Cursing around your kids??

So this has been a debate for the longest time. But do yall curse around your kids and allow them to curse? And I don’t mean teenagers I mean toddlers or children under 10. A lil context: My bf was raised in a family where they let the kids curse bc they couldn’t censor themselves and me being the person I am don’t want my children raised that way. He curses on the game he’s a lil homophobic (which I understand not agreeing with the lgbtq community but I dont agree with calling ppl derogatory words bc of the decisions that’s just rude). I have made it clear to him that I’m not like that and I don’t want my children to think certain things are ok. I’m also trying to raise my child in the word of God which he has little knowledge of but he’s learning slowly. We also have a son otw and I’m worried about how he’s raised but I know if I need to I will leave bc I’m strict on what type of ppl my kids are raised around. Anyway …. I know it’s different for everybody but just wondering what yall think?
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My husband has a potty mouth. I hardly ever really curse (at least not like my husband does). But when our son picks up what we say, we teach/tell him not to say that and explain why.

my bf and i curse around our toddler (2) it doesn’t bother us. occasionally she’ll copy me (usually when i say dammit lol) but i just tell her those words are for grownups. i was raised christian with no cursing, my bf was the opposite. i’m no longer religious but think you’re totally valid if you don’t want kids to curse/hear it all the time. homophobia is not okay with me at all though, i wouldn’t want my kids hearing stuff like that, if they did i’d be sure to tell them it was wrong

Just like there are media that are reserved for adults, my kids know that curse words are for adults only. If they hear someone their age cursing, speaking on inappropriate topics, I'm teaching them not to repeat it.

We swear. We will have rules around swearing, like no swearing at people but if you stub your toe or step on a lego and swear, I don't care. We're not homophobic though.

We try not to

I curse more than my husband lol. And like everyone said, as long as they know that there are at home words, and they know the correct context to use them. There’s actually been a few studies where people who curse tend to have higher verbal fluency which is pretty interesting!

Yes we swear

I curse a lot. I don’t censor myself around my own child; but if I’m around other people’s kids I do censor myself. Our plan is to make all words fully accessible in our own home. If we ever run into an issue of using words out of their proper context we’ll address it. But words are just words. Slurs are the only “bad words” I can think of

Me and my partner swear a lot and my toddlers are in the copy phase, anytime they copy us we tell them it is a naughty grown up word that they shouldn't say. Personally I don't have a problem with them swearing but as they get older I want them to have respect in public so I've started to implement that now, as far as I know they've only done it at home. When they get older it'll be easier for me to explain it to them at home idc but outside shut up and have some manners😅

No I purposely don’t swear around her apart from the odd slip up here and there. My partner is more of a natural swearer but tries not to too. She’s too little to understand if she repeated something now but I’m not a fan of kids swearing. But don’t agree with your stance on lgbtq people and think this is more damaging than the swearing.

I swear and I really really try not to around my kids but it sometimes slips out. My 2 year old is brilliant at saying “fuck sake” in the correct context 🫠

Following from the comment about the lgbtq community. When you say you understand, is that he has his views and you agree or just that you are okay with it? Because that's weird if you don't want your kid to say fuck but wouldn't mind them belittling someone because of their sexuality.

Honestly I think they’ll end up learning curse words eventually at school especially I live in nyc and kids curse a lot and say the n word which is terrible tbh. But I would try not to curse near my daughter because I don’t want her to curse back at me or be rude to family members

@Ally this! Even if you don’t agree with lbgt you shouldn’t let your child spread hate like that and put people down.

@Izzie exactly. I don’t agree with homophobia at all. If you don’t got nothing nice to say don’t say nothing at all. That’s how I was raised. But clearly him and I wasn’t raised the same bc his whole family does it. And I didn’t notice it until a while after I had our daughter

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As a lesbian raising my kids it’s a little alarming that you would raise a kid with a homophobe because saying homophobic words isn’t just rude- it’s teaching hate. But I let my kids cuss when it’s appropriate… like for example if they are at a park and some stranger danger thing is happening I taught my kids to say “i dont FUCKING know you!” Cuz that will get parents attention faster when they are using words like fuck. But I also will say shit if like I stub my toe for example or struggle in a video game and if they say it no bigger. But my kids will never say racist, homophobic, xenophobic, or any other hateful words but that’s because I don’t use them. We are supposed to show kids by example and he is saying inappropriate things now, he will teach the kids that. We need to raise our kids better than allowing things like what your man says slide!

