Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.

Screaming and crying

My LO is 6 months old. He still hysterically screams and cires and there's no soothing him in sight. This can be from when he wakes up to having his bottle to soothe him to being put to bed or a nap he will SCREAM cry so loud. Sometimes when he's on the floor doing tummy time or crawling he will do this as well....


Shyness around strangers

My daughter is super loud and confident with people she knows, and nursery say she is the same there, but as soon as we are with people she doesn’t know or in a setting she is unfamiliar with, she is really quiet. We were at a 1st birthday party today and she just wanted to be picked up the whole time and refused to...


The talk?

First time moms to a one and a half year old girl here. At what age do you have that talk about there’s no “dada” or “daddy” in the household? And how do you even talk about it?



Hi. My almost 14 months old hasn’t started walking independently. I noticed one of her legs not been straight while she walks with support. More like the feet’s is facing outwards way much instead of been straight. Is there anyone who knows about this? Is it normal? I am going to speak with the health visitor but I ...


Ways to make babies laugh!

Any suggestions??


Babies are weird

My boy can go from sweetly staring and cooing to a screaming red faced rat baby in 5 seconds flat 😂 You'd think I'd never fed him in his life the way he changes! So weird 😅


My 3 yo son just said “I hate you!” Pointed his nerf gun to my head and pulled the trigger. I’m dead 💀

I had to turn my head because I fell out lmao. Has your toddler said this to you?? When did your kid first say it if at all?? I couldn’t help but laugh. Is that crazy? I think I’m just happy he’s expanding his vocabulary smh this motherhood thing is f****** nuts 😂😭😮‍💨



Ladies, I'm going incognito as I've posted before about my little ones speech and don't want to seem as though I am boasting, I'm more concerned. He is excelling in speech, he can count to 20, do his abcs and most recently, count backwards from 10 and ends with "blastoff". I am beyond proud of him, but a part of me ...


When does it become more enjoyable

My baby is 5 months old and I have found it all sooo difficult tbh I’ve not enjoyed any of it so far it’s all been so hard I am looking forward to being able to do fun things and be out and about enjoying things together. I am slowly noticing my mood is picking up as I’ve had pnd but just wondered from other mums is...


Mum brain

Anyone else finding that they are completely blank brained sometimes! Like trying to think of something to talk about other than baby? Or even just recalling information or literally trying to think of anything interesting generally!!!!???


Banging head

Does anyone else’s baby do this ? He does it for hours and hours on a night waking up every 2 hours or so, it’s at the point where he’s getting bruises as he moves to the side of his cot. We have a paediatrician appointment on Wednesday but would be nice to go in with some insight, we thought it was an ear infection...



Alright moms, here’s the deal. My 8 month old has been on the slower end of things. He didn’t smile till 3/4 months, didn’t roll till 7 months. I was always okay knowing babies grow at different rates, but now our pediatrician say that she’s watching him closely to see if there is the possibility of autism. Now I’m ...



Is anyone’s baby crawling? My daughter is 7 months & she’s close but my son however is not!


Banging head

Does anyone else’s baby do this ? He does it for hours and hours on a night waking up every 2 hours or so, it’s at the point where he’s getting bruises as he moves to the side of his cot. We have a paediatrician appointment on Wednesday but would be nice to go in with some insight, we thought it was an ear infection...


Naughtiness / not listening

Has anybody else’s 2 year old suddenly become extra wild, doesn’t listen and no matter how many times you say “no” still does the same thing over, over and over again.. seems to like have become naughty (I don’t know if a phase or just my life now) lol some tips or advice would really help! Thanks xx


Anyone had their baby turn 6 months and not be interested in weaning?

We started this week but he turns his head away, won’t hold the food and acts completely not interested. He screams the entire time despite me being calm, make it fun and baby led. I feel so disheartened! All the babies in my mum group seem to be enjoying their weaning experience and are interested in the food…


Playing up

Does anyone else’s little ones massively play up whenever you go away somewhere? Lily becomes an absolute nightmare whenever we go away somewhere, not listening, being rude, trying to hit etc basically just lashes out 😩 she is like this sometimes at home but whenever we go away she is a million times worse! It’s…


Baby terrified ?

Since about two weeks my baby has been waking up „terrified, scared ? „ the moment we cuddle her she is calming down , but she have this episodes quiet often ever since , we give her so much love , cuddles , attention, yet she have her moments when she like „freaks out ? “ have you ever seen such ? Heard of ? She is...


Baby tantrums 😭

What to do you do ladies when you say NO on silly things and your toddler starts their crying drama like you murdered them! Im getting crazy my girl cry on full volume when i say no to her and even i tey to talk to her she doesn’t stop 😭


Clingy 2 year old age

Hey mama’s! The last few months it seems like we are going through some separation anxiety and a very clingy stage. I’m also pregnant so I wonder if she senses that but anyone else feeling like their kiddo is more clingy towards them at age 2?


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