Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

Feeding help

I exclusively breast fed on demand for 7 months. I just returned to work and am now pumping and I’m having such a hard time figuring out how much milk my baby needs. Advice??


How do you feed at night?

I am about to stop breast feeding. Usually I pop a boob out while half asleep. I’m not used to being particularly physical to feed her at night. My LO (1 y/o) drinks cows milk in a sippy cup. Can a cup of milk last on the bed all night? What do you do during the night? Does porridge stop night feeds?


Colostrum harvesting

I’m 37+5 and tonight I started colostrum harvesting, I did try a few days ago just by hand expressing but I really struggled so tonight I decided to use a manual breast pump.. I managed to get 3 syringes. I’m just wondering if this looks right? As I see some peoples looks a yellow colour so I’m confused as to weathe...


Breastfeeding a newborn

Does anyone know how to help? We're trying to breastfeed our newborn and I had just fed her and about 5 minute later she was showing signs of wanting to feed again, but when offered she didn't want to latch on or engage. I'm worried she's either not getting enough or there's something else wants and I can't figure ...


Has anybody seen this before?

Hey girls, I bathed my baby this morning and noticed his nipple was red and slightly bruised and has a little but very obvious lump under it. I rang 111 as hes had no trauma to it and they sent me straight to A&E. He also has a lot of mucus in his poo the past 3 days which can suggest infection according to google...


How often are you breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding mums - how often are you all offering the boob for feeds in the day and do you offer before food or before naps etc… I sometimes worry my wee one isn’t getting enough milk as I often feel like she doesn’t seem that bothered by her food either. She’s feeding roughly 4 times a day and typically before na...


Low supply

What were the issues you encountered in your journey to increase your supply Was any of you not able to increase your milk supply despite pumping 8-12 times a day? And how many times you pumped or what was your process?


First colostrum collection!

I collected colostrum for the first time last night and I got a whole 1 mL 😂 not a lot, I know. But I still have a month till baby boy is here and I am so excited to be able to save up a little everyday for him.


Advice on stopping breastfeeding

Hey I’m after some advice.. my 14 month old is still breast feeding and I’m so over it tbh she has gone backwards and just wants to be on the boob all the time mainly for comfort. Night times are horrible! I just wanted advice on if it’s better to drop a feed or if I just cold turkey and stop all at once and anyone ...


Nipple pain

My little girl has tongue tie. We have an appointment Thursday so hopefully all will be well soon. However, I have very sore nipple where she has difficulty latching. She’s also hungry all the time so I’m not sure she’s getting enough. I think I have blisters. What can I do to help…


All things breast

I am so desperate to breastfeed this time around as I felt like it was stolen from me. Long story short a nurse was secretly feeding my daughter bottles behind my back in the hospital without my consent. Anyways very desperate to have it work this time. Did you find nurses and other medical professionals fear monger...


Stopping breast feeding

Hey girls does anyone have any tips to stop breastfeeding? I exclusively breastfed for 4 months then have 30% bottle to 70% breast since then (when she’s with my mother or when we’re out and about) but I want to fully stop now and just have my body back 😭 I’ve heard cold turkey is the best but my boobs just get…


When to stop milk

At what age do kids stop having milk “feeds”? Apparently they don’t need bottles after 12 months…is this true? Do you still give milk after 12 months even if they get calcium from other sources (yoghurt, cheese etc)?


Alternative Milks

My little one is EBF and 6 months now. Can I use oat milk as an alternative when making up baby rice / porridge etc.? Can’t express enough for it and don’t want to start formula just to mix it in. (Obviously aware that oats are an allergen)


Advice for baby with cold not drinking milk

My 4.5 month old seems to be unwell, she has mucusy poops and also had a spit up with a lot of phlegm. I am also unwell and have a sore throat, blocked nose and headache. I assume she has something similar to me. The problem is that she just isn’t hungry from the moment she woke up. I am having to really follow her...


Milk during the night

I know some babies are sleeping through the night but for those that aren’t, do you give your baby milk when they wake? My baby is up twice a night and each time I give milk but I’m going to try give them cuddles instead to see if that helps


Mini fridge for breast milk

Can anyone recommend a good mini fridge for storing breast milk for when I return to work?


is this passive aggressive to yall?

“This is really hard for me to say but I feel like I need to talk to you not only as your boss but as your friend. I really do love and care about you and *daughter’s name*. There’s a few things that are concerning that I don’t think anyone else is going to tell you. I think if you really tried to get her on a sched...


Breasts and nipple pain

I’m currently 4 weeks pregnant and getting bad breast pain and my nipples are so sore. Anyone going through the same thing or know any remedies? 🫶🏻


Tandem breastfeeding

Is anyone else tandem breastfeeding their newborn and toddler ☺️?


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