. Am I wrong being annoyed? It’s move the fact he messaged at 6 and didn’t tell me before


Car park horror

Honestly not after judgment already feel like s**t and worst mum in world. Lesson learnt never leave keys in car, I don't normally but today for some reason I did as tried to get stuff out. Today i was in car park, got pram out ready to get my 12 week old out car, when the car locked itself with him, key and phone i...



Okay a little back story….My(28F) husband (30m)is a great guy don’t get me wrong here. We had our first son 18 months ago. He helps watch our son when I need to make dinner, when I sleep in on Saturdays, he does the trash, more dishes than I do, he mainly feeds the dogs, and he works from home 8-6 Monday through Thu...


Husband away for the night after 37 weeks advice

Just found out my husband’s Grandad’s funeral is when I turn 37 weeks pregnant. The funeral is nearly 2 hours away from our home, so I’m staying put at home as I’m high risk and will likely be induced early (as well as being full term!). Am I being unreasonable asking my husband to not stay overnight after the funer...


Another deflated pregnant person

I just found out today at 39 weeks I’m only 3/5 engaged roughly. And that was at a push 😂 I feel like I have nothing else to do the house is completely ready, bags packed. I’ve been walking 10k steps per day, drinking raspberry tea, eating pineapple and doing the ‘deed’ with my partner. I’ve been very motivated…


Polite advice

Hi mums, I need some advice please. My husband uncle lives a few doors away from us.. we generally try to get out once a day between 10-3ish, especially with winter coming, so baby knows the difference between day and night. This uncle comes to ours as soon as we are in the door. It's as if he has a camera on us. It...


Need some advices

Hi so I’m currently feeling bad because ever since giving birth (nearly 4 months ago) I haven’t been wanting to do anything physical with my boyfriend but I’ve had maybe three days where I did stuff with him but now it’s all gone away and I feel like he is starting to fall out of love with me as im not huge on physi...


How would you feel

At the start of the year I really wasn’t sure if me and my husband would make it, he’d had only what I could describe as an emotional affair. He cut all ties with this female and we both agreed to try and make time for one another a little more and really make an effort to save our marriage. This year for me has be...


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