Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Is it just me?

I feel silly posting this but I am feeling pretty heartbroken and just hoping to hear that I’m not the only one my one experiencing this right now and it seems like no one around me understands or I worry about talking about it with people because I worry that it will make me look like I am a bad mom. My 17 month ol...


Whole In-Law bunch

I’ve been with my husband for 5 years. We have 3 children together, we are married. Before we got together, he was in a relationship for about 8 years (ON and OFF) - no children and never married. I found out about a year in that he was still looking her up on social media and little things that were inappropriate. ...



Hey guys, so I just had a letter from the school saying that one of the pupils has been found with headlice and to keep an eye out on our children etc. My daughters has 3c any ideas of how to keep the nits out!?


Advice pls

I am a sahm to my 8 month old boy. While I love what I do, it’s the hardest thing I’ve done. My boyfriend works a 7-5:30 job (which he’s late to everyday) and he thinks being a sahm is easy. When I tell him it’s not he tells me to give him reasons why it’s not and says he would gladly trade with me if I want to ge...



How can I learn to be more trusting? I’m literally driving myself mad and it’s 100% my own fault. I don’t trust anyone and I know that’s not necessarily a bad thing but it’s not good either. I get myself all anxious and hyped up for no reason. For example my soon to be husband didn’t answer the phone so I checked hi...


Best friend being a pick me around husband

Long story and so many fine details. Were in our 30s she’s 4yrs older than us and she also ( unhappily)married with kids.. she met her husband while they were both in relationships and they both cheated and then broke up with their partners - she was friends with his gf ( normally I wouldn’t think that mattered but ...


Questions for mums with little ones in nursery

If your little one goes to nursery does the staff in the room change every week? My little ones only been going properly for 3 weeks and only goes 2 days a week but every time I drop him there seems to be a different member of staff to greet him every time. He gets upset at drop off every single time and I can’t hel...


Meltdown struggles

Ladies I'm really struggling with these meltdowns, my LO is only 2 but has been screaming so much. He's also tried throwing himself downstairs etc so there's safety issues too. I'm unwell at present and one of my symptoms is mood swings which really isn't helping just now. NOTHING is helping him calm down, what do y...


Two under three #help

My first born was pretty easy. Our seven week old is not. I’m struggling because he gets over tired, takes ages to go to sleep, hates the pram and the car. It’s a bit of a nightmare, oh and he cries a LOT. It’s quite overwhelming. I have my energetic three year old and the baby on Wednesdays. What on earth do I do ...


Nanny puts pillow and burp cloth in crib…

I hired a postpartum nanny and they are supposed to sleep with the baby. Our baby was extremely fussy due to jaundice the first few days so I believe she was holding her to sleep during the night because I never saw her sleeping at her crib at all. Today, she was sleeping in her travel crib and I saw a burp cloth ...


3 weeks of 2 children

Hi I feel awful writing this but my newborn is 3 weeks today and my oldest is 2 and gosh I’m finding it so hard! I’m constantly stressed out, my baby is on demand feeding cries when put down and my toddler is just on demand, I had a c section so I’m relying on help and my partner isn’t doing anything without me ha...


So fed up with my husband

He’s got this mania about me taking our son out every day. He constantly bullies me to take him out. His idea is that I should go on walks with him every day and take him for activities all day. Our son is 2 years old, I’m not an extremely outgoing person, but that doesn’t mean I’m at home all the time and keeping h...


Managing Two Under Three Alone: Seeking Tips for Survival Without Support

I'm feeling overwhelmed managing two kids with just a 2-year gap—they are now 10 months and almost 3 years old. I really need some tips and guidance on how to manage them together, along with household responsibilities, especially on the weekends. My husband works FIFO, so I'm mostly on my own without his support. ...


Nursery drop off meltdowns

Hey everyone, my son has started going to nursery for one day a week 8-6 (we can only afford to use the government funded hours). He loved his induction that was an hour long, didn't want me to stay. First week he got a bit tearful when I left, the past 4 drop offs have been getting progressively worse. He kicks and...


Leaving my toxic partner

So I’m a bit nervous as tomorrow I’m finally leaving my emotionally abusive partner, we’ve been together almost 4 years and since we’ve had our son he’s turned into a different man. I have a son from a previous relationship and he treats his completely different. I have just been on a girls holiday and hit the final...


Who do you talk too about snitching your BD working cash in hand

My BD recently got a new GF, recently broke up with me and is refusing to pay child maintence saying he’s not working when I know for a FACT he’s working cash in ahnd and who he’s working with. I want to apply for child maintenance for my girl but who do I go to about him working cash in hand? He’s a joiner who live...


How did you know your partner was cheating

I feel like my fiancé is hiding something from me and my gut says it might be cheating he leaves the house frequently by himself and sometime the car comes back smelling like he sprayed it with his calone like enough to cover up another smell and idk how I would even catch him if he is bc ik he’d be smart ab it bc h...


Leaving heating on

Nit my MIL but my husband Am I in the wrong here. Last night I went to the toilet and touched the radiator and it was on. I checked the thermostat and it was 20oC... at 2.45am! No wonder our 2 year old keeps waking up in the night and I keep tossing and turning. My husband's response was "it was cold when I came ...


Watching TV

Hey all, I’m looking for some advice/ reassurance. My 18 month old loves the TV. She asks for ‘cartoons’ everyday. Specifically Winnie the Pooh. I probably give in once a day, she will watch up to an hour but sometimes less. I know it’s not recommended to let them watch tv until they are two, but that seems impossib...


2.5yr old told she isn’t beautiful, she is ugly

I was shocked when my lil girl told me this today. She said I am not beautiful, I am ugly. I asked her who told her that? She named some teacher at her school. She recently started new school 3 weeks ago. Should I be worried or ignore as something that a toddler might have said in passing ? She is actually pretty an...


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