Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.


My LG is 20 weeks old and is teething bad at the moment we are waiting for her first teeth to come out. When did your LO’s first tooth come out?


Baby teeth

My 7 month old has his first tooth popping through the bottom and I can see it ! Such an exciting and happy experience. I know he’s been teething for so long and I’ve done everything to help. When is an appropriate time to get into a dentist for our LOs ? Do I wait for more teeth?


Does anyone practice elimination communication?

Interested to hear people’s experiences and views on elimination communication (ie potty training young babies).



Hey all! my little boys tooth has cut through and is visible. How long does it normally take for the whole tooth to show after the first cut through? thankyou x


Bug bite identification

My sister woke up with 2 bites on her leg, they don’t itch but she said they’re sore. Does anyone know what could have bit her?


Potty training qs

We have had 3 poos in underwear now, I am ready to GIVEEE UP


3 year old not potty trained

How do you teach a toddler the feeling of when they need a wee? We are trying again to potty train our 3 year old and we have taken the nappy off for the past 2 days and she had sat on the potty this afternoon for short periods but as soon as she got off within a few minutes she weed again on the floor.


Potty training

When is the best age to start and what kind of potty training is best for girls ? First time mom and super lost about this topic


Recs for toddler dentist?

Ideally one that takes medical? We live in Richmond district but have a car so can travel easily.


How on earth do you potty train a 2 year old who literally doesnt want to use the potty??

My toddler knows the potty is and has used it before at school but when i tried to train her with the no diaper method she kept peeing on herself and didn’t care lmao. What are some other methods? Or maybe I should stick with it longer?


Things To Do while on potty?

My son went in the potty for the first time yesterday (pee) but hasn’t gone again. I was slowly counting numbers with him when it happened and tried this tactic for the next few times he sat on the potty but nothing happened. What kind of things can we do on the potty with him to help him get more comfortable to go?


Teething and temperature

Has anyone else’s LO had a temperature when going through a rough teething stage? We’re back on the molars at the minute but last night she woke with a 38.6 temp that came down with Calpol but was on the rise again this morning. One of her cheeks is bright red and she’s dribbling and chewing on everything like crazy...


Potty training

So we’ve started potty training and so far it’s 50/50, my daughters not had any accidents yet, yet when we sit her on the toilet she hits and kicks. That’s fine I can deal with that, what I need to know is how do we get past it when we go out? Shes non verbal so while it’s okay me taking her to the toilet every 5 mi...


Potty training

I’m on day three of potty training my little girl. She just keeps holding her wees in until she’s wearing the training pants. She will sit on the potty quite happily but she won’t wee on there. There’s a language delay with her so it’s hard for her to tell me when she needs to go. But she does pull at her nappy when...


Potty training help

Hi! We’ve been potty training the last few weeks taking it very slow. My son will now (when he has no pants on) will tell us when he needs to go for a wee and will go on the potty. But as soon as we put pants on him, he’ll just wee, and won’t tell us when he needs to go. Any tips please? Thank you 🙂


Potty training outside the house

What on earth do you do!? Do you hover them over a public toilet? Take a potty and whack it out whenever they need it? My little girl is fine at home but I’ve been avoiding going out because I have no clue what the etiquette is!? 😂


Is this normal?

So my baby girl has been teething since she was about five month old but still nothing haven’t got anything cutting through at all I am just wondering if this is normal as with my other two boys they both got there two bottoms teeth by 7 months



Does this look like teething? I have no idea what gums should look like when teething lol


Might be a dumb question but

he’s my first kid and my only boy. My son is almost 3 years old and lately he’s been hella touching his penis. Like pulling back the skin (he’s circumcised), pulling up his balls, and just shoving his fingers in the pee hole. It’s cringy but I can understand if he’s just exploring and it doesn’t hurt him. It’s just ...


Dog expert/ knowledge please😩

I need help desperately from someone with dog training knowledge. I have a 2 year old dachshund and 7 year old Bishion Frise. They are 90% toilet trained, but have their issues that I cannot resolve. If I’m at home, great! They will sit by the door to tell me they need to go toilet. When I leave, I can guarantee t...


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