Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.


I made a decision before baby came that I wasn’t going to breastfeed and had my own reasons for not wanting to, I gave it a go when he was born but it was definitely the wrong time to attempt it for the first time. My milk came in a week ago and obviously done nothing with it but now I’m starting to get mum guilt th...


Breastfeeding advice - 2weeks post partum

I’m having some issues with breast feeding. My baby lost over 10% of her birth weight and is not having poops (only had two poops since birth) and was sent to the hospital to get checked over. They felt it could be because I’m not feeding efficiently but when they checked how I was breastfeeding they told me that th...


Milk Bleb advice

This morning I noticed one of my boobs was more engorged than normal. Got my LO to feed on it but he became instantly frustrated as he couldn’t get anything out. I can see I have a bleb and it’s making it very difficult for milk to flow out. I have been able to get a tiny bit out throughout the day by hand expressin...


Neocate milk

Does anyone in Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK have any Neocate LCP milk?! I’ve ran out and only need enough for tomorrow morning 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ll be forever thankful! ❤️


Combo feeding

I feel like my milk supply can’t keep up with my baby and i want to start combo feeding. Any tips ?



My little girl has started aggressively biting my left nipple to the point it’s too sore to feed that side I’ve been ending the feed and giving a firm no but what can I do to speed up healing as it hurts under the skin but not cracked and how can I get her to stop I’m just pumping that side at the mo


Lactation recipes

Hey All. Please drop your favorite lactation recipes that work for you. I'm feeling a dip in my supply. I'm thinking I should pump to, but I'm lazy 😅 Thank you


Breastfeeding with flatter nipples

I'm due in a couple of weeks and really keen to breast feed but have concerns around latch as my nipples aren't permantly protruding. They aren't inverted and it really doesn't take a lot of stimulating to bring them out and I'm hoping babies mouth around them and my areola will be enough but it's a bit stressful th...


Breast milk ring 💍

Hey, I will soon be coming to an end of my bf journey and wanted to get a ring as a lovely keepsake. Does anyone have any company recommendations? 💍 Thank you! X


Tips to stop milk supply

Hi, No judgement please but due to my mental health and other reasons I’ve had to stop breastfeeding. I’m trying to gradually stop pumping and dropping a pump every few days and pumping for less but I’m soooo engorged and sore and red. I’ve just stood and milked myself like a cow into a sink in a community centr...


What To Do With Milk

Long story short, my SIL wasted 18 oz of milk 😒 I told her that once a bag is thawed she has to use it that day and for some reason she decided to unthaw 3 bags and didn't use them! She used fresh pumped milk I hadn't frozen yet. I'm trying to be grateful because she traveled far to help us but 18oz is almost a…


Side-Lying with Itty Bitties

So I was just wondering if there's anyone with breasts on the smaller side who does/did Side-Lying breastfeeding. My breasts are not like proper small, but they're nearly C (between a B and C cup), and I definitely had some issues, and still do sometimes lol.


Advice please :)

Hi :) I EBF, which means that most problems with the baby can be solved by a boob in their mouth, right? My issue is I've started noticing that I struggle to handle tears/tantrums without just getting my boob out. I've found it's become a total crutch in my parenting and I almost don't know what to do when out and a...


Breastfeeding help

My baby is 8 months and she ended up biting one side over a few days and that side became unbearably painful so I was nervous to feed on it for a couple of days now it's repaired she's fussing at that boob and refusing to latch and when she does try she's getting frustrated and biting me it's only my left side nursi...


Breastfeeding advice please

He’s only 2 days old today and I’m already finding it excruciating. He latched on great in the hospital and being second baby I already could see the colostrum was there few weeks before birth. Naively thought this time would be way easier and less painful, but last night I had to give him a bottle as I couldn’t sta...


dummies while breast feeding

anyone tried using a dummy while exclusively breastfeeding? my boy is 3 weeks old and would happily be constantly starched to the boob. over the last three days he has barely let go, if i take it away even when he is asleep he immediately wakes and you can see him use it for comfort to pass wind etc. how have peop...


Just diagnosed

Hey I’m from the uk and my baby is 3 weeks old. We got diagnosed yesterday with this. Baby is mainly breastfed but had a bottle on an evening and it seems he cries/ is frustrated with this. We was told cos he is gaining weight and feeding we won’t need anything. But I just want to know if anyone has any experience f...



I have a month old baby girl, and I am breastfeeding but having trouble making enough milk and having to give her a bottle of formula. I am starting to feel like giving up, but I really want to keep breastfeeding Are there any tricks to help get my milk supply up. Any tip and tricks would really help.



i was told as long as you exclusively breastfeed your period will take a while to get back. i’m only 5 weeks pp and my cycle just came back. i breastfeed during the day but i barely feed at night due to my son sleeping longer thru the night. i don’t really pump either because it hurts 🥴😭 has this happened to anyone…


Please help me!

Hey mommas, I want to remain anonymous cause I feel to embarrassed to be my actual name, i have failed with my milk production, I am  exclusively pumping I have went from 150ml to now 1ml each pump. I don’t have any money to get lactation supplements I don’t know what to do. I have been so stressed, overstimulat...


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