Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Hair loss

I’ve recently started losing so much hair it’s SO bad when I put it in a pony tail. What can I do to make it grow back? Does this happen to everyone? Will it grow back?



Honestly my days are miserable all day I just deal with a crying baby she’s so miserable and it’s making me depressed I’ve taken her to the doctors/ health visitors as she just cry’s constantly since she was born if she’s not asleep she’s crying tbh It’s making my life miserable all I hear is crying even when I try...


MIL makes me crazy

My MIL is a very sweet person with a good heart. I'm grateful for that. But, she drives me INSANE. She decided last night to randomly give me a bunch of advice about how to exercise. Like, she started doing all these weird stretches and squats and told me "you have to do this every time you sit down to talk or w...


Post c section

Hey ladies, I’m not sure if I should be concerned… I’m currently 5+6 weeks postpartum. I’ve just noticed above my scar what looks to be bruising, it’s right over where I am still numb so can’t feel if it’s painful. I had a period a little over 3 weeks postpartum which lasted 8 days and then what o thought was a seco...


When everyone loves your Mat Cover

I feel a bit stupid but I have had an absolute meltdown this week about work and not for the reason I thought it would (i.e leaving my baby). The person who is my Mat Cover obviously leaves when I return but everyone loves them. They have been amazing it seems at my job and I keep seeing emails flying around about h...


Very grumpy baby all of a sudden

My little girl up til now has been a dream, she barely cries and is always happy but my oh my today I couldn’t put her down or give her to anyone else for even a second. She’s been crying almost non stop all day and is just grizzly. I’ve checked her temp and it was fine she doesn’t seem unwell but just very unhappy ...


Balding eyebrows

So when I was a child and into my teens I had major bald spots all over my head. They eventually grew in and I really haven’t had any issues. Now guess what 😵‍💫 at 21 my eyebrow is balding BAD. I’ve always had really light and thin eyebrows but I’m unsure why my eyebrow is literally falling off. And no the doctors…


11-week old baby’s cries are crushing me

I know it’s 100% to be expected that your baby’s cries will affect you (as Mum) enormously. But I honestly can’t believe how much it renders me USELESS. I’m a highly empathetic person, 100% tuned in to others around me..: I’m only okay if everyone else is! So I expected hearing my baby boy crying in discomfort, or h...


Braxton hicks

37 weeks tomorrow and omg the Braxton hicks have been constant today and so sore and painful, they have even took my breath away at times, I actually thought I was in slow labour at 1 point 😩 is anyone else experiencing the same ? If so have you found anything to help at all ?


Just a thought...

I've just been having a chat with my mum about how I've been feeling... I'm not struggling at all with being a mum, my baby sleeps well, takes his milk really well and only really cries when he wakes up hungry 🤔 so when people (friends/family) ask how I'm doing I'm very honest about it and the amount of times I've…


What have you found the most difficult part of postpartum?

Is there something you were surprised by and perhaps struggled with after having your baby? Share below and let us know what helped you during this time ❤️

Poppy (Pop That Mumma)


When did you get your first period after giving birth?


When mums of multiple children on here have to one up your post or down play your trials and tribulations.. by saying I wish I could do that, try running around after two. Wish I could do that, try doing that with two. Blah blah blah

I don’t get it. If you hate your days so much you feel like your stress is more than others, or little moments of joys or extreme stress in life is more than others. And you constantly use it to belittle others situations (who have one child). And moan about it constantly. That those with one child ‘should count you...


Post partum ?!

I’m 6 months post partum when shower and loss this much hair ??? Is it normal ??


When I give MY opinion on a question YOU ASKED THE COMMUNITY

Some of you need to stop asking for advice if you’re going to get bitter about peoples reasons THAT don’t take your side. Then alll the sudden you have left out information that makes the situation completely different



I’ve recently started to feel like I have what I can only describe as a heartbeat down below has anyone else felt the same ??


How can I distance myself from another mum

I feel like I might come across horribly in this post but I’m not trying to be mean so please don’t send any nasty replies. There’s another mum who attends a couple of the same classes as me. She already has 3 children and I’m due to give birth any day now with my first. She seemed quite nice when we first met but ...


Snap back

Why in society are women are expected to snap back right after having a baby? I’m 21. I had my baby when I was 20. He’s 4 months old now. My whole pregnancy I was told because I’m young and I plan to breastfeed I’ll snap back immediately. That’s all I heard So of course after having my baby, now at 4 months post...


Still emotional on my birth

I’m almost 10months postpartum and every time I think about my birth with baby boy I get so emotional and just want to cry. How I wish things were a little different and to how much better it would have made me feel hurts me even more. Maybe I should get some support on this matter but I was wondering if anyone else...


FTM needing some support

Hi I had my baby on Monday afternoon through c section and currently struggling with my hormones and anxiety/ crying spells. I have a nurse visit at home and I’m scared they are going to judge me on how I handle / not handle stuff with my mental health as a FTM and not sleeping at all and potentially call social wor...


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