Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Feel like I’m going insane

I’m doing absolutely everything for my newborn and toddler and 4 weeks post c section while my partner just sits online trading all day, today I’ve asked him to watch our 2 year old while I get the newborn and myself dressed …. My little boy comes running in with a battery in his mouth! I’ve gone mental but apparent...


Is your LO in nursery yet?

I suppose the guilt of him being in nursery is more than I expected, so I was wondering how many other kids his age are there as I feel like the worst mom ☹️ I need to work, and I do part time, he is only about 20h a week there but its 20h where he can be crying, needing me, alone and feeling abandoned.


Preschool/school mum guilt - anyone else?!

My daughter started preschool in Sept and it was essential to secure her place in school as places are difficult to get at her school. But my mum guilt just isn’t easing!! I’m a SAHM and she’s there 730-1230. I just miss her so, so much and she enjoys it but tells me all the time that “it isn’t as fun as being with ...


Am I being unreasonable ??

My mum has my baby whilst I work (as she works part time so it fits around my work) She has him doing things like climbing from the sofa onto the windowsill as he likes it (she is obviously accompanying him) but now at home he’s trying to stand on all windowsills. I asked her not to do it and she started on me sayin...


Feeling overwhelmed

Today my 7 week old son gave me a run for my money he cat nap all day and was super fussy and clingy and crying for everything. I don’t know how to calm him down and I’m starting to get frustrated how do stop feeling this way as I know he is just a newborn and he doesn’t even know what’s going on. I just laid him in...


It’s official I’m at a breaking point 😣

Thanks to my Obgyn always making comments about my weight and how I’m only allowed to gain 20 pounds or less….I literally am struggling so hard. Due to multiple issues we finally switched to another Obgyn which she’s awesome but at my last ultrasound at 32 weeks…..they said my baby is below weight by a week… I h...


Wwyd? Thoughts?

Hey mamas. So my hubby and I went through a little situation with my daughter’s father. My hubby is a great husband and step dad and I couldn’t have asked for anyone better. Last Friday, we went out to celebrate him rolling off of a big project. My phone was dead and we were not paying attention to his phone. I aske...


Husband trouble

Can I just say I HATE hunting season!!! I don’t care that my husband hunts but I hate that he is never home, he want to go all the time right after work and they he is not home until after dark. It makes me responsible for dinner baths and bedtime routines with my 3 year old and 8 month old. He is still not home and...



Struggling to reconnect with partner, don’t feel loved anymore since having my baby girl back in June, he barely kisses or cuddles me anymore unless I ask for it since I stopped asking it’s got less and less frequent he says he loves me but doesn’t show it, what do I do help need advice


Partner wants a 3rd but I don’t?

My partner wants another baby but I have said I am 100% done. We have twins who are 7 now and he always said he didn’t want another until they were 7-10years old. Now I’m at a stage where I have raised them where they are very independent for their age, they’re in full time school, they do so many things for thems...



Do anyone else husband or significant other help out around the house it seems like I am always doing something and my husband just sits there and doesn’t help not one bit


Spouse is done

My husband said he’s done with doing things without his daughter . To add more context , she lives 5 hours away and we only get her on long weekends . We have a son together . I obviously try to include her when she is here but in my eyes we still have to function as a family when she isn’t here . He has major depre...


How my dad “told me” my grandpa has passed away

This is how my dad “told me” that my 96yo grandpa has passed away. I have no words…who does that??? How am I supposed to be there for him now for loosing a parent when this is so disrespectful towards my feelings that I don’t want to see him ever again. I deserved more than learning it from a FB photo. I’m heartbro...


Child maintenance payments... Wtf?

I'm just so confused how the Gov website child maintenance calculator is fair?! My hubby has 2 children with his ex and they have a private agreement for him to pay £250 per month (this is what the gov calculator comes up with, but it isn't paid through CMS). We have his 2 children 3 nights a week and she has them...


Paying for step child ..

I know this may come off rude and insensitive but I don’t feel like my step child is my financial responsibility. When it comes to bdays and holidays I don’t mind buying presents or random things when i think of my sd I’ll get it . But when it comes to larger things such as college , car, or thousands in trips or ex...


Mainly a vent..

Just got done with my son’s 1 month appointment and I feel like a failure. He’s healthy over all but he has soothing and sleeping troubles. Also seems like I’m not feeding him enough at each feeding (breastfeeding). She said he should be sleeping longer stretches and be nice and full. He shouldn’t be using my breast...



My son is due to start nursery in January for 2 days 8.30-3.30 I’m already an emotional wreck about this! But my anxiety now is my work hours are 8.30-3.30 same as his nursery hours. I’ve managed to get work to agree to 9-3 for the first 3 weeks but then I’m back to normal. I feel so bad that I’m not going to be the...


Mom Guilt

Any fellow working mamas struggling? I hate not being able to be home with my baby every day 😭 being a SAHM just isn’t an option for my family as I just got a promotion and it came with a great raise. I’m very grateful for that but can’t help but feel sad and guilty that I can’t be home with my son. Mostly venting…


Anxiety leaving baby with dad..

I’ll be doing some KIT night shifts in November and then I’ll officially be going back in January. I have MAJOR anxiety as dad has never been left with LO more than an hour or two. He’s taken her out ONCE in 9 months, which he forgot to put a jacket on her & she ended up unwell, didn’t have a clue how to put her in ...



The rage has completely taken over. Struggling to cope with a 3 year old and a 3 month old and keep on top of EVERYTHING because my boyfriend is “working” I literally do everything for these kids. And today the thing that’s got my rage going is the neighbours constantly banging on the ceiling. I’m honestly ready to ...


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