Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Washing machine drum

Girls please help me out. My washing machine absolutely stinks we aren’t smokers but it smells like an ashtray in my washing machine and I’m absolutely sick of it. I’ve bleached it, used the washing machine cleaner tablets, used washing machine detergent and the smell is still there. I’m at the point of just go...


Advice on being a stepmom/ co parenting

So my baby daddy has kids from his first relationship and i help him out with them so much we get them On saturday and they go back On monday night every week and the only time he is home to even see them is on mondays and they go to school anyways moral of the story we also have 2 of our own children together whic...


Should I leave my husband/father of my child?

I'm a new mom with a 3 month old. Always wanted to be a mom my whole life and have worked with kids almost my whole life. I'm very cautious about everything I do with the baby as I'm well informed of safety etc. My husband has been getting drunk every single weekend since our baby has been born. He shows little in...



So, i posted a while ago about my sons father not taking responsibility over his actions and his mental health. Well, he kind of has kind of hasnt. He is moving away from the province to another province because my family (he is living in my grandparents' property) is apparently pushing over the edge for wanting him...


So FUCKING pisseddddddd!!!!!! please read and advise 😔😔😔😔😔😔

My husband promises every Sunday is family fun day then wakes up and wants to do the bare minimum. I can't suggest what to do because he hates every plan I come up with then he leaves the house with no breakfast saying we'll go out and eat. Mind you I wasn't wanted on this outing at all. He wanted to go out with jus...


My boyfriend/ Child’s father, doesn’t always match my excitement

We’ve shared bits of excitement, here and there, but recently he really hurt my feelings. I’m 5 months pregnant and have been receiving tons of gifts. I recently received tons of clothes and I waited for him to come home from work to go through it. While he was whining down I took all the new baby clothes out, separ...


I don’t what to do 🫣

(This might not be allowed) I need some advice girlies. Ever since our child had been born the relationship between me and my partner has changed dramatically. He won’t sleep with me if our child is in the house, we never spend any time together, he is always out of the house when I have a day of work (or even if I ...


falling out of love

i married my husband after dating for 4 years and we were madly in love. however being under one roof is very different from how i imagined. the caring man he was disappeared, then came the children and we just have nothing else to talk about. our marriage is just sex. we don’t cuddle, we don’t talk, we don’t enjoy ...


I need advice…

Basically me and my partner live together but he hasn’t been here all week he’s been round at his sisters literally constantly he gets in between 1-3am and disappears again once I fall asleep. It’s really annoying me rn usually I don’t care what he does but he knows how much I’m struggling jn. This pregnancy isn’t e...


Hating my partner

I’m 6 months pregnant and my partner is currently out drinking with his friends like he has been doing weekend after weekend. I do all the house work, all the cooking and also work full time. He had the nerve to ask me to cook dinner for him and his friend because his friend is coming round to watch the football. ...


Am I in the wrong? Venting.

My husband has just been so down and negative the last few weeks and I was driving my car with him and the baby in the back and took a left turn that he obviously didn’t agree with and he chewed my head off. I just lost it. I screamed at him to “shut the fuck up” and haven’t spoken to him for the rest of the day. ...


had enough

my 6 year old is out of control she's being so nasty and horrible all of a sudden she keeps saying she wants to leave home she wakes up in such a horrid mood i feel like a prisoner in own home it's making me uncomfortable i don't know what to do anymore i'm crying all the time she woke up yesterday morning screaming...


Hormones or not?

5 months ppl and husband and I are in this “roommate phase”. However due to work and studying, causing him to sleep deprived and in a lot of stress, which lately I feel that he became a lot more aggressive. For example I’ve been talking about out baby’s current health issues but the healthcare professionals wasn’t v...


Feeling sad

I feel like I can’t share things with my husband anymore like i used to do. He’s hurt me, in a lot of ways in the past few years and it seems the funny carefree childish part of me that use to just want to share everything that I found helpful, or funny with him has died . sometimes I try and share the ones about ...


Struggling being away from partner

My partner had to travel to his hometown (mum passed away, 2.5h flight) and we have a 1.5 week old son. He will probably be away for 3-5 weeks (he will stay there for the funeral and probably work for 2-3 weeks before taking again paternity). I have loads of support from my family/friends but I am struggling to be a...


Need advice

I am very resentful towards my husband. My daughter is 7 months and I ever since she was born, I am the primary caregiver for our baby. All of the parenting responsibilities fall on my shoulders from getting her ready for the day, to dropping/picking her up from day care to night duty. I do it all and I also work fu...


How do I tell my husband?

I think I'm pregnant again. He keeps saying it's not the right time. I get that I isn't the best time, we're moving early next year. His reasons are different from that. It wasn't planned, but it wasn't overly avoided. We have a 2 yo


Working mums how are you coping?

Hey mamas, I’m currently a teacher working 4 days a week and the one mainly taking care of my son as my partner is currently working abroad. I’m really struggling with balancing everything. I feel like I can’t give either job (mum/teacher 100% at the moment). My house is always a mess and I’m always behind on somet...



Filing Divorce because my husband deserves better. I am at the peak of PPD and really having a hard time controlling my emotions. I’m bottling them up and trying my best to cater to his needs but I just can’t do it. I’m overwhelmed and sad all the times. I’m lonely due to him working long hours so I get more sad. I ...


MIL made me uncomfortable this morning

Little background story: my fiancé and I still live with our parents (working on finding a house that’s big enough for all our son and two step daughters) MIL doesn’t drive and works a full time job. She Ubers to work. I have a car and full time job but I am off today. Current situation: MIL was getting ready for ...


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