Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Just venting, am I annoyed for no reason? Would you be annoyed?

So my MIL goes by Maw Maw and my baby just recently (days ago) started saying mama after 11 longggggg months of me waiting (and practicing with her lol)and everyone knows I’ve been waiting for her to say it. Well we go over to my MIL she’s so excited to tell me that my baby is saying Mama and that she’s not sure if ...


Am I being crazy?

I’m 39 weeks pregnant and have a 20 month old son. Lately it’s been bothering me that my husband follows provocative Instagram models. I’ve shared how I feel and he said it doesn’t mean anything he just likes seeing women in his feed. A few of them look a bit like me, some of them don’t but most of them are all s...


Today has been tough! Like really tough

I have had one of the toughest days of motherhood in my life. Bub is 9 and half months old he is teething and sleep regressing I’m sure but I’m a single mother completely in my own and I’m officially burnt out! I so burnt out I have gotten upset to the point I’m breaking down over a spilt bottle or the slightest noi...


My Mother won't listen to me! (Rant)

Me, my son and my partner all live in my mum's house. We moved in when my son was 2 months old to help my mum out with her mortgage as my dad was no longer in the picture. My son is now 1 and a half and has started hitting people (adults and children). Me and my partner have been trying to get him to stop and showin...


Should I go to HR?

So I am a WFH mom along with 3 other WFH moms in my department. There are approximately 10 people other employees in my department that are not parents. Some also have a hybrid/WFH schedule. Recently there was an issue with some tasks not getting done and an email went out to the whole department, which is understan...


Should I just get over it?

Sorry this is going to seem like a long rant but I wanted to get other point of views. My son’s father works full time 7a-3p m-f he pays all the bills for the house. Before having my baby I had some debt that I haven’t been able to catch up on. No I don’t think he should have to pay it but he told me to quit my job ...



Advise please. Am I overthinking and been emotional or do I need to improve as wife. Me and my husband both work full time I work through the week and my partner works nights. I’m 20 weeks pregnant and he complained that I don’t cook everyday anymore. My job is very demanding and I get so tired my body shakes, I’m ...



What’s a good vacuum? The last 2 have only lasted a year because they are …. At picking up the dust!


School Open Days

Do you have to take your children to School Open Days? I feel like ill just be running after him all the time because he's only just 3 where as obviously some of the other kids will already be 4 so behave alot better.


What to do

Baby daddy does me wrong but does me right 👀 I miss it 🍆 but it comes with stress and pain Yes I know I deserve better but when I need it he will supply itttt. What do I do Don’t suggest the rose 😭😭😭 Trying not to go back on no contact but a girl needs what a girl needs !! And that tongue 😛 be knowing what to…


Am I being dramatic?

So I found out yesterday I have Covid. I am extremely ill, very weak and my body hurts all over, my head hurts, my nose is extremely stuffy and my throat is on fire, I am overall just feeling extremely BAD. I’m pretty sure my 14 month old has also caught covid as he is crying ALOT in pain has a runny nose and is cou...


Falling out of love?

My partner and I were dating for only 3 months prior to getting pregnant with our daughter who is now 1. When we first got together everything seemed comfortable it seemed as if we were meant to be. He is a very understanding and respectable man. I am currently a stay at home and he takes care of everything financia...


Trigger warning - depression. WWYD?

I’m currently depressed. I have never felt this way before. I cry a lot but not around the kids where possible. Last night I was crying in bed. Not late. Husband said the following things: You’re like a broken record I have enough stress I don’t need this I don’t need to listen to this You’re keeping me up Wi...


I need some advice…

Hi moms, I need some advice about my situation with my child’s father. He’s 10 years older than me and has a son from a previous relationship, whom he sees on alternating weekends. We’ve been together for 4 years, and I had our baby August 2023. During my pregnancy, he was very unsupportive, often yelling and leavin...


How do you deal with having people offer help?

Ok I know this will sound bad but let me explain… whole life I have been labeled the “strong one” or just always being assumed that I could do it…..and ya I have gotten in trouble with my husband and my doctor multiple times for “overdoing it” so you know how you aren’t supposed to move stuff or lift over 10 pou...


How do you get through it?

I just had his son back in April of this year and when our son was barely 4 and a half months old he told me that he did not feel the same way for me anymore and he wasn’t happy and he’s not willing to try to even work on things. We got engaged last December and it’s just mind blowing to me that he could so quickly ...


People being lazy about there own kids

So I recently have moved back into my mil cause our place was ruined in a tornado and since than my sister in law thinks it okay too not help with her own kid cause she has another on the way remind you I just had a baby back in August of this year she only a month old and im currently breastfeeding and she thinks i...


My fiancé wants his mom in the birthing room with us and I do not!

Long story short, this is our first baby. My mom will be coming up from the south to be with me in the birthing room but he also wants his mom there. Now I’m sure we all know that we should only have a couple people max in the room with us not including the doctor delivering. We don’t plan on having a doula or mid...


I think I’m being too sensitive

My bf texted his dad basically inviting him to my birthday party. Saying how they are having a dinner for me and his dad responded with “okay” and nothing else. My bf found that odd that he was short with him. When I invited FIL to my bfs birthday party he told me thank you and that he will be there. All I get is an...


Bad day 😩

Hey everyone. I just need to vent about my crappy day. So it started last night. My husband woke up not feeling well and being rather loud about it. Then our 5 year old woke up..3 times. Then the 20 month old woke up multiple times as well. So to start off I had very broken sleep. My husband around 4 said he was go...


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