Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

Won't take breast anymore

Has anybody had baby refuse breast and just scream but will take bottle of expressed milk straight away. Never had issue before she always took everything and any temperature etc formula and breast. Now she won't even try just screams when she sees nipple


Increasing milk supply

I’m planning on breast feeding once this baby arrives, but I’m worried about milk supply, does anyone have any tips for increasing your supply? Iv seen people make lactation cookies 😂 but they just sound like homemade oat biscuits to be honest, and Iv seen different teas you can drink



Hiya I’m 33 weeks pregnant and both my breast leak a lot of colostrum I’m waking up to puddles in my bed from both breast, would it be okay to start collecting this as it feels like it’s just going to waste, I have stuff to collect the colostrum. FTM here



Anyone else breastfeeding have most of their milk on one side (right) I do feed on both


Bump on nipple

Hey there's a bump on one of my nipples. It might be a spot or a blister maybe? Anyone had anything similar? I'm pretty sure my flanges fit well as I got some help when we first started and I'm now 6 months in. I've turned the suction down to the lowest setting, but continuing to pump so I don't lose supply! Any ...


What is the best bottle for breastfed babies?

We have been trying to give our boy a bottle of expressed milk a day and he has generally been taking it fine but he has not wanted to the last few days. We are using tommee tippee ones. Any other suggestions of ones that are working for you?


How did you stop breastfeeding?

It literally seems impossible lol My son is 15 months and is still attached to the boob. He never took a bottle or a paci and he hates any other milk. He does drink from a straw cup juice/water. He eats all the time but still wants the boob all the time too 😂 I thought he would self ween but it doesn’t seem to be…


How do you stop breastfeeding????

That’s it, that’s the post 😂 My son is 15 months and it doesn’t seem like he is ever going to self ween 😩 he hates any other milk I try to give him, never used a bottle or a paci, he does drink out of a straw cup. Send tips.


How do you pump and bottle feed and do everything else in the day?

I don't feel like i have enough time in the day to do everything. Pumping takes me 40 minutes. My son doesn't like being put down. He is 2 months old. He can't latch properly on me - nurses said its because my nipples are too small. Nipple shields just fall off and he gags on them. How do other mums do it? please gi...


Milk supply

My baby has been going through the 4 month regression, waking up and eating every 3 hours at night, in the day time he takes short naps and eats about every 3 hours, hes so clingy lately and starting to teeth: I haven’t not been pumping because I’ve been EBF him and now I’m worried that maybe my supply is low that’s...


I wish

My breast was bigger I can’t just whip one out at night for baby I gotta sit up and feed him while trynna stay awake


EBF breastfed baby refusing bottle

My LG has been EBF for 3 and a half weeks now (she is 12 weeks old), I re-introduced a bottle and she would not take it, tried a few times. I need her to take it so that I can have a bit of time in the evening. Anyone experienced anything similar or any advice please?



feeling like crap bc i decided to stop exclusively pumping & only feed him formula now. im still going to pump but only for his baths. just had to get that off my chest :/


How many pumps do you have?

I have a single breast electric pump and a Haakaa. I am put off expressing because my baby feeds so much so I wonder if there will be anything left but also washing all the pieces of the pump after each use is just time consuming as I also have another child. Do you manage by having multiple pumps or should I just g...


Bottle transition

Has anyone transitioned from a typical bottle to a breastfed nipple shaped one? Looking for a new bottle for my son and I wanted to try some brands with the breastfed type nipples but I'm worried he won't take it


Not enough!

I keep on finding myself supplementing my baby with breast milk or formula throughout the day 😭😭😭 I keep on trying to pump every time I get her on a bottle so my body knows to make milk, but when she's on my breast it seems like it is not enough! She's on my breast for longer than 20 minutes each. It used to be…


Baby’s weight

I can’t tell if my baby is using me as a Paci or if she is actually nursing. She didn’t gain as much weight, as her pediatrician would like at her weight check. My babe wants to be latched all the time and will suckle but she falls asleep at the boob too. Any advice or tips? She’s 2 weeks old


Breastfeeding and not eating much

I have been breastfeeding for 8 months, but since I gave birth I have been eating so little. I’ve lost so much weight, would it affect the quality (nutrients) in my milk :(


Comfort nursing

Will continuing to allow my 11 month old to nurse (with no milk) to sleep and for comfort prevent/stunt him from drinking other milk? He will only take sips between food but not whole bottles like other babes. (Food is also hard to get into him:/) I’m so sad I’m losing my supply even with power pumping and supplements.


Supply decrease

I'm 6 months pp, and my supply decreased a bit. I pump about 5-7 times a day, with a power pump if there's time. I'm currently working part time. What could I do to get it back up or is this a sign my body is slowly drying up?


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