Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.


Why are people so damn stupid. Talking about how easy it is or the fact that it’s even possible to support a whole family on minimum wage ? As though it’s even possible to buy a house on minimum wage. Talking about how younger people buy unnecessary things like takeout instead of making food at home. As tho a $15 an...


Trigger warning d%^^g use

My fiancé has been struggling with coke use for awhile. Tonight I called the cops but they weren’t much help, we have a 1 year old and I’m pregnant, staying home with no income relying on him entirely. We are in the lists for housing and shelter but what more can I do? I have no where else to go, can CPS take my kid...



So, me & my husband have been together 10 years (married for 5). He has just told me that 2 years into our relationship before we were married/ ONE YEAR Before he proposed to me, he cheated on me & slept with 2 different people. He has also had inappropriate conversations with another woman last year whilst we were ...


In need of advice and support 🥹

i'd just like to know people's opinions on whether they think living with their parents is better during the newborn stage , or if they found it better having their own place . I'm currently 38+4 and both me and my boyfriend decided to stay at my mums place just for extra support as we are both nervous first time pa...


Friend house stinks

So, I have a friend i made off here and she's pretty cool. We've hung out alot, but how do I tell her, that her house smells horrible and I'm tired of seeing her daughter in dirty clothes without sounding like a female dog? I literally can't even tell her I don't want to drive to her house (it is a far ride and she...


Vent - Some days I literally hate my husband .

Today I work up, pack lunch for my kid, got him dressed for school , took home to school, came home, make a few phone calls, cooked 2 meals , cleaned and mopped 2 bathrooms , did laundry, picked my kid up from school, spent an hr doing practice math and writing, fed the cat and dog, gave my kid a bath and dressed fo...


Bad night feeling overwhelmed

Not really looking for advice just need to vent somewhere...My baby's sleep is so bad atm and just keeps getting worse. Tonight he is waking every half hour crying. I have tried resettling in his next to me but he just cries even louder so I end up picking him up just to stop it. I get him back to sleep and put him ...


Help with kindergarten problems

Sorry this is so long: I’m dealing with some issues concerning my kiddos kindergarten teacher at school. It started with the teacher yelling at the class, to the point where my child would come home crying and not want to go back the next day. After this continued, I joined forces with another mom and she spoke to t...


4 year old goes against everything!

I known this is the age of testing boundaries but it’s wayyyy more than I expected. I go to blow his nose and he blows everywhere but in the tissue including On other things. I try to not react in a big way but it doesn’t help that I am OCD. Then, a major meltdown because I had to put a bandaid on. He hates takin...


Thoughts on things like this..?

I have a lot of anxiety taking my 2 year old out and about and letting him walk. He’ll hold my hand sometimes, but he just wants to have “freedom” and there’s a lot of meltdowns that come from us not letting him have a lot of that. I’m wondering if something like this might help..? We’d obviously still be right ther...


How is everyone doing?

Idk about y’all but what the actual fuck! Excuse my language but ever since my son turned two it’s been hell! Toddlers are no joke and not for the weak lol he was pretty good prior was patient, would listen to me and didn’t really have any tantrums. Well he had 3 in one day and I’m BEYOND mentally exhausted! Idk if ...


Child discipline

My child is only a year old and her father is already talking about physical discipline. I don’t agree with that form of discipline nor do I condone it. I try to tell him that isn’t something I’m comfortable with and he just says he’ll do what he wants because he’s the father. What should I do? Just accept it? I do ...


What’s your screen time looking like lately?

I’m so fed up with phones. I feel the constant need to be on mine. Although I’m not actively on my phone I’m always listening to something. My husband actually is constantly on his. Every free second he has he is scrolling or reading or watching something. I’m so sick of this. I can’t deal with it anymore.


Is it me or is my mother in law a total nightmare? 😮

So I’ve just had my second baby (well he’s 5 months!) but I also have a toddler who was 2 last week. So, as you can imagine life is chaotic and sometimes I’m just about managing to keep my head about water! Anyway 2 weeks ago my mother in law came to my house - I was having a bad day! The house was a mess, I looke...


Am I being dramatic

So I have always had problems with my mother in law from her waking my child up to take her for brunch when she was only 3 months whilst I was sleeping next to her (without waking me and just leaving the house with my child) But she is constantly doing stuff that irritates me like on her day she takes my daughter ...


Am I the asshole?

So my husband came home on a tear today from work (bad day) and naturally I’mThe punching bag and so is my child (our child) immediately screaming and going on a rant Anywho He went on about how I never offer to cook (was never an issue before. Always states he rather cook. Loves to cook. Etc) He took me for my ...


Do you always let your baby/child participate in daycare activities/events that are additional?

My baby is only 1 yr old and her daycare almost always do events/activities that should be paid if I want to let her participate. But she's only a yr old, so I don't really think she will enjoy it? Also, parents are asked/requested to come and join these events with their children, but I'm always busy at work and I ...


What to do? What to say?

So our 6 year old has been informing us on what’s been going on at school regarding a few of the kids in her class. Some of these children seem to be a bit advanced.. they’re already talking about kissing on the lips and neck, liking one another, having babies together. To me this is so overwhelming to hear about es...


Am I wrong? 😑

Long story short me and my sister live together and I pull most of the weight with household duties as in cleaning, making dinner etc. I was watching her kid for her also till i realized I was putting waaaayy too much on my plate when I have one responsibility and that’s MY daughter… so i stopped. I stopped doing al...


Putting in effort

My partner of 5 years has never really been great at occasions (anniversaries etc) we have 2 kids and it's always me who plans and preps, however this year I've done nothing but cry at the lack of effort he's put in. For my birthday he didn't get me a thing, only when I asked for something and for our anniversary th...


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