Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

MIL made me uncomfortable this morning

Little background story: my fiancé and I still live with our parents (working on finding a house that’s big enough for all our son and two step daughters) MIL doesn’t drive and works a full time job. She Ubers to work. I have a car and full time job but I am off today. Current situation: MIL was getting ready for ...


Fed up of having to teach a full grown man

I recently gave the ultimatum to the father of my child. After years together break ups and all, I always seem to be the problem, no as affectionate not a caring, like I used to be. We have a 9 month old, he has changed maybe 10 -15 nappies, bathe him twice which basically is just pick baby with the towel… taken bab...



Hi yall! So I’m a ftm and they are probably inducing me in the next week or two we aren’t sure when just yet I find out this coming Tuesday. But I’ve expressed to my fiancé that I would like to take our son up to Ohio (5 hour drive) to see my dad and only my dad I do not plan on going anywhere else with him except t...


Co parenting SUCKS

I don’t even think we are co parenting because I make all the effort but I don’t know what else to call it. But oh my I cannot cope with how challenging my son is when he comes back from his dad’s house! He’s always super hard to settle, cries, whines and kicks off over everything! His dad lets him do whatever, eat ...


Baby stage with two

If you found the baby stage really difficult with your first, did you enjoy it when/if you had a second? For context, I had a speedy labour (3hrs) with my boy, it was a real shock to the system. My post natal hospital experience was fairly traumatic, I didn’t sleep for 3 days and collapsed through exhaustion. Nurse...


Question- Playing on my mind!😅

Repost in incognito- never know who's on this app🤣. So I assume first time mums and mums of multiple children may answer this differently but i would like your opinions anyway! So we're at a local cafe in my area, my 3 year old loves young children and babies, always goes over to them to say hello. We were on our…


No calpol policy

So my child is due to start nursery and they said it’s a no calpol policy which she said I can’t give her calpol before nursery even for teething, and if I do it’s 24/48 hours to return, what is peoples thoughts?



I can’t be the only one that gets to the end of the week and thinks, another week where I’ve not been the best mum I could’ve been? Or thought since becoming a mum I’ve not been the mum I thought I’d be? I feel like I lose my temper which I swore I’d never do, but my little one kicks and hits me and I ended up shou...



I resent my partner so much. My little one doesn't take a bottle so I have to do all the feeds and naps. He goes out and does his thing still. Which I've said is fine but I am jealous of it. He said if he was in my position never getting a break he wouldn't care at all. I'm so hurt. This then just makes me feel even...


Stress / advice / opinions

Does anybody else’s partner not understand how stressful it is to not have an income. I’m getting paid maternity allowance from the government but other than that I have no savings or anything. In fact, I have debt I need to pay. Roughly £3/4,000. My partner has been working a lot of overtime to earn more money and ...


Kissing my baby

My neighbour is overly friendly to the point I feel it’s obsessive towards my daughter. She comes out all the time when we go out and come home which can be annoying when it happens every time. She occasionally will hold her, today she asked to take a photo of her to show her mum so I said yeah and the last couple ...


Venting here to save an argument

How is it my husband is on his 2nd shower of the day and I'm sat here in last night's t shirt I wore to bed.


Stay at home moms

Hi everyone! So I go back to work in March and unfortunately my husband and I do not have any help from family to watch the baby. Daycare is extremely expensive in my area and tbh I don’t trust daycares due to all the horror stories I see. My husband and I will have to work opposite schedules (him on nights and me o...


Partner/child relationship

My partner has a child from another relationship. When she's over at our house it's clear he treats both kids differently. He tells our son off constantly. Tonight they were play fighting which his daughter started and my son was the one who got told off. When I confronted him about it and said he is just retaliatin...


I am unsure of what to do.

I never thought he would but he cheated on me and he at least didn't lie or gaslight me. He told me the truth. We are working on it and want to fix things but I don't even know where to start. I don't want to give up on my marriage but how do I even let him earn trust back. Some part of me just felt hurt for a coupl...


Does anyone else feel like the plastic bag floating through the wind in Katy Perry's "Firework" song?

I feel like I'm nothing. Before anyone starts worrying about me, I promise I'm like fine about myself. I just feel like no one appreciates me or loves me and it just sucks. I'm at that point in my marriage where we're like roommates. I love my husband. I know he loves me. He is such an amazing and present dad for ou...


Jury duty

Has anyone been summoned for jury duty?? I received a letter today and I have to do it or get fined £1000. I have a one year old who is still very dependent on me, and my partner would have to take time off work to look after her which wouldn’t be good as he’s the sole earner at the moment. We don’t have any other c...


Education at home vs at daycare

My son is 16 months old and I worry about if he’s getting the adequate education at home versus daycare. He has met all his milestones and is an amazing toddler. We have structure in our day but also free time and I make sure to focus on most of his 18 month old milestones. He is a little rowdy and is definitely in...



I don’t know what to do, my 3 1/2 is having temper tantrums, she’s slamming her room door like a teenager when she doesn’t get what she wants. My husband runs in like a super hero while I look like an angry mama. I have two older boys, they never acted like this. She started pre school in September, ever since she s...


I'm so sick of the MFing fruit flies!!! HELP

We aren't nasty people and my home is pretty tidy for the most part. They just came out of no where one day. I tossed out all the onions, potatoes, and fruit. Made a homemade concoction out of vinegar and soap in a cup and that has caught a lot. Where do they hide and what the hell can I do?! 🤬


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