Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Does anyone else feel like the plastic bag floating through the wind in Katy Perry's "Firework" song?

I feel like I'm nothing. Before anyone starts worrying about me, I promise I'm like fine about myself. I just feel like no one appreciates me or loves me and it just sucks. I'm at that point in my marriage where we're like roommates. I love my husband. I know he loves me. He is such an amazing and present dad for ou...


Jury duty

Has anyone been summoned for jury duty?? I received a letter today and I have to do it or get fined £1000. I have a one year old who is still very dependent on me, and my partner would have to take time off work to look after her which wouldn’t be good as he’s the sole earner at the moment. We don’t have any other c...


Education at home vs at daycare

My son is 16 months old and I worry about if he’s getting the adequate education at home versus daycare. He has met all his milestones and is an amazing toddler. We have structure in our day but also free time and I make sure to focus on most of his 18 month old milestones. He is a little rowdy and is definitely in...



I don’t know what to do, my 3 1/2 is having temper tantrums, she’s slamming her room door like a teenager when she doesn’t get what she wants. My husband runs in like a super hero while I look like an angry mama. I have two older boys, they never acted like this. She started pre school in September, ever since she s...


I'm so sick of the MFing fruit flies!!! HELP

We aren't nasty people and my home is pretty tidy for the most part. They just came out of no where one day. I tossed out all the onions, potatoes, and fruit. Made a homemade concoction out of vinegar and soap in a cup and that has caught a lot. Where do they hide and what the hell can I do?! 🤬


Help idk what to do

Sorry if this is a long read !! So we're on the way to bring me to work, babys in his carseat. My man is already upset and throwing attitude. He brings up some petty shit and my reply makes him more upset. Long story short he pulls over and keeps getting out of the car and coming back with the baby going back and fo...


Overstimulated/mentally exhausted

Anyone else feeling down/angry/easily irritated 80% of the time? I’m finding it really hard at the moment with our 18 month old; she’s super clingy at the moment, nothing is good enough for her, restrictive with food so it’s always a struggle to get her to eat a meal and she only wants me. I feel like when I’m solo ...


Partner of 5 years broke up with me at 37 weeks

We were having our last big day out today before baby arrives. Booked a fantastic pumpkin patch to go to. Partner was in a horrible mood before we left the house, transferring his mood onto me. I was in tears 20 mins into the 1.5 hour journey. I knew the day was going to go horribly wrong so I asked him to take me h...


Does your partner let you know when they’re going out/where they’re going/how long they’ll be gone for?

I find it really annoying when my husband tells me he’s going out 5 mins before he leaves. He doesn’t like it when I ask where he’s going or how long he’ll be gone for. I just hate being left in the dark. I’m someone who likes to plan ahead even if it’s just me taking a mental note and not actually preparing anythin...


Mothering my husband

I am so sick of having to mother my husband. I have a 7 month old and I’m busy enough. The last thing I want to do is have to stop mid washing dishes because to make sure my husband is out of bed. I’m tired of all responsibilities being on me. And then when I try to have a calm and respectful conversation with him, ...


Venting. Opinions please

So my partner is a workaholic. He always says that he is the provider and I should take care of the baby and the house. He does chores in the house like once a month. And baby at night is mine. He wakes every 2-3h for a bottle and nappy change. I've started working 1 day a week and I told my partner I need to rest ...


Partner wants a second wife!! 😬😬

I have recently given birth and my partner has since told me he wishes to get a second wife. His reasoning is to make both our lives easier. He is saying she would help me and would make him happier so he would then treat me better. (I don’t need help and he hasn’t been treating me the greatest). What would you ...


Newborn & toddler

Baby is 6 weeks and I also have a 2.5yo, life is so chaotic and I just feel over stimulated all the time. Baby wants held all the time and I feel like I’m constantly telling my toddler off for things. Anyone else in this position?😫


Anyone else so fed up and struggling with clingy unsettled babies?

Feel like it’s taking stupid to get ready becuase I just can’t do anything atm all my LO seems to do is cry atm or not be settled if he isn’t with me, feel like I can’t even go wash my face in peace or quickly get dressed. Feel like it’s taking half a day just to get out the house to even get a walk in and then when...


Am I overreacting?

My boyfriend works in a show room with lots of people in particular a woman who is the complete opposite of me, she’s blonde, slim and a few years younger. I saw on his phone that they had been messaging because she is handing in her notice. He was being very reassuring to her and was sending quite a lot of messages...


This stage is ruining me!

My little boy is litteraly hell on earth at the moment. I can’t do anything speak to anyone, eat, sleep, shower, watch tv, look at my phone without him going crazy and smashing the house up. He wants my full complete attention every second of every day. He got mad this morning because I was drinking a coffee after m...


How are people leaving the house with babies?

Feel like I’m doing something wrong at this point but it takes me so much planning even to go out a walk with my 4 week old. However I remember when my friends had babies they would be out here there and everywhere with no issues. Been asked to meet up with a friend at a cafe halfway between us which is like a 15 mi...


Struggling with our tot at the moment!! Help

He’s recently got over hand foot and mouth and had a funny turn earlier in the week. I’m sure he’s got a cold as I have one too. He’s slowly getting his appetite back and has started to drink a more normal amount. Nursery says he’s happy during the day but as soon as I come home he is crying his eyes out and just ...


What is wrong with men? Or am i the problem?

Baby is officially 3 weeks old and for the last week or so this man has been basically hinting at having sex or me giving him oral and also expecting me to start working like now or to go back to doing Lyft. I just feel like I'm being pushed to heal early for selfish reasons. I get that he needs help financially and...


Starting to feel resentment towards my partner

Story cut short.. we have 4 kids overall, he earns a lot of money working 6 days a week, he doesn’t have to work the 6th day but does for ‘more money’.. the 6th day that he choices to work is the only full day we can have a as a family as I work on the Sunday & two other days but nights. So I do everything all day ...


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