Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Potty training

Hi all! First time mum here and looking for advice! My daughter is 21 months and has always shown an interest in potty’s and toilets, she was a Velcro baby so always ended up coming to the toilet with me from a young age so has a good understanding on what the toilet is for! For the last month we have had a potty...


Bedtime nappies / pants

Hi all My LG is off nappies now and goes to toilet on her own when she needs it but she still wear nappies for bedtime. Problem is on the following morning if I don’t take nappies off straightaway she would have a wee or poo on them …she wouldn’t do that once she wear a pant What do u advise me to do? Are there good...


Potty Training Weekend

Not going well. We are doing the every 15 minutes with a book, prizes and she is still having accidents. I don’t think she is even trying to hold it. Any tips are welcomed ❤️


Only does naked wees 🤦🏻‍♀️

We have been potty training on and off since 18 months and we have gotten to the point where she will do wees on the potty 🙌 However, she will only do it when naked. I'm just kind of wondering if anyone has any advice about where to go from here. We tried her choosing her own underwear and that didn't work. Also…


Any august babies?

My son was born august 21 ❤️ Also any late potty trainers? We can't seen to get him potty trained


Is this a top tooth?!

My LG has been screaming for 2 days, and I mean screaming, days nights, fingers in her mouth all the time too! Is this her tooth??


Potty training

I’ve been trying to potty train my son since 17 months as he’s shown signs eg: taking his nappy off the minute one goes on him the last week hes been doing wees on the potty but he freaks out about going on the potty when needing a poo any advice would be grateful as I’m struggling trying to find things to help him ...


Baby Teething

Hi moms! My baby is 9 months old and has just started teething. I can see only one tooth coming through, and it's an upper tooth. Isn't it usually the bottom teeth that come in first? Should I be concerned about it?


Potty train rant

Absolutely at my wits end with this potty training. It's starting to stress me out. Everyone has told me to go straight to underpants. He will understand better as different from a nappy. Wrong!! He's used potty on own accord , great!! But he's weeing straight through pants , not taking them down even though I've ex...


Potty training nightmare, please advise

Day one and he have had 6 pees and none in the actual toilet. Im basically cleaning all day and I’m heavily pregnant so this is very tiring. Any tips? Did people use underwear/no underwear, after a drink how quickly did you put them on the toilet? What did you do for nap/sleep?


Teething joy 😭

My son has got his 6th tooth coming through and it’s the worst one yet. He is seriously grumpy about absolutely everything. Eating, getting dressed, brushing his teeth, doesn’t want to play 😭 Is it meant to be this hard when teething or has he got a really low pain threshold? I’m using Anbesol liquid. Helpppppp


Potty training!

Right who else is potty training? What techniques are you using? Please give me any pointers/ideas I’m currently started potty training with my son (I had a baby 2 months ago so I deleyed it)


Mouth acne

Is anyone noticing mouth acne on their LO’s face



What month and age did you potty train your child??


Toilet training!

I'm a first time mum and my little boy is 2 years 2 months old now. I've seen a lot of people start potty training now but I've also seen people not start till they are 3. When should I start? It's really getting to me now that I should start potty training but I honestly have no clue. Any advice on when or how?


Potty training.

Bear with me FTM here so not sure how to potty train a boy. Do it teach him sitting or standing? He has no interest in sitting on the toilet, I try to take him with me and show him his potty while I potty and we flush and wash our hands… He’s almost 2 and REFUSESSSSSSS TO KEEP A DIAPER ON.


Peeing outside diapers

Baby boy is about to be 2 months old on sept 9 he weighs 9lbs. He’s in size 1 diapers already. Just today he’s peed through a few diapers where I changed his outfit 4-5 times already. Currently using pampers and never had an issue. I don’t know if I need to size up to size 2 already. I feel like I just sized up to 1...


Potty training

Anyone have a toddler who's holding their pee for hours until you give in a put a nappy back on? We've been nappy free for the past 3/4 hours and nothing despite multiple sits on the potty 🤦 he's definitely holding it and I don't know how to help him! Never had a issue with this with my older girls so any advice…


Potty training

Hi everyone, For those who have potty trained already, it would be great to hear about your experience. My little boy has been potty training for 3 weeks now. We have dry days and then days with frequent accidents. Is this normal? His nursery say he's doing really well and there's no particular pattern to his accid...


Teething question

I have noticed my baby been teething since about 3 months. He used to drool a lot but not so much anymore, just here and there. He’s 7 months now and still no teeth are breaking through gums. He still wants to chew on things though. Anyone else experience this? I haven’t been too concerned about it because I know ...


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