Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Would you rather

Would you rather NEVER need to do laundry, or NEVER wash the dishes again?


AIBU for being annoyed no ones come to help in hospital?

I had a C Section nearly 24 hours ago. My mum came up to look after our 18 month old LG so my partner could be here for the birth. My mum came in for an hour at the end of visiting while my partner had our daughter. The spinal wore off during the procedure and it wasn’t a very nice experience and the hospital I’m in...



I have my first child with my now ex partner 11month old girl and we’ve just broken up. The relationship was horrible on both ends I always complained constantly for lack of emotional support, support in general and he broke up with me when I got postnatal depression for being too negative. Now is where the questio...


Do you still prioritize your spouse after having a baby or does the baby become your only priority?

After having a baby I feel like my husband no longer prioritizes me. It seems like he is distant and we aren't as playful as we used to be. I miss the way we used to be. Our baby is two months old. I feel like I have no issue prioritizing both my spouse and baby but for some reason he can only prioritize work and th...


Disrespectful partner

My partner is controlling and laughs at things I do for my child. He likes to function as the homemaker and constantly makes me feel inferior. A couple days ago, I had the energy to fold some laundry and organize my child’s clothes for colder weather. I told my partner that I want the linen closet looking organized ...


Am I wrong?

My partner just told me he’s considering going on a boys trip to a gun convention in Vegas for a week in January. I’m due 11/1 so if I deliver close to my due date, baby will be under 3 months. When I expressed this, he said, it’s just a week & that I’ll be fine. I feel hurt, like he’s being selfish and I just wan...


Nursery drama

Last February I visited several nurseries and read all OFSTED reports and I thought I was sorted. I have found out my nursery was judged inadequate and it was due to issues with the building and poor management. I am a teacher myself and I know how the process work. I have also seen how a provider can be upgraded an...


2 under 2 and feeling good in yourself.

Hey Mamas, I am expecting my second baby boy in January and my first beautiful boy will be 20 months. I am feeling a little overwhelmed and anxious about having 2 under 2, I think it’s the don’t know what to expect type of thing. At the moment, we have a very good routine with my first Bub, goes down between 7.30-...


How long does it take you to get out of the house in the morning?

By that I mean you and baby up, dressed, fed and out the door.. without partner’s help. Feel as though it takes me sooo long but no idea how to cut time. Would say it takes an absolute minimum of 1hr 15


Help !!

My son is 4 and just started reception he only lasted 3 full days before the school said they cannot have him on a full timetable as in the afternoon he’s really hard to manage behaviour wise so now does until half 12 everyday school have Said that they will do a referral but haven’t said what for but im guessing ad...


Nursery sending baby home with 'temp'

This has happened twice now and it's turned out she doesn't actually have one when I get home and check (I once compared mine to theirs and it was the same reading so I know something they're saying isn't right). Told me today is was 38'c, get home and it's 36.8 when I check Has this happened to anyone else? I don't...


Almost due and SO has out of town plans

Background: I’m about 38 weeks pregnant with a 13 month old and a 5 year old. My third trimester has been rough. I’m in pain, can barely walk, puking, terrible migraines where I’m dizzy and can’t see for some time. Doctors are aware but no high blood pressure so they’re not worried. My husband’s constantly making p...


RICH PEOPLE- is the key to wealth passive income/being your own boss?

I have a few business ideas. I’m a SAHM, my fiancé works full time and works overtime as well. He’s wanting me to get a job to bring in money. It makes soooo much money sense to me to create our own passive income /business. How can I encourage him more / how can I start? Am I selfish to want this? The key to having...


Breaking point…

Not sure what I want from this post but is anyone else feeling the same or any words of advice? I went back to work full time in June, biggest mistake!!!! I work 10 hour shifts, four days per week. Work is super stressful and seems a lot more than before I went off. I’m making stupid mistakes and feel like I’m bei...


Anyone who experiences anxiety attacks, can you give me advice?

I’ve had very bad anxiety attacks at specific times in my life, but past few months the ones I get are my heart is beating irregularly OUT of my chest, literally lasted 3 days I thought I was gunna go into cardiac arrest by the third day fr. They’re triggered not out of nowhere but lately I feel the symptoms lingeri...


Actually very annoyed at the moment.

I’m in my last trimester I have two boys who I homeschool also I’m a SAHM. My husband works at the warehouse and for anyone who knows that industry it can be very tiring and the rules are strict. I won’t say everyday but pretty frequently my husband tells me he’s tired when he gets off work and basically when he get...


Babymomma conflicts

So.. I get along w my boyfriends bm, we have zero issues etc but there’s one thing that’s irritating me and I can’t seem to get over it… She calls and texts MULTIPLE times a day, every day. Like my bf and her are always texting and mind you, it’s only about the kids, and she usually initiates the conversation. We h...


Any one else have nothing left to give to their own little ones after a day at school?

When I say my two year old is more advanced than most of my reception class I am not exaggerating. They are impossible to manage and I’m experienced in reception. Fast forward to tonight and I’m loosing it with my toddler… and it’s not his fault. I have just run out of tolerance after dealing with a classroom full o...


Alone time

Does anyone else feel they get more horny when there other half isn’t around ?? , I feel I need to get the toys out and soak everywhere when he isn’t around 😜


Poisonous relationship?

My fiance and I have been together 5 years (engaged since March). He is so controlling the last year and angry at the world. He can be sat there watching a programme and he’ll make comments like, “her voice is so annoying dont you just want to stab her”… etc. we’ve had arguments where he’s thrown a bouquet of flower...


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