Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

If u drink alcohol, when after giving birth did u have ur first drink again?

I’m fascinated by the idea of having sushi and some wine at the hospital after giving birth to my baby in 3.5 months because that’s what I hear some women doing. But I don’t get how this happens, if they breastfeed… is there new research that’s says u can do this that im not privy to? Is it because the baby doesn’t ...


Postpartum weight loss

I am almost 4 months post partum and breastfeeding. I need and want to loose weight but I can’t seem to stop snacking. Breastfeeding makes me so hungry 😫 what can I do?


Weight loss and breastfeeding

I am starting my weight loss journey. I want to lose 15-20 pounds before getting pregnant again. I'm giving myself around 8 months to complete this goal. I have been breastfeeding for 14 months and don't plan to wean for at least a few more months. I am 175 and only 5'3. I'm tired of not being proud of my body. I wa...



so my baby just turned 1 and i got the okay from doc to give him whole milk and such. BUT although i do want to ween him off the boob, i’m confused on how much milk i can give him in a day both whole milk and my own supply! maybe im wayyyy overthinking it (FTM 😂) i just don’t want to hurt him in anyway, and…


When did you leave your EBF babies?

I’d like to go for some drinks in the New Year with some friends - just for the afternoon. But I’d like to have a good few drinks so wouldn’t be able to feed until the morning. What age were you able to do this with EBF babies? I was hoping to be able to pump and this be given in a straw cup maybe so he doesn’t miss...


Tongue tie

I recently had news of my 3.5 month old has tongue tie and is recommended to have a procedure to cut the back of her tongue. This news is conflicting for me because it contradicts the two lactation consultants that I saw before this one. Let me explain why I had three consultants. The first one the hospital recomme...


Breast feeding

Hi girls not sure what to do! I am EBF and don’t want to introduce bottles untill 6 weeks to make sure breast feeding is fully established etc! However I am desperately needing to go to the dentist as my tooth cracked in half and starting to get slightly agitated ( went before baby was born but couldn’t do anything ...



Fixing to give up on breast feeding … I was making at least 2oz now nothing my baby loves to breast feed 😭 I took him off his formula because he was straining all the time he hasn’t been doing that since I stopped giving it to him now I can’t even make milk .


Sport Bras Recommendations

Does anyone have any recommendations for good sports bras? Before having a baby/breastfeeding, this wasn't really an issue, but now running on the treadmill, jumping jacks, jump rope, etc is quite uncomfortable even when wearing the sport bras I use to love.


Colostrum harvesting.

So I've just tried for the first time and managed to get some from my right boob but when I just went to do my left one, I have an inverted nipple so when I was massaging my boob the nipple kept going back inside and so I was unable to get anything from it. Does anyone else have this issue and know a way around it...


Losing my supply at 10 months old

Due to recent life changes I've been under a lot of stress. As a result my breast milk supply has gotten really low. It takes a while to get letdown and even when I do it doesn't satisfy my BG, so I'm having to top her up with formula. I'm putting her on the breast frequently but nothing is changing. Anyone got Advice?


Slacker boob

My one boob is a total slacker and makes half the milk the other does while pumping- are yall the same way??


Feeling discouraged

My baby is 8 days old and I’ve been trying to hand pump until my electric pump comes in. Between trying to have time to sleep, care for her, care for my home, and care for myself… I feel like it’s impossible to find 45 minutes every 2.5 hours to make a difference. I’m producing drops at this point. I was pumping and...


Tears for bottle

Has anyone experienced their baby crying really loud when they see their bottle being heaten up or even if they see their milk bottle. I'm feeding him with a 2.5 hour gap so I don't think I'm starving him?


Breastfeeding as they get heavier!

Hi everyone, my baby is now 6 weeks old and putting on weight fast! I'm finding I can't hold him as easily cross body and need cushions to support especially if holding with my left arm. This is fine for now but as he grows bigger he'll get heavier, plus I'd prefer not to have to lug cushions around once we start go...



How much colostrum should I take to hospital? I didn’t collect much first pregnancy and totally forgot to take it to hospital with me. But this time I’ve got over 50ml


Over the counter meds

I hurt my back and I'm trying to take over the counter meds. I'm also pumping so I'm worried if I am consistent with over the counter meds it will affect my breast milk?


Advice please 🙏🏼

Hi I’ve just had my second little one and I’m wanting to breast feed this time. She was born yesterday. She’s got a bit of a tongue tie which we have been referred for but I feel as if she’s not satisfied with the colostrum I’m producing . My community midwife came out to me and said that my colostrum would be enou...


Bottle fed vs breast fed sleep

Hi, I want to know does bottle fed babies sleep better at night than breastfed babies?


Breastfeeding supplements.

Has anyone tried Liquid gold supplements for milk productions? Im scared because i saw some bad reviews..


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