Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.

Clingy 2 year old age

Hey mama’s! The last few months it seems like we are going through some separation anxiety and a very clingy stage. I’m also pregnant so I wonder if she senses that but anyone else feeling like their kiddo is more clingy towards them at age 2?



Has anyone else’s baby suddenly become super chatty and always making noise 😂 She even does it for the first few minutes of feeding


Signs of autism? 16 months

My son has started walking on his tiptoes in the last couple of days. Not all the time though. He also sometimes walks round the room in circles, sometimes it's around his toys, sometimes he thinks it's funny. Should I be concerned about this?



When monitoring speaking. Do sounds class as words? For example my little can say -wheeee -raaar -beep beep -uh oh Along with other actual words of course But do they count as words?



My little boy is turning 16m old soon. He has tantrums more often than I thought he would. If I say to him “no we don’t do that” he stands up and shouts “NO and starts shouting baby babbling things 😂 he will also flop to the ground and bash his head down on the floor.. he will also grab toys when he’s angry and…


Not walking

My baby is 14 ish months old and he is still not walking😭 He is standing up with support and will also stand up without support for a few seconds or so. Is any other mama out there in the same boat? How can I encourage walking without him getting irritated and throwing himself on the floor like usual.


Screaming baby

My baby is 16 weeks old and me and his dad live separately due to both living with our parents. We stayed with my partner for 2 weeks and we have come home to my parents without his dad for a couple of nights so they can spend some time with him. Since we got here he has been crying and screaming and will not let me...


How do toddlers know

Earlier my 3 year old lifted her dress and said "I have a baby in my tummy" and then said mummy I want a baby sister we have not told her yet we are pregnant.



Anybody have any independent walkers yet? My daughter is just starting to take one step and fall 🥲. So bittersweet, we almost have one year olds !


Playing parents off against each other

My Son keeps saying ‘no I want daddy to do it’ then ‘no mummy do it’ when we have to do various things like get him in the car, or put his pj’s on. It’s becoming really frustrating. Is anyone else’s LO doing this? How are you coping with it? If the other parent doesn’t do it he really cries, or he will just keep say...



This time last week he couldn't talk, now he says FIVE words and today counted one to ten verbally! (Obviously not clearly but it was clear to me as his mum!) So proud!


Crawling Baby

Hi Mamas, my daughter is 14 weeks today and has started to shuffle (she would be crawling if she used her arms) We always co sleep and its the best thing ever... but now shes moving in scared one day she will crawl too far down and fall off the bed. We have a side sleeper on my side of the bed and i was thinking o...


2 year old milestones

Hi mamas, Im just curious. My 2 year old says mama, dada, bubble, wow, cow etc but doesn’t connect sentences. He would grab me to what he wants or bring stuff for me to open for him if he wants it. He doesn’t wave yet even if I tried to teach, he doesn’t point and he’s not interested in whatever I teach like colours...


How are your babies developing?

My boy will be 7 weeks tomorrow and he holds up his head, kicks, reaches for + grab things, attempts to stand, during tummy time pushes his self forward/rolls over and smiles/laughs/try’s to babble back when I talk to him. Is this happening with your babies too? I feel like he’s growing so fast.



My 10 month old bit my cousins baby (6 months old) today and my initial reaction was to shout/ tell her no biting but she’s so little so I’m confused on what to do :/ My cousin asked if I was going to discipline her but I don’t know what I’m meant to do here because she’s 10 months and still a baby?? Help?


is this normal behaviour?

My son keeps doing this when sat in high chair, he looks as if something is dragging his head back and to the side and sometimes it happens really fast and freaks me out! He keeps putting his ear to shoulder aswell which I though might be teeth but I don’t know wether it’s connected and a bigger issue? I have an app...


Baby is lazy??

Hi so my daughter started taking steps on her own this month. I’ve witnessed her the other day standing up in the middle of the room taking a few steps sitting back down standing up taking more steps sitting etc. However the past 2 days she has wanted nothing to do with standing on her own or taking steps. Is this t...


Barely talks

Hi, does anyone else’s little one say very few words? My boy (21m)only says around 7 words but they aren’t consistent. He does try say other words but hasn’t quite mastered them yet


eye contact

my baby will be 5 months in 2 weeks. he has great eye contact when laid on the ground and smiles and giggles and is reaching all his milestones. However, when i hold him up close to my face he avoids all eye contact with me and is too worried about all his surroundings. is this normal or should i be concerned?


What’s your toddlers favourite songs?

Right now my daughters is “colonel hathis march”, “sleeping bunnies” and “5 little ducks” 😂 I love learning new songs to sing together so she also likes “one finger, one finger turn turn turn”, “row you boat, row your boat row your boat together” and “slippery fish”


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