Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

FIL rant

So I found out I was pregnant in the march and me and my partner agreed we wasn’t announcing it till the 12 week mark. We told his parents and then I told mine but no friends or extended family, his mum & dad then told some people before we was ready which really pissed me of I said to them imagine I haven’t told my...


Husband help plz (it’s a longish read.. sorry)

I’m looking for a bit of support on having a conversation with my husband about our current home situation (with minimal husband bashing please). Essentially, it’s about sharing jobs within the house. Husband doesn’t cook and if he does it’s crappy convenience food, whereas I cook from scratch. He does very little c...


Relationship issues

Is anyone else having these? My husband constantly goes on about lack of affection on my part. I have tried to explain I am so touched out by the end of the day I just want to be alone, I’m worried our marriage is not going to survive this first year 💔


Not enjoying being a mum

Firstly I know I should speak to someone but I don’t want to get, I don’t feel like speaking to anyone will help me right now, just want to see if anyone can relate to me. I love my girl, I really do, but oh my god I wish I hadn’t got pregnant so soon, I wish I could be living my own life right now, on holiday, sav...


How do you deal with people's expectations

So I'm currently on mat leave for a year and I've decided I don't want to go back to work and want to stay at home with my baby instead. I come from a fairly successful career and thankfully so does my husband so we should be ok to manage on one income. However, anytime I mention I want to stay at home I'm always to...


Daycare/Preschool Tips

I’m finally sending my 2-year-old (12/28) to preschool for the first time. Luckily, it’s only a 4-hour program. This decision has been so hard for me, but I know it’s something we need. I’m feeling really sad about it and would love any advice on how to help both of us adjust. How did you get through this emotiona...


Lmaoo why does this irritate me

lol reading this lowkey pisses me off cuz he flunks out on ft my son. Every day. Damn hear. I even hate reminding him or asking him to do so cuz why am I doing your job for you? But nevertheless his main job has been on strike. So he had got another job at a warehouse so he could still be working. Idk maybe he needs...



Why is it that mom is supposed to be some sort of super human that’s supposed to do everything with a baby on her hip? I have to wash bottles, make food for everyone, do laundry, clean the house, shop for stuff we need, feed and entertain a 2 month old that’s a Velcro baby btw so I don’t get anything done unless sh...


Who does your husband put first?

My husband puts his family first and it’s straining our relationship? Does your husband put his family first (mom / dad, etc.) or you? Anyone else going through similar experience with husband prioritizing his family first?


Am i being used?

* update* So I told BD im sick being mooched off & it over .he started crying (I did feel bad) saying he loved me and was doing all he could but I know in my heart nothing will change So my BD on paper doesn't live with us but stays 6-7 nights a,week. I do all housework,childcare,work part time and pay the bills ....


Clingy baby

My little ones just turned 9 months, he’s never really been one for cuddles or “needy” but the last few days he’s just wanted me so much for cuddles and comfort, he’s even started having naps on me which isn’t like him at all!! is anyone else’s baby going through this? I’m not complaining as it’s so lovely hes wan...


Would you rather

Would you rather NEVER need to do laundry, or NEVER wash the dishes again?


AIBU for being annoyed no ones come to help in hospital?

I had a C Section nearly 24 hours ago. My mum came up to look after our 18 month old LG so my partner could be here for the birth. My mum came in for an hour at the end of visiting while my partner had our daughter. The spinal wore off during the procedure and it wasn’t a very nice experience and the hospital I’m in...



I have my first child with my now ex partner 11month old girl and we’ve just broken up. The relationship was horrible on both ends I always complained constantly for lack of emotional support, support in general and he broke up with me when I got postnatal depression for being too negative. Now is where the questio...


Do you still prioritize your spouse after having a baby or does the baby become your only priority?

After having a baby I feel like my husband no longer prioritizes me. It seems like he is distant and we aren't as playful as we used to be. I miss the way we used to be. Our baby is two months old. I feel like I have no issue prioritizing both my spouse and baby but for some reason he can only prioritize work and th...


Disrespectful partner

My partner is controlling and laughs at things I do for my child. He likes to function as the homemaker and constantly makes me feel inferior. A couple days ago, I had the energy to fold some laundry and organize my child’s clothes for colder weather. I told my partner that I want the linen closet looking organized ...


Am I wrong?

My partner just told me he’s considering going on a boys trip to a gun convention in Vegas for a week in January. I’m due 11/1 so if I deliver close to my due date, baby will be under 3 months. When I expressed this, he said, it’s just a week & that I’ll be fine. I feel hurt, like he’s being selfish and I just wan...


Nursery drama

Last February I visited several nurseries and read all OFSTED reports and I thought I was sorted. I have found out my nursery was judged inadequate and it was due to issues with the building and poor management. I am a teacher myself and I know how the process work. I have also seen how a provider can be upgraded an...


2 under 2 and feeling good in yourself.

Hey Mamas, I am expecting my second baby boy in January and my first beautiful boy will be 20 months. I am feeling a little overwhelmed and anxious about having 2 under 2, I think it’s the don’t know what to expect type of thing. At the moment, we have a very good routine with my first Bub, goes down between 7.30-...


How long does it take you to get out of the house in the morning?

By that I mean you and baby up, dressed, fed and out the door.. without partner’s help. Feel as though it takes me sooo long but no idea how to cut time. Would say it takes an absolute minimum of 1hr 15


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