Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Silicon scar patches

Has anyone used the silicon scar patches on there scar? Have they made a difference? My first scar was so neat but I’m worried my second doesn’t look like it will heal as well


Post partum hair loss

I saw another post on here about hair loss, I’m wondering if anyone had any remedies that actually worked to help regrowth? My hair is very fine as it is so it’s pretty noticeable when it’s tied up which is most of the time now when I don’t get a chance to wash it


4 month regression

How are/did you look after your mental health? I'm really struggling with how hard the regression has hit. I find myself crying ALOT and getting frustrated during the night. To the point where when it's morning time I can't function to even speak to my baby and entertain him. I know everyone will say just remember...


Life after third degree tear

To anyone who suffered a third or fourth degree tear, have you fully recovered/healed since? I'm 9 weeks PP and tried to have sex for the first time since giving birth last night and had to stop pretty much straight away due to pain. We tried a few different positions too. Is this because it's still relatively 'fres...


I need to vent. I feel like I have no one to talk to

I have been feeling so easily mad, annoyed for maybe a month. I am a sahm of two kiddos, 3 year old and 9 month old. Recently I've been feeling like all I've been doing is getting mad getting easily annoyed and yelling. I yell for my toddler to clean her mess, I yell for her to eat, I yell for her to nap when she do...


I need help!

I don’t know what to do I am starting to read my Bible and learn how to repent and give my heart right with the lord and while doing that my faith has been lopsided I fear what is going on in this world and it worries me because I am a mother of one that is disabled and relies on Lincare and medicade for supplies wi...


Old friends talk

Hey, yall . So, me and this girl had 6 classes back in 2013/14. After school, we would text here and there, but nothing consistent. We ended up not talking to each other anymore. Ran in to her in 2019, and we became hang out budies. She was fun to be around. We started working out together and sometimes did dinner...



Often I think I'm doing better, depression & PPD, but then I catch myself w the thoughts that I still often wish to be dead. I want to give my son his best life & the best mom... When does it stop? 💔


Hair loss

Anyone else still loosing clumps of hair in and out of the shower?? It’s concerning at this point..


Sex first time 13 weeks pp

So me and my partner got intimate for the first time since I gave birth. I had an episiotomy so the recovery was tough. I felt ready to have sex again even though my partner insisted we wait a little longer. I thought this would give me some relief as I was super worried about pain during and not feeling able to get...


Terrible mom?!

Me and my three year old daughter have a seriously toxic relationship. We scream and yell at each other every five seconds. She listens to everyone else but me. I was with her since birth basically every day and barely left. (4hours most ). She started daycare not long ago and I drop her off. Ever since she started ...


Negative pregnancy comments

Why is it so impossible for people to be happy for a pregnant women? If I’m happy because my baby is kicking, your response should not be anything about how uncomfortable kicks could possibly be. If I say I want a natural birth, your response should not be to tell me your traumatic labor story etc. I should be allow...



I’m 2 weeks post Partum and not bleeding and have fluids or anything coming out when can you have sex again I’m horny asf sounds stupid and like how but I don’t know 😂😂


Boundaries and advice I didn't ask for

With this being my first pregnancy, I have had a lot of people coming at me in a million different directions. My main thing is that I do not want any advice unless I ask for it. It will help me feel less overwhelmed and less like someone is trying to tell me how to do what I have prepared for, for the last 10 years...


No special treatment for my babies

Nothing I can do about it... I came here to rant because I find it so annoying that my in law treats my sister in law and her kids so much better than they treats my husband and our babies. They don't see it this way... and my sister in law is super entitled and selfish, she thinks that she is the center of the uni...


Hurtful words

My partner has been going out quite alot with his friends. He moaned at me because I didn't get up in the night with our little girl because he was hungover from the night before. We had words last night and he said 'it's not my fault you've got no friends'. I have no friends here because I moved away from home to...


Contraception after birth

I am currently 33 weeks pregnant with my second and we are sure this is our last baby. I was wondering what other people have experienced with IUDs? Was is really painful when inserted? Did you have any complications? I know for a fact I want to try and avoid anything hormonal as it makes me a miserable person and k...


Anyone else about to go minimal to no-contact with their moms?

I live about 1,000 miles away from my family for a reason…. But I still miss them sometimes up until I talk to them. Today I call my mom trying to express how excited I am that I felt my baby move for the first time (this is my first pregnancy) and as usual she just talked about herself and then randomly goes on to ...


1 week PP

Hello, I’m one week and a few days postpartum and was wondering if anyone has experienced this. This is my second time being postpartum and it’s way different than the first time. The first few days I was bleeding very lightly and then a couple days ago I started bleeding heavy like my period. Down there has started...


Hair loss

Have started losing lots of hairs at nearly 4 months pp, has anyone had the same?? Thought it was LO pulling them out at first but seems to be more and more!


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