Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Am I being dramatic

So I have always had problems with my mother in law from her waking my child up to take her for brunch when she was only 3 months whilst I was sleeping next to her (without waking me and just leaving the house with my child) But she is constantly doing stuff that irritates me like on her day she takes my daughter ...


Am I the asshole?

So my husband came home on a tear today from work (bad day) and naturally I’mThe punching bag and so is my child (our child) immediately screaming and going on a rant Anywho He went on about how I never offer to cook (was never an issue before. Always states he rather cook. Loves to cook. Etc) He took me for my ...


Do you always let your baby/child participate in daycare activities/events that are additional?

My baby is only 1 yr old and her daycare almost always do events/activities that should be paid if I want to let her participate. But she's only a yr old, so I don't really think she will enjoy it? Also, parents are asked/requested to come and join these events with their children, but I'm always busy at work and I ...


What to do? What to say?

So our 6 year old has been informing us on what’s been going on at school regarding a few of the kids in her class. Some of these children seem to be a bit advanced.. they’re already talking about kissing on the lips and neck, liking one another, having babies together. To me this is so overwhelming to hear about es...


Am I wrong? 😑

Long story short me and my sister live together and I pull most of the weight with household duties as in cleaning, making dinner etc. I was watching her kid for her also till i realized I was putting waaaayy too much on my plate when I have one responsibility and that’s MY daughter… so i stopped. I stopped doing al...


Putting in effort

My partner of 5 years has never really been great at occasions (anniversaries etc) we have 2 kids and it's always me who plans and preps, however this year I've done nothing but cry at the lack of effort he's put in. For my birthday he didn't get me a thing, only when I asked for something and for our anniversary th...


What to do?!

I have a dilemma, and I’m wondering what you would all do in my situation - basically my mum is having her hip replaced tomorrow and I’m going up to Manchester to look after her. It’s a long drive (5 hours) and I’m leaving my almost 3 year old with her dad for 5 days. It’s the longest I’ve ever left her for (having ...


🇺🇸 Hey fellow tippers! I need opinions.

I hired a cleaner for my home today. Whole house $375 -minus laundry. Following visits will be $250. She’s independent but brought a friend to help. Happy with the work so far. How much do you tip?


I’d love to hear your opinion

How did you feel about family members seeing your baby/babies for the first time in the hospital? How many people did you let to your room? Were you comfortable with family members/in laws holding your newborn? I’m due in the end of November and with all my respect to my in laws I still don’t want to let anyone in ...


Boundaries and cuddles

I have a 6 week old and all our family and friends want to meet/cuddle him which is lovely! Just everyone expects to cuddle him and it makes me anxious 🫣 I feel like when we see people, I'm prepping him to cuddle others. I breastfeed him to get him sleepy, put him on someone, he gets unsettled and cries so I take…



I woke my partner up at 11 and said hey baby, can you please watch our son while I take a shower? He said sure what the fuck ever, said you have 5 seconds before I change my mind to get out. I come back down and it’s obvious he fell back asleep, my son had gotten in to my expensive face stuff and drew ...


Tell me it gets better

I don’t know where to begin. I will start by saying my fiancé (LO dad) is an amazing dad. Prior to having a baby I would have told you he was a good partner too with little things here and there he could work on. So why do I feel like since having the baby those little things have become ginormous? We have the sam...


Would you be upset in this situation?

My partner finished work and I made dinner for us and our son. We don’t get family dinner often as my partner usually likes to eat different things than us. My partner plays online chess on his phone and started a chess game just before I made dinner. I told him dinner was ready and we all started to eat, however my...


Rule Breakers

I had my son 10/13 💙, my mom came down to help take care of him and my daughter. but i’ve told her not to kiss my son no one besides me and my husband should be kissing him. we’ll just now she kissed him on the nose, and i told her AGAIN not to. and she said i can kiss him. so i said no you can’t. now i don’t want…


Today's has been kinda sad

So today's my 26th birthday my mom sent me $20 yesterday and my husband got me a stand mixer from drew berrymore collection at Walmart it's sucks today bc he had to work my mom's all the way in San Antonio my dad can't tell me happy birthday bc he's in jail and idk when or wats going to happen to him (also in San An...


Struggling to parent in a religious household

Hi all I live with my FIL and husband. We live in the basement of the house. I understand we live with him and it’s also his house and I don’t know if it’s worth mentioning we pay all the bills in the house including groceries. My father looks after our 10 month old while I work 4.5hrs a day but only the days my ...


Feeling like our baby is not as important to my partners family as our niece

Feeling really torn- we love my partners parents and his sister and our niece who live with them but we’re avoiding taking baby girl into their house as its a complete mess, not clean and has three poorly controlled dogs- before we had baby was just not particularly pleasant but doable but now we really don’t feel c...


Porn in Marriage

Hi ladies, My husband and I matched on Bumble on 5/30/23, had our first date on 6/2/23 and we both knew the moment that we met that we would get married. I had been praying for years that I would know the man I’m supposed to marry the moment I saw him. We went through premarital counseling and I talked about my pas...



partner left home saying he is going to work left in uniform (sat morning) , he then said after work he will meet his friends that was fine, then after (sunday morning) that he rang saying he was at work again and he’s injured and going to a&e i started to not believe it so stopped replying he was just texting not c...


Is this an identity crisis?

My son is a year old, been with my husband for coming to 10 years. My husband has recently raised he doesn’t feel cared for and needs reassurance that I want to be a housewife and he can come home and things are done. He says this as currently it’s not all done and I’m focusing so much on our son. I feel so over...


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