Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.

Baby reaching/exceeding mile stones

Anyone else feel like us mums with babies who are learning fast, are silenced on this app or shamed for being proud? I have empathy for those who worry about their babies not reaching milstones but we should still be allowed to celebrate ours!


Mil rant

Anyone else’s mil do this? So the other day I brought my son over to see his grandparents. And my mil was holding him, and she made a lot of comments like so “Oh your ticklish just like your daddy” (I’m ticklish too) Or “You’re just like me! You love chocolate” (I love chocolate “ Or “You got that attitude from...


Influencer toddlers

Maybe a niche subject but does following influencer toddler pages ever make you feel like you’re not doing everything right? I follow a page of a little boy& him mums account for outfit inspiration. The baby is only about 3 months older than mine and seems to be so ahead. Speaking in sentences , singing. Reading and...


Is your baby crawling yet?

My 9 month old is no where near crawling yet 😫 getting worried now. She can sit up unaided and rolls like crazy! But no crawling 🥲


21 month old tantrums

My little girl just seems to be tantruming a lot at the moment, she seems to get frustrated really easily and just kicks off at us. Don’t get me wrong she’s very clever and she is happy and loving but I’m just finding her pushing it lately. And when she does tantrum they are so big I don’t know what to do. I don’t k...



Ever since my baby turned around 3 months, all I’ve done is panic, worry, always thinking something is going to go wrong, I’m doing a lot better now she is getting a little bit bigger but I do have my days when I feel physically sick to my stomach from worrying. Worst part is, I know nothing is wrong, and I know I’m...



Baby girl has been making these noises (on her inhale) for the last couple of days, is this just her discovering she can make noise when she breathes in or does it sound like something else going on? I'm sure it's nothing but you know, ftm and worry go hand in hand 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Is my baby "bad"?

My partner keeps saying our son is "bad" because he grabs our faces and throws his toys. But he's 10 months and I think it's juts normal behaviour. He's generally very happy and everyone says how alert and smiley he is but my partner just thinks he should be calm and sit still all the time. I keep telling him thi...


Milestones delays

Hello girls. It may be a long post but hopefully I can get any help. So my baby is 2.3 years old , she is the sweetest girl. She just started nursery in September and this morning I had a meeting with the nursery to discuss how she is doing. They told that she is behind compare to other children, she doesn’t do ...


Not really saying words

My little one will be 15 months at the end of the month and he doesn’t really copy much or say any words as such . He will say dadada but he just randomly will say it rather than actually calling dadda.. he claps now if I say to clap and will sometimes do twinkle twinkle. He doesn’t point yet. He used to roar like a...


Concerned- walking ?

So my little one will be 15 months at the end of the month and he’s not walking just yet… should I be concerned? He will walk along the sofa very quickly whilst holding on a bit and also if I sit on the floor and try get him to take some steps to walk to dadda .. he will do it like that only if he’s made to 🙈. Or…


14 month old

My LG still isn’t walking she will walk round the couch and with a baby walker but will not walk on her own is anyone else the same?


Talking or saying words

My boy is just turnt 1 and still babbles loads all the time! Definitely understands what I’m saying, my mum keeps saying he should be talking more by now and saying words? Making me worried. He saids dadda and mmmmm for mumma but that’s all at the moment?


Nursery difficulties

Eldest toddler 2y2m is having difficulties in nursery since arrival of youngest (11 weeks old). They've said difficulties listening, getting up during story time, hitting and grabbing toys. I suspect that there have been difficulties listening with one bad day at the last pick up. Toddler has lots of one to one time...


Frustrated grunting

Is anyone else's little one constantly making a frustrated grunting or whingey sound at the moment??? He will not play with any of his toys, just bites them and moans and then eventually screams. I am going insane 🫠


Baby struggling with wind

My 3 week old who is exclusively breast fed screams the house down at night. She brings her knees to her chest and there is a lot of grunting so we think it’s due to wind. No matter how long we try to wind her / do bicycle legs etc nothing seems to work. Anyone else has this experience?? Thank you!



My daughters 17 months and lately she loves spinning in circles and walking and laughing when she falls down is that a sign of autism or a normal toddler thing


Is anybody else’s 1 year old running your life rn 🥲😅

Send help 😂😂😂 she discovered walking & talking and chy it’s been nonstop since


Should I be worried?

The last 3 weeks I’ve noticed my son doing some of these behaviors. He has his 18 month check up next week so I’ll be asking his pediatrician then, but wanted to see if others have seen similar in their LOs. I have noticed him shaking his head, spinning in circles & rolling his eyes back anywhere from 2-5 times a d...


Baby speech genius?! lol

So my little one is almost 2. Everyone seems to say she’s really advanced. She Speaks almost fluently, says things like “mummy we go park today and we go see something like animals and give food” , she says almost everything and that’s not even said lightly, even able to tell you when you’re being a “cheeky bugga” ...


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