Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

Stopping breast feeding

Hey girls does anyone have any tips to stop breastfeeding? I exclusively breastfed for 4 months then have 30% bottle to 70% breast since then (when she’s with my mother or when we’re out and about) but I want to fully stop now and just have my body back 😭 I’ve heard cold turkey is the best but my boobs just get…


When to stop milk

At what age do kids stop having milk “feeds”? Apparently they don’t need bottles after 12 months…is this true? Do you still give milk after 12 months even if they get calcium from other sources (yoghurt, cheese etc)?


Alternative Milks

My little one is EBF and 6 months now. Can I use oat milk as an alternative when making up baby rice / porridge etc.? Can’t express enough for it and don’t want to start formula just to mix it in. (Obviously aware that oats are an allergen)


Advice for baby with cold not drinking milk

My 4.5 month old seems to be unwell, she has mucusy poops and also had a spit up with a lot of phlegm. I am also unwell and have a sore throat, blocked nose and headache. I assume she has something similar to me. The problem is that she just isn’t hungry from the moment she woke up. I am having to really follow her...


Milk during the night

I know some babies are sleeping through the night but for those that aren’t, do you give your baby milk when they wake? My baby is up twice a night and each time I give milk but I’m going to try give them cuddles instead to see if that helps


Mini fridge for breast milk

Can anyone recommend a good mini fridge for storing breast milk for when I return to work?


is this passive aggressive to yall?

“This is really hard for me to say but I feel like I need to talk to you not only as your boss but as your friend. I really do love and care about you and *daughter’s name*. There’s a few things that are concerning that I don’t think anyone else is going to tell you. I think if you really tried to get her on a sched...


Breasts and nipple pain

I’m currently 4 weeks pregnant and getting bad breast pain and my nipples are so sore. Anyone going through the same thing or know any remedies? 🫶🏻


Tandem breastfeeding

Is anyone else tandem breastfeeding their newborn and toddler ☺️?


3 week old breastfeeding constantly

I feel like my baby constantly wants the boob. Any breastfeeding mums feeling the same? Online it says they feed every 2-3 hours. Absolutely not - I think we average 60-90 mins….


Using a cup or different bottle

Does anyone know when baby bottles should no longer be used for milk? My little boy still has milk in the morning and evening but unsure how we should be giving this.


Does nipples go back to the same size after breast feeding and how long

So I stopped breast feeding about a week ago now and heard mixed answers on weather your nipples go back to being small again if they do how long will I start to notice them going down I miss them lol 😅😂



It can't just be me who cringes everytime someone posts on here about "tits". Like it's such a blokey way of talking about them. Especially weird when it's referring to breast feeding.


Stupid rant lol

So now that I stopped breastfeeding I told my husband that he needs to make the night bottles. Anyway he made the bottle last night this morning I find the cabinet door open, formula can on the counter, lid on the can (not fully closed) and the formula spoon on the counter too with powder stuck to it cause I guess h...



I made a decision before baby came that I wasn’t going to breastfeed and had my own reasons for not wanting to, I gave it a go when he was born but it was definitely the wrong time to attempt it for the first time. My milk came in a week ago and obviously done nothing with it but now I’m starting to get mum guilt th...


Breastfeeding advice - 2weeks post partum

I’m having some issues with breast feeding. My baby lost over 10% of her birth weight and is not having poops (only had two poops since birth) and was sent to the hospital to get checked over. They felt it could be because I’m not feeding efficiently but when they checked how I was breastfeeding they told me that th...


Milk Bleb advice

This morning I noticed one of my boobs was more engorged than normal. Got my LO to feed on it but he became instantly frustrated as he couldn’t get anything out. I can see I have a bleb and it’s making it very difficult for milk to flow out. I have been able to get a tiny bit out throughout the day by hand expressin...


Neocate milk

Does anyone in Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK have any Neocate LCP milk?! I’ve ran out and only need enough for tomorrow morning 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ll be forever thankful! ❤️


Combo feeding

I feel like my milk supply can’t keep up with my baby and i want to start combo feeding. Any tips ?



My little girl has started aggressively biting my left nipple to the point it’s too sore to feed that side I’ve been ending the feed and giving a firm no but what can I do to speed up healing as it hurts under the skin but not cracked and how can I get her to stop I’m just pumping that side at the mo


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