Hey all, Venting out here. I am so frustrated with my son. He is 15 months old and I HATE HIM because he just screams all day. I mean I do love him when he is quieter but I literally start my day when he is screaming and end my day when he screams and through out the f*cking day he screams not like he is in pain or something he just screams for attention I guess? I can’t tolerate this anymore! I get the rage and honestly I just scream back saying STFU. I am so tired of him. Does this guy have a problem? Is this bloody normal? I hate this. Period. I have two kids - a daughter who needs special care and turned 3 years old. And a son who just doesn’t STOP. I’d like to add - stop judging me please - I cook clean food and give my kids a LOT of attention - they are very VERY well taken care of. If women comment that I am not the right mother - well then they don’t understand and want to play the blame the mom game.
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🥺 that poor baby, he might be wanting some attention and play time with mommy

It is abnormal for your baby to be screaming non-stop all day, and may be a sign that he has an underlying mental or physical need that is going unmet. I would keep track of the times and dates of the screaming and then talk with his pediatrician. It is completely understandable to be frustrated and feeling overwhelmed, but it sounds like you've reached your limit and need to step back for your child's well-being. Is there anyone that can care for your son while you seek help?

Kids usually cry for needs… yelling at him to STFU is so sad. Why did you have kids 😭 sounds like you pay all your attention to your 3yr old tbh. Kids need emotional connection. Screaming at them when they’re screaming isn’t the answer. That’s in fact when you should be the most calm and seek connection

Omg! 🥹 You can try to give him quality time, try to play with him while you give him a message that he doesn’t need to scream that you here him well. But try to be gentle with him. And give him attention. Hug him play with him laugh with him ect. Im sure he just needs mommy and her attention. It’ll take some days but it’ll work🩷 My 3yr old used to be like that. But that was when i used to work. So i wasn’t giving her quality time. But once i stayed home with her she improved a lot. Every day in the afternoon we have our numbers and color classes. I know you are tired but they just need love🥹. Hope everything get better momma🩷

@Alexis well, I can’t be there 24/7 can I?

@Paige it’s not like I do this on purpose - it takes a lot out of me

@Hill there is no help - and I cannot step back - fortunate or unfortunately I am working and need to take care of my 3 y/o who and my son. I don’t have help. The dad is working too.

Ask his pediatrician about the screaming to make sure there’s no underlying medical issue, if there isn’t one you and your husband need to have a talk about how your feeling and what you guys need to change in your schedule to help accommodate the baby’s needs.

@Karina this is what I am talking about ! THIS COMMENT. Made my day. Thank you.

Frankly even if something is wrong with him to make him scream all day there’s also something wrong with you screaming back, especially STFU. Have you gotten him evaluated since your daughter is special needs? He could also be and that could be causing the issues. But you yelling back like that isn’t making it better.

@Kristian Larger I don’t yell at him all day everyday woman. It’s been once and I am guilty. It gets to me it’s just human - don’t you think? No? Are you a supernatural being?

Well you weren’t specific that you only did that once. And I didn’t say you yelled all day every day, I said it’s wrong to scream back. Maybe learn to read and comprehend woman. You literally said he does this all day and I’m sure it is multiple days since it has you so worked up. If you don’t want advice or people to comment then don’t say you hate your 15 month old. And I may not be supernatural but in my daughter’s 3 years of life I have never yelled at her to STFU

You definitely need to stop the yelling I understand it’s frustrating however it’s hurting you more then him right now and behavior like that will impact him in the future if you don’t get it under control, maybe one of you needs to cut back the work schedule, hire a nanny most states offer assistance to help pay for nanny’s

@Kristian Larger I get worked up but I do take it all in and actively try to calm him down - I didn’t ask about you not yelling at your daughter but thanks for letting me know - advice is good but saying that something is wrong with me is just going back to blaming a mom that literally is trying hard to keep up with her child. But guess what - I am totally judging you too. You think you are the perfect mother and you like to put other mums down. That’s your personality.

Oh I don’t think I’m a perfect mom at all, I know I have things to work on. Everyone has something to work on. But yelling at a toddler to STFU is not normal. And if he is crying all day like you said that is also not normal. Which is why I also had asked if he has been evaluated to see if anything is wrong. And sometimes PPD/A can happen later than right after birth

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@Alexis well I try to leave the room when I can’t calm him down - like I need to step out and breathe and then get back to him. Honestly it’s when he starts the screaming - it can just be for fun as well! But I am like shh or hey play with this - and he just wants to make some noise - I guess he is exploring his voice.

@Kristian Larger yep he is fine - nothing wrong with him as suggested by his doctors. Thanks for your concern.

You seem very stretched :( that sounds tough. Goes without saying that shouting back isn’t great or helpful but I do understand your frustration. Hope it’s a phase that ends soon, hope you can stay calm and maintain the peace in the meantime x

@Shivani yes I try -also I try to understand what could really be the reason - he is fine physically - fed well and clean diapers a good bath everyday but he hates it when I step away - this could mean even going to the bathroom! So super stressed

Honestly my son did that to like playful screaming when I’ve had enough of it and he wants to continue I just put headphones in and jam to my shows, maybe try music on the tv for kids might help him regulate his screaming

@Alexis yea that’s something I do as well. He loves his tv shows so he will watch something educational like Ms Rachel and be quiet the whole time. Literally not a single sound. But after the episode- well I don’t want him to watch tv a lot right now - he will go back to like screaming and throwing a tantrum

We need to stop yelling back but it's hard. I've been and still in the same situation. I took a strong whilled and angry child class last night but I felt like it didn't help. I think I already do the suggested when they are being bad. I hope this phase ends fast

Noise canceling headphones???? Tell him yelling is for outside only . He won’t get it yet but he will eventually

@Bri I really hope this phase passes soon! People say oh enjoy this phase it’s the best and you will miss it - nope - I am bloody exhausted

@Heather yea I use the headsets but sometimes I just feel like a heartless mother when I do!

I totally get this. I get a built up rage where I just want to yell and scream. I have had to step into my garage and just yell. Its almost a weird torture when your child acts this way. It's totally normal to be overwhelmed and angry. You have to start finding methods and ways to make you quickly calm down now or it'll only get worse. For me, distracting the situation at hand or escaping the setting helps tremendously. My daughter used to be that way but slowly has grown out of it. We introduced sign language with her and her being able to mildly communicate what she wants is a huge game changer.

@Callie oh my! Someone who’s been there! Thank you for sharing this - I love my son but when a situation like this happens I am a totally different person! I am hoping he grows out of it soon - he will be starting daycare and that might just be good for him!

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