Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Really bad teething

Baby is getting the molars through and very irritable I been told can use ibuprofen as well as calpol and will try this is can get the ibuprofen tonight. But cam I still use teething powders?


Poo Withholding

Has anyone experienced issues with their toddlers holding in their poo? This started when we had a failed attempt at potty training and he passed a rather large poo on the potty, he now associates doing a poo with pain and you can see him physically holding it in. We are still in nappies as he was so distraught last...


Potty training help

My son will be 3 in November and he needs to be potty trained for 3K. We’ve been trying little by little for over a month now to potty trained him and he is good with poop. He tells us when he has to poop and we always get him to the potty in time so we haven’t had to clean a poop diaper in a while (yay!). But pee i...


Is this a tooth?

My little boy is 4 1/2 months old and really going through the regression... I just looked in his mouth and saw 2 little dots on the bottom left gum. I've felt them and they're hard and not causing him pain when I touch, but he's constantly got his hands in that side of his mouth. And any toy goes straight to that ...


Potty training help

My daughter tells me she has to go potty but doesn’t go. We wait on the potty for about ten minutes reading books singing songs, then she tells me she is ready to get down. As soon as she is let down she pees on the floor. How can I fix this ?


Dentist for toddler

If you register a toddler at the dentist, do they automatically get treated as an NHS patient?



Does anyone know of any dentists that are taking on new NHS patients? I feel like I've called so many and they're all saying they're not taking on NHS patients. I'm based in Oxley but I'll have to travel by the looks of it. I've tried dentists in Bilston, Penn, Tettenhall etc and I've had no luck so far 🙃



How long were your LO's fussy before the tooth actually started to come through? I'm on day 7 of her being super fussy, lots of shouting and generally seeming quite miserable. She's drooling loads, chewing EVERYTHING, changes to her eating and sleeping patterns but no sign of any teeth coming through. She gets reall...


Potty training

Hey! Is anyone potty training or planning to soon? Apparently uk have changed guidance to potty train by 18 months? But I can’t find information online about this. My little girl actually came up to me yesterday and said “poo poo” BEFORE she did a poo, so I tried holding her over the toilet (very difficult) and she...


White little spot on gums..

Is that a little tooth coming through or anything tooth related?🤣🤣 so confused


Potty training questions

I have fully potty trained my 26 month old daughter however still have random questions. I'll list them to make life easier. Any advice would be amazing! Thank you 1. I use both the toilet and a small potty for her for when we don't want to come upstairs, in that case how do you clean the potty after they use it? D...


potty training

have any you mamas potty train your little one? if so, how did you it?


Potty training tips

I don't know if I'm over complicating it but I need help. So, we've been encouraging our toddler to go potty. But so far she's only done one wee a couple of weeks ago and then just sits there for ages. Probably stupid question but how do you know when to put them on the potty before she has an accident ? Also, ho...


Teeth feel weird!

I’m 35 week+4 days and the left hand side of my mouth feels weird. That’s the only way I can describe it! I’ve got a blocked ear on and off (left side) and my teeth and gums just feel a bit weird on the left. No pain as such, maybe sensitive? Is this normal? I have googled it and it says it can be down to hormones b...


More potty training

Maxi woke up today and decided today the day we’re going to do it! And in all fairness to him he’s been great, mostly sat on the potty watching tv 😂 but I also had a houseful of babies, only accidents we had was when I pushed my luck and tried pants with him (my potty training policy says I will not allow children…



I need help potty training my 3 year old. He's gone on the potty once. He is wanting to go but won't. He knows when he pees and poops but doesn't tell me before he does. Help?



Anyone else really struggling with teething? What are you giving your baba to help soothe ? Is it working or are they still being clingy and whingy?


potty training

anyone got any tips for potty training? my son is 2.5 and today is our first day of potty training. i’ve been putting him on the potty every 20/30 minutes, he’s had dry pants all day apart from two accidents, one pee and one poo. we’ve got a sticker chart and every time he does a wee on the potty he gets a sticke...


Putting things in mouth

Does anyone else’s almost 3yo still put things in their mouth? 🙄 I’ve been approached by the nursery to say we need to put a stop to it, we’ve tried but she still does it now and again.


Potty training not going anywhere.

Hello mamas , I didn’t think I’d have to make this post but here I am. I am struggling with potty training with my daughter. Like it’s day 9 and it’s not going anywhere. ( my son was so much easier to potty train ). She will turn 3 in October but her brothers school have offered her a place before her 3rd birthday...


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