Marriage Ending?

Backstory: We have been together 18 years, married for 12. Over the course of our relationship there has been verbal, emotional and even physical abuse- for years. He has cheated 4 times that I know of, and yet I stayed and remained faithful. A few years ago while my dad was in the icu dying, he was cheating. Once I found out, it was a big blowup. He hit me, and basically deemed the whole incident my fault. He actually packed his things, headed to a different state to meet up with this chick and live with her. He left our 3 kids, our grandchild and me.. I was dumb, dependent and devastated but begged him to come back. He did finally. It was extremely rocky for a long time. He hasn’t hit me since that last blowup a few years ago, but the verbal and emotional abuse is still there as well as the threats. I lost 100lbs to better my health and now he is constantly insinuating that I am cheating on him. I am a sahm and don’t get out often unless I’m taking our son to school or going grocery shopping. If I do my hair or makeup one day- I must be cheating. I can’t even take a shower or shave without him asking who it’s for. I have told him countless times to stop because it’s hurting our relationship, he does for a short time then goes right back to it. We don’t have sex often mainly because I have zero interest. I only do it so we don’t fight about it so much. I am a very shy and introverted person so he knows I would never sleep around. But I am accused weekly. I feel extremely disconnected to him. I love him because we’ve been together for SO long but I don’t feel “in love”anymore. We just coexist together. I am in my late 30s and kinda feel like I’ve matured to the point where I can’t keep doing this. I feel very unhappy and depressed. But I’m scared. I’ve never been on my own, but feel like I deserve better. He has been trying more though. Like saying I love you and showing me more affection, but as soon as something doesn’t go his way (at work or home when he’s fixing something) or I tell him not tonight, he’s back to treating me like crap and guilting me. I’m not sure what to do. What would you do in my situation? He knows I have nowhere to go. I’m a sahm, don’t bring in any income and have relied on him since I was 18. Nothing is in my name and if I’d ask him to stay at his mom’s for a bit, he’d probably laugh. I just don’t know if I should hang around longer and try to fix this or call it quits.. Is my marriage over? if you’ve made it to the end- thank you for hanging in there!
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I’d leave. It sounds like this situation is never going to get better and the longer you stay the harder and harder it will be to leave and get yourself established on your own. You don’t want to be in your late 40s or 50s, in the same place you’re in now, facing the same decision and wishing you had the balls to leave when you had more time to build a happy life for yourself and maybe find someone who cares for you and makes you feel safe, supported, and respected. There are lots of services and programs designed to help folks in your situation get on their feet, I’d recommend looking into them and getting out of there!

I think you need to leave. You won’t be alone, you’ll have your wonderful children. And I think the children’s sake too, you should leave. As this will definitely affect them too. x

Your marriage has been over for years, you’ve just not been willing to accept that. He sounds like my ex-husband. I was miserable. Find a way to leave, whether that’s ferret money away in a secret account or speak to a DV shelter. I’m 1000% better off. Remarried to the man of my dreams and have a little girl now. I turned 40 this month. Life goes on and your happiness needs to be forged by yourself and not reliant on someone else who is verbally, emotionally, mentally, and physically abusive. My own mother has been with an abusive man for 39 years. She won’t leave him. We are all waiting for him to die so we can give her the life she should’ve had.

Id say leave but also try to suggest maybe working somewhere part time or securing a work from home job without him knowing so that you can save up and have a back up plan in case you don’t get anything in the divorce.

U are young u have a whole life ahead of u. U deserve to be in a happy loving relationship or happy at peace by urself. He is not worth it. Don’t do what my mom did. She stayed same story of urs and she regrets it

What reason is there to stay? Don’t make him think he has you and you can’t ever leave you can! You’re strong and don’t need him for anything anymore. Lifes too short to be miserable and he’s doing just that! He sounds awful, leave and don’t look back

It's been almost a year since I stopped accepting this behavior from my husband and moved out. It's not always easy, but I have seen a tremendous positive improvement in my children and my own mental/physical well-being. And we all get along better. I wish you the best in whatever decisions you make. You have one life, girl. Allow yourself to find true happiness 😊 🥰

It sounds like your reason for staying is the financial security. That's not a good enough reason to build a relationship, and it sounds like sadly the foundations of yours has been crumbling for a while anyway. It's much easier said than done for us all to tell you of course you should leave. There will be a lot of practicalities to consider, but your own and your childrens' happiness will be worth it in the long run. The fact you're asking this question suggests you are ready to think about leaving. Get as much practical, financial, and legal advice as you possibly can. Build a safety net of people and resources around you as far as you're able. Keep yourself and your babies safe mentally and physically from your abuser. Because I'm afraid that is what he is.

I read the second sentence and instantly said yep it's over. I think you know the answer and just need to hear it from others. he's going to threaten to take your kids away because he's the bread winner and he can "actually provide for them" but don't let him scare you into thinking that he can do that. you don't love him, you are trauma bonded to him. please save yourself and your children.

I am in the same boat as you and its an awful feeling, me and my husband live separately and he's horrible and nasty to me sometimes too, he only wants to use me now, I don't like being around him any more and I think I'm starting to accept my marriage is over, we bearly have sex too iv no interest in it at all but its there where you need it lol.. but yeah we get on better as friends than husband and wife..

Your trauma bonded just like me.

Figure out how you can support yourself and get the fuck out. Dealing with all this is insane. You'll be so much more happy

You will get spousal support and child support, you just need a friend or loved one to support you in that gap while you get on your feet. If there’s anything that I’ve learned in 5 yrs of therapy, it’s that literally everyone “projects”, he assumes you are doing all the things he does and that you think like he thinks. So correct, you don’t deserve this. There is no real love in this relationship, this is super toxic. You need to ask yourself, when are you going to start loving yourself more than you love him? Who is going to protect that little girl inside you that wasn’t treated the way she deserved growing up? It’s supposed to be you protecting her now. I say this with complete compassion because I had to learn this… your showing him how much your worth by staying, your showing him he can be his absolute worst and you’ll still accept him. Most people subconsciously want someone who pushes them to be their best, not accept them at their worst.

The most impactful thing I heard on tik-toks from men themselves was “if he wanted to he would” and “trust a man’s actions, not his words”. Because they were admitting they lie a lot, because it’s easy and gets them what they want. Their actions follow how they truly feel though.

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