@Ally lemme clarify bc I think yall are taking it the wrong way. No I don’t agree with his opinion. And no I don’t hate the lgbtq community. I’m a religious person but I’m in no way gonna force my opinions on other peoples opinion ppl. God loves all his children. Are there certain things that shouldn’t be exposed to children when it comes to that? Yes 100%. But I’m not boutta hate on a group of ppl who idk and idk their life situation. That’s not my place

@Nathalie im homeschooling. I don’t agree with certain things taught in public schools nowadays. But even being around her cousins (which is rare bc they not raised right) they started cursing at age 2. Some of them are also gang affiliated or have anger issues. So I don’t let her around them at all. I will never teach my child to hate any community. I’m trying to raise humble children but my bf doesn’t know how to humble himself. That’s one of the reasons why I’m considering leaving. He’s told me he would work on it but idk

Incognito what do you think we expose children to? Last I checked people connected to churches are far more sinister than anything my community as a whole does. Like for example the fact the Los Angeles Catholic Church has to pay $880 million settlement because of their felonious ways. And that is just the Catholics. So do not say my community exposes anything to children when the call is coming from the church and not the LGBTQIA+. The only thing we do is show kids that it’s ok to be themselves and we do it with fucking Pride!

@Lyss agreeing with this. Going to our pride festival earlier this month, it was the religious protesters hovering around the kid zone yelling at kids parents about how disgusting and shameful they are and scaring the kids. It may not be incognito openly gay bashing and dropping slurs, but kids will still learn what they are exposed to day after day. I’d be much more worried about kids repeating slurs over saying fuck.

I see.. you have worded your post poorly. Allowing him to have his opinion and agreeing are different things which is why I asked. If you stay then really the only thing you can do is correct the behaviour when your kids copy, because they are children and they know what they see/hear. They will learn swear words and use them even if not in your household. Just as they will learn about the lgbtq community. The difference with that is their views will be molded by what they see/hear at home. For my household we don't really care about it we don't have an opinion. Our view is you wanna be gay then be gay that's your business, not for us and we don't want part of it but we don't judge you for it. Personally the only time I have a problem with any type of community is when they try to force they views and ways of life onto other people.

We have our raw moments for sure, if I drop something or react to something I will naturally curse. I try not to speak vulgarly in general, aiming to have a wider vocabulary unless the moment calls for it 😂. My husband plays Xbox, so he is constantly in his office cursing everyone out and coming up with unique ways to insult whoever he’s playing with lol…I have to tell him to chill pretty regularly because it can be too much…he and his family curse in regular conversations, and at the kids, and I’ll often ask them not to. I’ve taught my little ones that adults curse sometimes, but there are usually better words to use and that they can’t use curse words until they’re much older. They seem to get it 🤷🏼‍♀️.

I tried very hard not to when mine were small. I was one of those moms with kid appropriate playlists and kids bop etc. until they were 10+… now that they’re teenagers (15 & 13) I curse like a sailor and usually they think it’s hilarious, not directed at them per se, but they know it’s adult language and not to repeat it. I am struggling now that I’m pregnant again with my third how I’m going to put the genie back in the bottle but I’ll definitely try to watch my mouth at least! Especially at that young sponge stage.

I swear around my newborn but not my toddler because she repeats absolutely everything

@Lyss I never said you specifically expose children to anything. I’m not catholic and I don’t rlly care about none of what they doing. I base my opinions off of EXPERIENCE. My opinion could be right wrong or in between oh well 🤷🏾‍♀️ Like you getting triggered for no reason. Just like everybody else in the world I’m entitled to my opinion. Nobody’s bashing the lgbtq community. I already explained that scroll up and read. Literally said that’s not my place

@Ally perfectly stated. Ppl just taking it the wrong way. Idc bout what nobody got going on you wanna love who you wanna love cool that’s not my business

I do but I’m working on trying to not

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