Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Need advice

So my mom recently has said her feelings are hurt because she chose the name Grammy instead of Grandma. Well my boyfriend's mom recently said that's what she wanted her name to be as well without knowing my mom said she wanted to be called that. I told my mom yesterday and I said well if you guys both are Grammy we ...



Please read if your kids go to the daycare at LLAC! The room is so disgusting and the owners refuse to clean the carpet even though the staff has been begging for years. They do not want to pay their staff for extra hours so there is no time to clean the toys. They spray for ants and don’t clean it up!!!! I will p...


Co parenting and separation agreement

I'm totally done with my husband, he doesnt know it yet. I have to be separated for a year before filing for divorce. Can anyone please send me a separation and co parenting agreement that I could use as a template to get started? Any advice? When should I tell him, after or before I find my own apartment? How shoul...



He says he does SO MUCH around our home and that’s the reason it stays clean…. But the second I stop doing everything I do. It’s a disaster…. This is so frustrating. He totally gaslit me yesterday when we talked about the baby’s play area.


Help a mummy out…

So I’ve been split up from my BD for about a year now due to him wanting to put alcohol and drugs frost over his children. We have an agreement in place that he picks up our eldest child every Sunday at 12noon for a few hours and he takes her to go do something fun. All is going well but recently he’s been saying wh...



My baby is 4 months and is so clingy. It’s to the point I cannot put him down without him screaming. He only wants to be held by me and no one else and it’s so frustrating. He will not take naps longer than 10 minutes by himself which results into contact naps. I’m so overwhelmed because I psychically cannot get any...



I’m so frustrated and don’t know if I have a right to be. I have two herniated disks in my back. I’ve had excruciating sciatica from it. On Tuesday I had a spinal epidural injection with no relief as of yet. My fiance whom doesn’t live with me yet took me for the procedure. He was amazing that day. And that’s about ...


Entitled SIL- Am I Overeacting?

I have a SIL that moved here from another state. She stayed in our home for 3yrs. While she stayed with us, she has come for me on multiple occasions. - calling me big boned - calling me a hussy -making comments about the food we eat - telling my husband that he wasn't into classy women ( we were not married at thi...


Daycare guilt

I just started sending my 4 month old to daycare and I’m feeling very sad and anxious to be away from him 8 hours a day. I worry that it’s a stressful environment for him but I’m hoping there are some benefits developmentally for him too. Has anyone else sent their 3-4 month old to daycare?


Am I a bad mom?

So, I joined the military because I really wanted to experience it. I am supposed to be on submarines. My husband is currently on submarines. I wanted to have a baby, just maybe a year into being on the boat, but alas I was only on there for 3 months. Anyway, my husband is going on deployments and underways and pa...


Does your husband help?

Does your husband help with baby and cleaning or are you the only one doing that? I've been told different things and see different things. My dad had a physically demanding job but would come home and clean and do stuff. Others tell me because I'm a stay at home mom it's my job. But I can ask for help on weekends a...


Being Bullied be cause she a little thick😡

This kids are rude: so yesterday I had to go to my daughter school because some little thing called her ugly like her mother, and a little boy said she a silver back that look like her Dad and eat to much(what)! They said they was going to take care of it ! I told the principal that we need to have a meet with there...


As a SAHM, what do you consider ‘bare minimum’

My fiancé told me I do the ‘bare minimum’ and he could get more done & some if he stayed home with our son. So, what do you consider bare minimum?


Getting out

I’m a stay at home mom and I play with my 3.5 month old daughter all day and go for walks outside. I really want to go shopping with her but it’s hard because every time we get into the store she’s fine for 5-10 minutes and then just gets super fussy and starts crying (I make sure she’s fed and changed before). I’m ...


FIL rant

So I found out I was pregnant in the march and me and my partner agreed we wasn’t announcing it till the 12 week mark. We told his parents and then I told mine but no friends or extended family, his mum & dad then told some people before we was ready which really pissed me of I said to them imagine I haven’t told my...


Husband help plz (it’s a longish read.. sorry)

I’m looking for a bit of support on having a conversation with my husband about our current home situation (with minimal husband bashing please). Essentially, it’s about sharing jobs within the house. Husband doesn’t cook and if he does it’s crappy convenience food, whereas I cook from scratch. He does very little c...


Relationship issues

Is anyone else having these? My husband constantly goes on about lack of affection on my part. I have tried to explain I am so touched out by the end of the day I just want to be alone, I’m worried our marriage is not going to survive this first year 💔


Not enjoying being a mum

Firstly I know I should speak to someone but I don’t want to get, I don’t feel like speaking to anyone will help me right now, just want to see if anyone can relate to me. I love my girl, I really do, but oh my god I wish I hadn’t got pregnant so soon, I wish I could be living my own life right now, on holiday, sav...


How do you deal with people's expectations

So I'm currently on mat leave for a year and I've decided I don't want to go back to work and want to stay at home with my baby instead. I come from a fairly successful career and thankfully so does my husband so we should be ok to manage on one income. However, anytime I mention I want to stay at home I'm always to...


Daycare/Preschool Tips

I’m finally sending my 2-year-old (12/28) to preschool for the first time. Luckily, it’s only a 4-hour program. This decision has been so hard for me, but I know it’s something we need. I’m feeling really sad about it and would love any advice on how to help both of us adjust. How did you get through this emotiona...


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