How long does it take you to get out of the house in the morning?

By that I mean you and baby up, dressed, fed and out the door.. without partner’s help. Feel as though it takes me sooo long but no idea how to cut time. Would say it takes an absolute minimum of 1hr 15
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4 hours because I end up taking a nap 😂

No chance I’m making it out before little one’s first nap

Same as Bex, if we go out it’s after the first nap or just before and the first nap is in the car x

If I have a day off work, we head out after the first nap… If I’m going to work it takes us about 1hr 30 mins to leave at 7.30 or just before to get to work before 8 x

My daughter goes to the nursery where my husband works. Which means that she's got to be up & ready to leave quite quickly & we've got an older child who actually is a lot more challenging first thing in the morning😅 My husband or I get our baby dressed as soon as she's awake. Then she'll have her bottle & breakfast. Followed by having her teeth brushed & a fresh nappy before she leaves. Her bag is organised the night before, so its just a case of picking everything up & getting her a dummy out of the steraliser before leaving the house.

Same as Lauren except its around 2hrs. Leave at 8am when working days off or working from home it's after first nap 😁

I give myself an hour and a half to get us both ready before I go to work and he goes to nursery. I’m almost always late and could do with getting up earlier but can never muster the energy! I’m the kind of person who stays in bed until the very last second

At least 1h. Usually longer. Used to do it in 25 even at 8/9mo 😅. Winter coats, running away and wrestling the rain cover on the pram doesn't help or having to adjust seatbelt every time because one jumper is bigger or the coat is not as thick as the one worn the day before omg. I have sometimes fed breakfast in the playground on a bench as why not. Baby eats so well when outside and if its sunny and he hasn't slept and I'm trying a hail Mary to get more morning sunlight on him to reset his circadian rhythm (never worked to help night sleep but it helped both of our moods a lot so totally worth it)

45mins on a nursery day. I get everything ready the night before, put out clothes and pack bags. As soon as we get up it's bottle first. Then I get her washed, teeth brushed, nappy change and dressed. I put her in front of the TV with toys while I get washed and dressed. I'll shower the night before. Then pick up the bags and go. If there's no nursery then we'll have breakfast, so that adds 15mins. And I have to factor in her morning nap - either at home or in the car on the way to somewhere. If we're going out for a while I usually take 10mins to make her lunch to take with us.

At least an hour but probably closer to 1.5hr. My son will not be rushed with breakfast. Sometimes he’ll want it shortly after waking, sometimes he wants to play for 15-30 minutes. He doesn’t go to nursery though and on days I’m working his dad is home. On the odd days we’re both working my husband takes him to his mum’s and if we manage to feed him before leaving, great, if not his mum will do it.

We get up at 7 and I have little boy to at the childminders by around 8.15

Well, I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one struggling to get out of the door in under 1.5 hours! My baby only has one nap a day, so if I don’t get out and back before it, there isn’t much hope of doing anything social for either of us 😖

We wake up 7:45 am and out the door 8:35 as my daughters nursery is at 8:45. My husbands in the office so I have to drag the baby out too. So about an hour to get myself, my toddler and baby out the door 🫣

@Jenny with breakfast too? Damn

I don’t even bother until after their first nap unless we’ve got an appointment or there’s an early playgroup on. They usually nap from 11-12, I get ready whilst they’re napping and then sort them once they’re awake. It means Ive given them a decent lunch before heading out which I find mean less chance of screaming haha. I have twins so it’s automatically twice as long haha, but yeah I gave up with mornings and we’re and afternoon family 🤣

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Yep with breakkie too, my toddler is 3.5yo so she’s old enough to feed herself and her brother is 1 he copies and they eat together (dry cereal) whilst I quickly get everything together. My Lo naps when I push him back home from her nursery drop off, so I eat breakfast when I get home

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