Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Snap back

Why in society are women are expected to snap back right after having a baby? I’m 21. I had my baby when I was 20. He’s 4 months old now. My whole pregnancy I was told because I’m young and I plan to breastfeed I’ll snap back immediately. That’s all I heard So of course after having my baby, now at 4 months post...


Still emotional on my birth

I’m almost 10months postpartum and every time I think about my birth with baby boy I get so emotional and just want to cry. How I wish things were a little different and to how much better it would have made me feel hurts me even more. Maybe I should get some support on this matter but I was wondering if anyone else...


FTM needing some support

Hi I had my baby on Monday afternoon through c section and currently struggling with my hormones and anxiety/ crying spells. I have a nurse visit at home and I’m scared they are going to judge me on how I handle / not handle stuff with my mental health as a FTM and not sleeping at all and potentially call social wor...


FTM Currently struggling and needing to talk to someone

Hi I had my baby on Monday afternoon through c section and currently struggling with my hormones and anxiety/ crying spells. I have a nurse visit at home and I’m scared they are going to judge me on how I handle / not handle stuff with my mental health as a FTM and not sleeping at all. Currently don’t have anyone to...


My husband is ruining my mental health

First off I feel like he has bipolar depression and definitely has traits of a narcissist. Of course these traits were not shown in the beginning of our relationship. Fast forward 5 years and 3 kids later , every other day he has something to complain about and it’s always somehow my fault. He’ll tell me to do some...


Postpartum body 🫂

What’s the biggest change or most difficult change to your body you feel like you’ve dealt with postpartum? (Comment below) For me personally, it’d have to be my boobs after stopping nursing and my skin breaking out due to postpartum hormones fluctuating dramatically. (See comments for pictures) it was SO bad. I ...


Laid off

I’m new to the SAHM life and I’m having a really hard time adjusting. I’ve had a really successful career and have worked since I was 14. My baby will be one next month. Sad to say, but so much of my identity was wrapped up in my career. I feel lost while I know I should look on the positive side and focus on my dau...


Postpartum depression

How do I go about getting medication for postpartum. Do I just contact any OB. I had a guy OB but don’t want him anymore so not sure what I should do



Guys I don’t know if it’s just my circumstance, postpartum, or my hormonal iud, OR my period lol but I have been feeling HORRIBLE this past week. On top of it all my baby daddy won’t let me see his phone and is always following new girls on instagram that he always claimed are prettier than me in the past. All I do ...


Social media, mum guilt

I have been bed sharing and breastsleeping for a little over two months and I absolutely love how I am able to sleep most nights and how easy it is to breastfeed. But occasionally I see the odd social media post, full of comments on how dangerous cosleeping is and then I can't help but feel guilt and anxiety... Anyo...



My baby is 5 weeks old and is incredibly fussy, and it’s gotten worse. The constant whinging whenever she’s not physically on me , and sometimes even when she is, is really really getting to me. I’ve found myself swearing at her then hating myself afterwards. I tried settling her by breastfeeding tonight and she suc...


Stitch sticking out

I had a section nearly 3 weeks ago (2weeks and 5 days). I felt a tiny bit of pain near my incision so felt it to make sure it was ok and I felt one of the stitches sticking out. I’ve been having tenderness in my belly and still bleeding flesh red blood every day. Is this normal?


Mom Guilt - should I have said something?

I took my daughter for her new born shoot today with a female photographer who I’ve used in the past. My girl is 2 weeks old today and was a little fussy and not settling. As the session progressed I could see the photographer getting more and more agitated with my girl, shoving a dummy down her mouth, rocking her ...



Has anyone else been just super emotional since giving birth? Had my baby on Sunday, a week early! My waters broke Saturday at 12:40am and went to hospital to find baby had pood in me so had to stay in, they had to force labour with the hormone drip and I only had gas and air throughout (my own choice), but 24 ho...


Feeling shame

I love my little baby. She is so very wanted after 3 miscarriages and we tried for ages for her. I still can’t believe she’s mine and I have to pinch myself that she’s here. But she’s 5 weeks old and shes had tummy issues, reflux and colic almost since she was born. She’s screams till she’s blue in the face, vomits ...


Long post but please help me!

Before anyone says… i’m on the waiting list for therapy. But I need some advice before I ruin my babys life too! I have severe health anxiety. I locked myself away during covid and have never been the same since. I have such a huge fear of getting ill, even just a cold. This has now moved onto fear for my baby. I a...



All my life I was in awful relationships. Abusive is every sense of the word. Well my husband now is AMAZING. He's supportive and understanding. Yes we have our moments but don't we all. We don't actually fight (as in saying things we regret or anything like that or yelling) more like heated discussions. Mostly due ...


Anti depressants while pregnant?

Please don’t judge me because I haven’t even taken so much as a Tylenol during this pregnancy and I absolutely wanted to keep it that way the entire time. I so badly want a non medicated pregnancy but my mental health is declining quickly. I have kids at home to worry about aside from this baby and I am starting to ...


Vent: Her mom is a bad liar

My step kids mom lies a lot! She will lie about all kinds of shit even when it’s blatantly obvious. She consistently lies about drop offs and pickups. Saying she’s there or the kid is ready then no one is awake or there when we go. She lies about the kids behavior, going back and forth about things being an issue wi...


back pain

What has been the best way to relieve back pain postpartum for you? I plan did have an epidural and I expected/understood that back pain came naturally postpartum but I was wondering what is the best way to manage some of the pain.


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