Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.


So me and my man have a 7 month old and he keeps trying to “distract her” I’m guessing from crying by like throwing a swaddle on her over her head and ish like that and I’ve asked him multiple times nicely and calm to not do that bc of suffocation risk and so just now she’s crying and he couldn’t soothe her I said s...


Nursery - unsettled

My nearly 1 year old has been at nursery for just under 3 weeks. He’s completely unsettled, refuses to eat there, barely sleeps if at all, sick, screams etc. I’m honestly at a loss. Do we move him to a different nursery, increase his time, reduce it? Does it get better? Anyone else had a similar experience? He curre...


Husband not helping

I’m a first time mum whose struggling with breastfeeding and I’ve expressed my feelings to my husband and asked for his support. He’s had 5 weeks off work and has returned to work but has since slept every night downstairs so he can get a good sleep. That leaves me alone all night with the baby aswell as well as all...


Tell me if I am wrong

My partner works full time and I work part time as we have a 3 year old who attends nursery 3 days a week so I can work. The other 2 days I look after our little one. My partner says that stuff for the house we should go 50/50. But I disagree and say we should go 75/25. Reason being is because he earns 3x more than...


Feeling anxious about husband going back to work tomorrow

I suppose this post is just to vent but I feel so anxious. My husband is going back to work tomorrow and we have a one year old and our newborn daughter. We spent 10 days in NICU so we haven’t had much of paternity leave at home and I feel so sad he has to return tomorrow. I don’t know how I’m going to do this he’...


Is this the end?

Been with my partner 9 years. Had a LB a year ago and I just have no desire for my partner at all. Don’t want to hug/kiss not really interested in what he’s doing he’s just getting on my nerves everything he does irritates me. I feel so so sad because our relationship has always been brilliant I’ve always felt our l...


Family drama

Sorry guys I just need to vent. I haven’t talked to my mom most of my pregnancy. So I haven’t kept her in the loop on what’s going on with me or my pregnancy. Same for her side of the family. I stopped talking to all of them since I found out I was pregnant and were talking behind my back. Fast forward to now my old...


Boy mom with teenager hygiene question

I hope it's not just me, but if I didn't remind my 13 year old son to shower/ brush his teeth everyday then it wouldn't happen. I've even intentionally gone the entire day not saying anything and he only did it right at bedtime because I had to remind him. I just know as a girl at his age my mother didn't have to re...


How do you feel about your SO taking his own children out for the day, but saying it's to do YOU a favour?

Why can't Dad's take their kids out without it being "a favour" for the mum, so that she can have some time alone?


Husband works a physical job, mom's home with 2 kids 8 and 1 and goes to school full time. How should house work be split?

My husband makes comments about how he shouldn't be expected to do half the deep cleaning bc he's not home more often. I say he should do half the deep cleaning hc I'm home taking care of our kids and daily cooking and cleaning majority of the time. It's a lot for me on top of school and why should I deep cleaning a...


Guilt over 1st birthday

My little girl is 1 next week and we haven’t really planned anything for it and I feel SO guilty. We originally wanted to get her christened but the church took forever getting back to us and then it was too short notice to plan properly so we left it. Then I thought about doing a little tea party with our friends ...


How angry would you be if your child's teacher laughed at them?

We moved from an English speaking country to an Arabic speaking country, my daughter is 6 and is enrolled in 1st grade. The school and teacher said it wasn't a problem that she didn't speak Arabic yet and that she would learn quickly. Well today all the students had to say the national anthem individually, my daught...


Scared and anxiety taking over

So I’m a mama of 1 already and my son will be 2 when the baby is born. I feel so upset and scared because I don’t want to make him feel jealous or anything and I’m just having so many mixed emotions. I want a second baby so bad but I also want to be there for my son 24/7 but I know once this one comes along it won’t...


Significant other with baby

Anyone else's significant other incapable of giving you alone time when you're in the house? I ask him to watch the baby for a bit, he agrees and then next thing I know he's followed me to the next room with the baby. It could even be that i go to the next room to pump and he decides to hang out in the room with me ...


Relationship advice

So my bf and me have a four month old baby and my partner is struggling with depression. Last night I came home from seeing a friend he kicked off drove off and went missing. This hasn’t happened before so I contacted the police and they found him and it’s been 24hrs I’ve just got to his parents house I stoked his h...


Things that aren't related to baby!

How is everyone getting on with keeping on top of anything in their life not for their lil bebe? I'm struggling massively with keeping on top of any personal care, housework etc and just need to know if anyone has any tips or just to hear people are in the same position 🥹 Kind of beating myself up for not…


Rant warning. I just need a safe spot to put my feelings...

My daughter is 7. My son is 1. I've been with my current man since August 2018. Over the years I've done much for him and our family ( not saying he hasn't) I've cleaned and made non expensive surprises for him with maybe only a thank you...when he found out that we were having our first kid together there was no ex...


Irritability and rage

I'm 31 weeks and I find I'm so irritable and little things make me angry. I can go from wanting my husband near all the time to finding everything he says and does so annoying. It's not just my husband little things people are saying or doing around me really get under my skin and I feel like I need to vent about...


Anyone else feeling the same? Please no hate😭

My baby is 2 weeks old today, and god I love him so much but also can't help but feel a little resentful. I am exclusively breast feeding and it's so demanding. I feel like anytime I try and do anything he wakes and wants feeding. I'm not sure if im setting to high expectations for us that my life can continue the w...



Hi guys! I don’t really get on here but I’m kinda stumped rn with my toddler. Usually she’s pretty good but there’s daily tantrums. Which I know are normal for her age. But there’s other things like sprinting and running across and completely out of the store and just disciplinary things I’m having a big problem wit...


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