Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.


My husband won’t follow enforce court order and let’s bm get away with anything . How they handle step daughters arrangements is none of my business but I don’t feel it should affect how I live my life especially if I have no say in all . I respect that I’m not the bio parent but it’s not fair if he expects me to st...


Anxiety and stress

Heeyy, so I'm currently 23 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby. I have currently been feeling really low, anxious, and stressed! I have always had anxiety and depression throughout my life. I finally went to my GP, and they have given me a 2 week sick note, as it seems work is a big trigger for me currently and is affe...


What do you do when you injure yourself as a mom?

I fell down a staircase yesterday in a public spot and my tailbone and lower back is hurting. I can move around the house, but it’s pretty painful anytime I have to sit down or use muscles in that region. How do you take care of your babies when you’re injured? There’s no family around and my husband works full time...


2Day postpartum, sick of being called crazy

Mil is driving me insane, anytime I express frustration I get called crazy or emotional. I am a bit emotional today because I just got sent home and my baby is in the Nicu , but I have been very reasonable in my opinion. My boundaries have been stepped on and challenged and I’m not going to be able to keep the peace...


Feeling annoyed / upset / angry

Anyone else feel so upset when their baby cries or whinges? I put her down so I could shower and brush my teeth and she was fine then she started going crazy and ended up spitting up so I had to change her whilst she's crying. It feel frustrates me cause I'm just trying to shower and have 5 minutes. I ended up raisi...


Feeling pain still?

After i gave birth it still hurts have sex two months later i healed after csection but the pain still hurts when my husband sticks in and i back away in pain. Is that normal?


33 weeks and not experienced Braxton Hicks contractions?

Has anyone else not experienced these yet, or if you have what do they feel like? Thank you!


Sometimes I just wanna take my baby and runaway

Pp has been so tough on my marriage Nothing else to say, just a cry 😢


Advice / help 😭😂

Hi, so I’m 23, and have 2 kids. I was set on 2, and have always said I don’t want any more. Obviously love them to bits but genuinely don’t think I could cope with anymore. And had awful postnatal depression with my first. This morning found out that I’m pregnant again. Obviously the first reaction was cry 😂 As…


Death anxiety

I’ve always struggled with anxiety, fearing I’m not doing well enough, not being good enough, upsetting people and overthinking most things. My boy is 15 months old and I’ve been taking anxiety medication for the last year. A few months ago I also had some talking therapy and this helped my anxiety in some ways but ...


Fell Asleep with my Daughter

I was feeding my 2 mo daughter at 5 am this morning, I was already exhausted from being up every 3 hours to pump milk. My eyes kept shutting while I was giving her the bottle but I thought I was still good. I fell asleep while burping her and the next thing I hear is a thud. My daughter was on the floor, screaming...



Mummas, not in a very good headspace right now. I feel this deep sadness and rage building up inside and I feel like I'm going to explode. All I want to do is cry. My 15 month old is showing a lot of signs of Autism and can be very difficult emotionally. I have no idea how to cope with this and having an 8 week old ...


Does anyone else still have numbness in their scar?

I am 6 months PP and the numbness has definitely got better but certain areas around the scar are still numb. Does it ever go back to normal?


Postpartum hair loss

Is anyone else still losing loads of hair? My baby is 8 months now and I have been losing hair from about 5 months. I’m honestly scared it’s all going to come out 😩 my hair is already very fine but it just keeps shedding and shedding 😞


I feel like a jerk and I'm not able to shake the feeling

She woke up motn crying and instead of going right to a bottle I put a pacifier in and it calmed her but she still stirred a while, moving, sucking on the paci... I have this anxiety and mom guilt about depriving her food but as a ftm I'm just trying to see and understand middle of the night wakings. She still small...


Hair loss

Has anyone else’s post partum hair loss really ramped up the last few weeks? I’m 18 weeks ppl this week and feel like every time I shower I’ll have no hair left after!!


Postpartum damage

I’m 3 months postpartum second pregnancy . Everything hurts still. My hands and arms go numb and wrists hurt to put any weight on them. My legs go numb and ankles and hips hurt when I walk. The drs in the beginning said it would go away after a few weeks but it is actually getting worse. Has anyone gone though this?


Little girl said something about grandad what do I do

So I was getting my 2 year old dressed this morning and she just came out with don’t want grandad to get my vagina and she knows what her vagina is and a penis and bum, so I was very shocked she said this and asked her some questions where she proceeded to say nothing and no then after 10 minutes I asked if grandad ...


Comforted by my boy 💕

Tonight was the first time I’ve ever broken down in front of my son. He’s about to turn 3 this month… I was putting him to bed, tucking him in - and I’m not sure what came over me but I just started crying. I think it’s the stress of everything… And feeling like I might be failing him. But the tears wouldn’t stop, a...


Libido, Come Back!

After my first baby was born in December 2022, I was all about intimacy! We got pregnant again 7 months later. I now have a 5 month old and my sex drive is ZERO! I can’t even kind of convince myself to be in the mood! Any experience with this!? What can I do!? I used to have a great libido!!


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