Poisonous relationship?

My fiance and I have been together 5 years (engaged since March). He is so controlling the last year and angry at the world. He can be sat there watching a programme and he’ll make comments like, “her voice is so annoying dont you just want to stab her”… etc. we’ve had arguments where he’s thrown a bouquet of flowers on the floor (out of vase) and he’s thrown my phone smashing the screen. The other week he went through my phone (even though I’ve never given him reason not to trust me and I’ve never known his password to his phone) he saw I’d googled p*rn a week before and was enraged. Saying I’m disrespectful and kept my phone for the evening as he bought it for me he told me “you can have it back when I can trust you. It’s my phone anyway”. He got angry seeing i had sent a text to a male I work with (talking about work) but his issue was that I’d sent a kiss on the end of the text.. I had baked some oat bars for my son and when they were cooling down he came in, chucked them in sink, ran the water over them then chucked them onto the floor and just watched me clean it up in tears. We went to turkey in August and one day I wore cycling shorts with an oversized T and he said “you look like a slut can you go change”…I never did as I stood my ground. He doesn’t have a job atm, lost it few months ago and due to start new job in November. He looks after our 1 yo whilst I’m at work all week. I come home to the house a mess and his excuse is “I’ve been busy watching our daughter”. Like how does he think I manage to clean the house or when I was on maternity and got it done? He doesn’t pay towards house bills/food shops etc atm as he has no income so I’m really struggling paying on my own. He doesn’t get along with my son from previous relationship (8yo with autism and adhd) and once he argued with him and called him a d*ckhead. I just don’t know who this man is anymore and know I should leave but I’m scared to be a single mum again and now to 2 different dads. Who is going to want me in the future with 2 kids? Do I leave? Do I wait and see if things change? The amount of conversations I’ve had with him about being unhappy is countless and I don’t know anymore. I don’t feel myself. I feel sad, lonely and isolated. I feel like I’m walking on egg shells around him, waiting for him to explode about something so tiny. My 8 yo even though they don’t get along, always asks are you going to break up? I don’t want you to… I don’t want to upset him even though he doesn’t have a great bond with him anyway. I’m just at a loss. I don’t know the point in this post and know peoples reactions are going to be, “duh, leave”… but I don’t know. I just wanted to get it off my chest. Can’t speak to friends or family about it as I don’t want them knowing. 💔
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Leave immediately it’s only gone start getting physical, why would you stay around to see if he’ll change if he’s showing you who he is right now?

Just to add to my pressure, I’ve got everyone commenting on our engagement saying how they expected it to happen and waited for it to happen for so long etc and it’s making me think well everyone thinks I’m in this amazing relationship now what will they think if we break up. 😩 I know I shouldn’t care what others think but it makes it so much harder hearing others commenting on what they think is a perfect relationship

Fuck what anyone else thinks. Narcissists have a way of making sure their outwardly appearances are impeccable and nobody would ever think they are a monster behind closed doors. Also stop jumping the gun and worrying about future relationships. Focus on this one now and how to get out of it safely because honestly, he sounds psychotic and unhinged. It’s no joke that a woman’s life is most at risk when leaving an abusive relationship. Don’t stay, he will not change and things will only ever get worse. Please speak to Women’s Aid and ask for help. They can assist with legal stuff, benefits, moving etc. You’ve been a single mum before, you can do it again. Don’t let him leave your children as orphans because that’s the path you are headed down. Sending you strength and a hug, you will get through this 🫶🏽 https://www.womensaid.org.uk

Sounds to me you’re already doing everything on your own, don’t force yourself to stay in a relationship that’s not healthy for the sake of your kids, they’re better off with a mom that’s not having to watch over her shoulder and like someone else said fuck what other ppl think, they don’t pay your bills they don’t help with your kids all they do is talk, let em and boss up for you and your babies it’s gonna feel like hell in the beginning but you’ll get a hang of things and see how better off you are without his negativity around

I second what Neena said. Leave now!

Girl please LEAVE! It will only get worse

I would always ask you, if this were your friend, what would you advise them to do? I also think you should leave. You are a strong person and will manage just fine on your own. Your older child will get past the break up and see you are much happier. You can find someone more deserving and who treats you better. Your family love you and want you to be happy. I left my partner who I was with for 15 years because it just wasn't right and my family can see that now because they see how I have changed. Good luck xx

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