
My baby is 4 months and is so clingy. It’s to the point I cannot put him down without him screaming. He only wants to be held by me and no one else and it’s so frustrating. He will not take naps longer than 10 minutes by himself which results into contact naps. I’m so overwhelmed because I psychically cannot get anything done around the house, go to appointments, or feel like I can get out the house. I have tried just letting him cry it out but it gets to the point where he’s crying and screaming so much that he is coughing, choking, and has paused breathing. I have introduced him to so many people and yet he still only wants me. I’m a first time mom and this is such an overwhelming experience that has brought so much anxiety and panic that I need a mental break. I feel like I get no help from my husband or support. I always have to ask him to take the help or to help when he sees me struggling. He acts like he gets to clock in and out of being a parent. I’m so fucking over it. When I try to express my feelings to him it turned into an argument and he says “I don’t even know why you have anxiety you have it made. You are a stay at home mom what could you possibly have anxiety about.” I have so much resentment towards him that I feel stuck and don’t know what to do. I need help BAD. How can I put my baby down for 10 minutes without him screaming?! How do I fix my marriage or is it even worth it?! I feel clueless & lost.
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Sounds like you have a velcro baby and a dismissive husband. I would suggest looking into couples counseling because maybe another person telling him will help him see the error of his ways. It's sad that most men have this attitude about stay at home moms. They literally don't fucking get it. Also, as someone who was diagnosed with PPA and PPD after my second I would encourage you to also find a therapist for yourself to help you work through the panic and anxiety. Its okay to let baby cry so you get a minute. They'll be fine. My inbox is always open if you wanna talk more.

@Leslie it’s so frustrating. He thinks I sit around all day and does nothing. I have offered couples counseling and he wants nothing to do with it. So it feels like this marriage is not a priority to him at all & honestly right now it doesn’t feel like a priority to me either. I have started individual therapy and it’s been helpful but still feel so lost.

Girl if you don’t put that dang baby down and endure that crying, not for too long but you do have to set boundaries with months old babies. Mamas don’t realize that we build that habit if we feel like we have to constantly pick them up every time they cry. Just sit baby in a safe place in Birds Eye view and walk away and give yourself 5 minutes of time to do what you want and need to do.

Breath! It’s okay babe. Only you know what to say to your husband and I would advise you give it to him raw and make him feel like ish about it…sadly it works

I can't speak to your marriage because I'm having a bad day and probably won't say the best thing. However, as far as the little one, have you tried swaddling him in something that smells like you? Wear his blanket under your shirt until it's time for a nap. That way, it's warm and smells just like you. Then swaddle him in it before you lay him down. Maybe that'll comfort him while he sleeps. You can also try white noise in the background or your voice recorded humming or singing on a loop. Hope that helps, and you get a break, Mama. They don't come with an instruction manual, so don't worry about doing things perfectly. Just try to do the best that YOU can. 😉

@YO DADDY fAV😚 thank you 🥹 I do need to start trying to walk away more and taking a minute to myself. It just seems so hard sometimes. & yes I plan on having a real raw conversation with him so he knows how I feel and how I’m at my done point

@Jay oh my god I didn’t think about the swaddling smelling like me. I will for sure try at nap time and hopefully that will help. Thank you!!!

Unfortunately daddies think they can get away with duties because they “know” mamas got it. We mothers have to force our husbands sometimes in an “uncomfortable” position (e.i. like sitting the baby in the same room with him) so you can take the car and go. I do it all the time, and also daddy might be having a hard time in the background and I won’t disregard that but he has more than one role as provider and husband. He’s a father first and you as his wife have to show him and if he doesn’t want to learn, then you do as I said and leave the baby with him and go. The best thing would be for you to walk out and drive away and stay away until you feel better. 30-45 minutes would be perfect as a starter. 😊

@YO DADDY fAV😚 thank you so much

Your kids need you more and the best thing you could do before you 🫰🏽 is leave temporarily then come back collected. 😘

I hope it does! Hit my inbox if you ever need to vent

My daughter went through a phase like that too, it was exhausting. I ended up trying out a few different carriers. She liked to be forward facing to get a good view of what’s going on but still snug against me. Lol. It freed up both hands which allowed me to do stuff around the house and prepare meals. Eventually, once she felt secure enough, I was able to put her down for short periods, which gradually got longer. She still wanted to ride in front most of the day but it eliminated the outbursts and nonstop crying. Wish you luck!

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