Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

Blood thinning injections after c-section

Does anyone else feel really sick after taking there blood thinning injections? Is this normal? Just feel so nauseous after each injection…


Need answers

Do yall get a vaginal steam after C-section if so how long after ?



I feel like I have a UTI ,burning when I pee and that. A little shy of 3 weeks since the C-section. Is it likely a UTI or a complication from the operation. Doctors appointment tomorrow afternoon


Plus size c section

I’m due a c section at RIE within the next 2 weeks and I’ve seen a few people online talk about requesting a pico dressing for the incision due to having a higher bmi and I’m curious if they offer this at the royal or if anyone’s had any experience with this?



When did peoples belly go down? I'm 5 weeks pp from emergency c section and my belly has gone down a bit, just wondered if it will go down anymore?


To shave or not to shave?

Should we shave before induction? Ofcourse I’m aware the midwives won’t care if I have a bush or not but I’ve been advised sometimes it’s better to do so incase we need emergency c section? Currently at the In between ‘fluffy’ stage and not sure if I should or not


Expectations Glan Clwyd - Labour Day

Can anybody tell me what to expect when arriving at Glan Clwyd on the day? What do I need with me? What does the hospital provide? FTM if it wasn't obvious enough 😅


Would love to hear your stories

Why did you'd have a cection before? Mine was because I got induced and I only went to 2cm and I was in hospital for days, then my baby's heartbeat started to drop and I wasn't dilating so I had to go for an emergency c section. This is why I won't get induced this time because I feel my body will not do things wh...


Pregnant 7 months post c-section

Just found out I'm pregnant 7 months after having our little girl via c-section. I have recovered well both physically and mentally post arrival of our 7 month old and I am truly blessed to be pregnant again. Looking for any positive stories from anyone who has been through something similar as I'm feeling a little...


C section tomorrow, nerves!

I have my c section tomorrow and I am sooooo nervous! I've tortured myself mentally all day worrying that it could be cancelled last minute but also hoping that baby is healthy. We lost our daughter a year ago to Edwards syndrome and spent a whole day in the ward holding her and she was gone. I think this has mad...


Elective C Section

How close to your due date do they usually book you in for a elective c section?


Mucus Plug

Hi everyone! At 40 + 6, I’ve finally had some movement forwards with a bloody show this morning at about 6am! I was laid there a while thinking my back and stomach ached a little (like light period pains) and low and behold it was there when I wiped each time for the full morning really - but has stopped now. I’ve ...


Question for September mums who went past due date

Hi ladies, October first-time-mum-to-be here, was due yesterday 7th October. I’m at the super uncomfortable stage and feeling impatient to meet my little fella. At my regular apt today (40+1), midwife said I am still not very engaged (4/5ths palpable) which was disappointing to hear. With each day that he doesn’t ar...


Anyone have experience with a VBAC?

Specifically past 41 weeks? Originally I wanted to VBAC and then have a c-section if baby wasn’t out by 41 weeks but now I don’t think I want to book in a c-section at all. Definitely don’t want to be induced but also want to give myself more time to labour spontaneously if I need it



I’m confused…. Had my appt and my midwife said I’m 2/5 engagement. I’ve been looking online some say that it’s 2/5 of the baby’s head into the cervix others say 3/5 of the baby’s head is into the cervix. Others then say 2/5 is near enough fully engaged as there is only 1/5 to go? Does someone know what’s actua...


Planned c section dates

When did everyone find out their planned c section date? I have a scan and consultation appointment next week and I'll be 32 weeks just wondering if that will be when I get our date or closer to when I'm 39 weeks?


Period after c section

How long are people finding they are having their period for after their sections? I'm coming close to having a 2 week long period 🙈.. its only small amounts now compared to being quite heavy at the start but just wondering if anyone else was the same?


Brown discharge and cramping after membrane sweep

Had a membrane sweep yesterday - very quick and easy. I’ve since had nearly 24 hours of brown discharge, and some intense cramping. Does anyone know if this is guaranteed or highly likely to lead to labour? 41 week FTM.


Induction day!

Im finally getting induced after 41 weeks and 5 days. This baby was simply too comfy in there. I have had a wonderful healthy pregnancy. I simply cannot complain about it but these last 2 weeks have been so overwhelming seeing everyone have their September baby except me. But hey at least I’ll finally meet my girl. ...


Silly C Section Questions 😂

1. Do I wear underwear/disposable briefs under the gown when going into surgery? 2. How soon after the surgery am I allowed to shower? 3. How soon after the surgery can you expect to start bleeding vaginally? 4. Those that were on the list for a 12pm slot, what time did you get the go ahead it was actually going a...


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