Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Nursery dispute

Currently 18 weeks, due in March 2025. My partner and I have discussed looking into starting changing the spare room into a nursery end of Jan/ feb. Today he’s decided he doesn’t want to and wants to keep the spare room for as long as possible in case ‘one of our mums wants to stay over in the early days of baby’. ...



I’m struggling with complete exhaustion, my LO is nearly 5 months and I feel like such a crap mum. I love him so so much but I’m drained mentally and physically. My bloods have been checked and suggested potentially hyperthyroidism but won’t do anything for another three months. I find the days getting harder and ha...


Shy child in daycare

Please give me some hope. My child is pretty shy and comfortable with only small group. She just started day care this September and 3 years old now . This is her first day care period. We have webcam access and whenever we see she always sit idle in carpet and nobody seems to care . Sometimes she will be there for ...


Marriage Ending?

Backstory: We have been together 18 years, married for 12. Over the course of our relationship there has been verbal, emotional and even physical abuse- for years. He has cheated 4 times that I know of, and yet I stayed and remained faithful. A few years ago while my dad was in the icu dying, he was cheating. Once I...



I’m really having a hard time, I yelled at my child today and it I feel really guilty. This doesn’t ever happen I’m burnt out no help. I’m feel like I’m loosing it. Please advice


How do i tell my MIL our parenting guidelines are different to her?

The message is long so in summary, my MIL is coming from a good place but some of things she wants to do i feel are unsafe/ go against rules we have set as a family. My partner says he will address it when the issue comes up/baby is here, where as i have explained the guidlines to my family already so the situation ...


Anybody still resent their husband over something that happened a while ago?!

I feel like he purposefully tries to just mess up important moments for me For instance not getting a haircut before our newborn shoot and then getting it right after when his dad tells him Realizing day of my brothers wedding his suit doesnt fit and having to run to get a new one during my getting ready time Gos...


Unhygienic household

Hi girls, this has been on my mind and stressing me out so much, I physically cannot cope. Me and my partner are 19 and 20, I moved in with him and his mum last November and found out I’m pregnant in June this year. I am currently 23+4 weeks pregnant and the house we’re in is super unhygienic. I developed so many h...


How to leave a marriage

Me and my husband have been together for over 15 years. we have 3 children together. I love him, but I'm not sure if I'm in love with him. I just don't feel happy. I'm so confused.


Right mums

My lil boys birthday is soon and it’s really starting to dawn on me that my lil man hasn’t got little friends. I don’t have any friends myself cause they live far or moved away from the country. Now his second birthday is coming up and I’ve got a lump in my throat cause I feel so guilty that my bubs hasn’t got fri...


4 year old being hurt at school

So my LG has been at the school since Sept 23 in the nursery class and this year has gone into reception. It’s a very small school only 15 children in each class. Last term she had 2 incidents where one LB had marked her by being very rough (I really don’t think he did it maliciously). But on both occasions school ...


Ofsted bad rating at nursery

What would you do if your nursery gets an ofsted review which comes back really bad? So we’ve not seen the report yet, but I had an email from the nursery last night going to all parents telling us to ‘prepare for the worst outcome so we aren’t disappointed’ I have 2 children at this nursery and I was getting wo...


Does it hurt when your in laws or your family make no effort with your child(ren) and don’t know them?

Comments below - how did you cope with zero effort/too much time with them etc


Do you get along with your in-laws

I’m pregnant again by the man I love his family hate me when I tell him about it he’s saying I’m disrespectful to his mom but yesterday he finally said idc anymore yall both don’t like eachother and I can tell but the problem is I want to have a bond with her my son is 1 and he acts like he’s terrified everytime he ...


My own mother hit me and then Threatened me, what would have you done if it happen to you??

So basically, yesterday I went to wash my little one in the shower room (as we don’t have a bath in there) and as I was washing her, she had a fall/fell on the wet floor. I was trying to be careful and she heard a bang and run up and sooonn… comes at me and started hiting me JUST BECAUSE an accident had happened. ...



My 9 month old is due to start nursery, she had her first settling day the other day, they just took her at the door, I was expecting to go in for like 5/10 mins to settle her in then leave? When I came to pick her up she was beside herself in tears, what is to happen??


Told my partner I’m struggling

I’m really struggling at the moment, I’m on demand feeding, get no sleep and it’s taking its toll, I’ve told my partner how I’m feeling and he said it’s my duty to raise children as a women so what do I want him to do and I need to suck it up …. While he goes football, gym and isn’t around … anyone else partner like...


Feel like I’m going insane

I’m doing absolutely everything for my newborn and toddler and 4 weeks post c section while my partner just sits online trading all day, today I’ve asked him to watch our 2 year old while I get the newborn and myself dressed …. My little boy comes running in with a battery in his mouth! I’ve gone mental but apparent...


Is your LO in nursery yet?

I suppose the guilt of him being in nursery is more than I expected, so I was wondering how many other kids his age are there as I feel like the worst mom ☹️ I need to work, and I do part time, he is only about 20h a week there but its 20h where he can be crying, needing me, alone and feeling abandoned.


Preschool/school mum guilt - anyone else?!

My daughter started preschool in Sept and it was essential to secure her place in school as places are difficult to get at her school. But my mum guilt just isn’t easing!! I’m a SAHM and she’s there 730-1230. I just miss her so, so much and she enjoys it but tells me all the time that “it isn’t as fun as being with ...


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