Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

What order would you do things if you had 2 young kids and a 2 bed (smallish rooms) home with your boyfriend?

We have 2 under 2 Newborn and 15 month old Our room has a small wardrobe and fits a next to me Baby room has toddlers cot and a bigger wardrobe with mine and babys stuff We want a bigger house with bigger bedrooms so we can fit 2 cots / toddler bed and a cot and actually have space for a table and chairs We pla...


Nappy change in the night?

I’m just curious to know how many of you still change your little ones during the night. Personally I dont if it only a wet one, I found if I did my little one would wake up and be almost impossible to get back to sleep. Sometimes when I was changing her the nappy would be no where near full so I stopped around the...


Sleep regression? - sobbing while asleep

My little girl turned 6 months yesterday, for the most part she’s always been a very good sleeper and we didn’t have much of a 4 month sleep regression. The last 5 nights we’ve started to have multiple wakeups, 11pm, 2/3am, 5am which we initially put down to a growth spurt as she seemed hungry however as the nights ...


Stopped napping

Has anyone else’s toddler stopped napping? We are on day 9 of no naps. No matter what I do, longer or shorter wake windows, pre lunch or post lunch, nothing works. We already had a sleep regression back in July where she didn’t nap, surely this can’t be another one? But it seems early for her not to nap at all? Anyo...


Morning naps and playgroups management etc

Hi, I just want to know how other parents manage babies naps and attending morning playgroups etc? Most if the playgroups start at 9.30am which is when the nap starts… or just during our napping. Feel like we’re missing on so much interactions as we’re out of sync with everyone!! What you are you guys doing?


Best way to get rid of a dummy?

My little girl is 2 and only has it for naps and bed time, sometimes when she's teething but her last tooth is coming through. We've cut back so much but I have bad teeth from sucking my thumb so I want to nip it in the bud now!


Does your child still have a nap

Mine is struggling to sleep at night I’ve tried reducing and increasing naps and still having the same issue, but when I completely remove it he sleeps fine


Sleep routine and feeding

My 5 and half month old has 7oz bottles every 4 hours he’s a chunky baby but when it reaches 7pm it’s like he refuses sleep for two hours and will drink up to 20oz between 7pm and 9pm . Any recommendations to cut down his milk but also get him to settle . Have tried cuddles , rocking and he just screams blue murder ...


Sleep struggle

Well here we are 6 months old! However I’m struggling with sleep slightly. She’s always been a good sleeper, hasn’t co slept not something I’ve wanted to do really as get too anxious with her in the bed with me. Past few weeks when she’s been waking up she will not go back down awake she cries and cries and gets her...


Dropping to one nap

How do you know when they’re ready to drop the morning nap? Should it be now? LO is 14 months. Please share your experience thanks



Had the night from hell with 6 week old, I don’t think I can do this anymore😭😭😭😭


Nap time help please

So, my little girl has forever been an awful sleeper. She will only fall asleep on the boob, or walking and rocking her in my arms- however day time naps it's impossible to get her down for a nap at home and she is EXHAUSTED, crying, pulling her ears and rubbing her eyes. The only way I can get her to nap is in the ...


My baby won’t sleep longer than an hour at a time 😩

Hi all you lovely mums! Really looking for some advice as really starting to struggle with my 10 month old sleep and feel like I’ve tried everything I can think of so hoping some of you have some tips. His sleep has probably been regressing now since about 8 and half months but is now at an all time worse. We will ...



Those that have older children, when did you start putting them to bed earlier? She usually goes to bed when we do at 10, wakes up around 4 and goes back to sleep until around 7.30. Last night my partner took her up to bed at 8.15 so obviously she woke up at 6 this morning which has annoyed me cause my day just feel...


Why is my baby waking up at 5am

We’ve tried: * Following sleepy cues, didn’t work so tried schedules… didn’t work * Pulled forward her bedtime from 830 to 7-8pm each night… hasn’t worked * We let her sleep when she needs to sleep for as long as needed, didn’t work so we capped naps to scheduled lengths… didn’t work * Played with the wake window le...


Early wakings?!

Anyone else’s 7 month old waking ridiculously early?! 😫 yesterday it was 5:30 and would not go back to sleep and today it was 4:30 🙃 eventually fell back asleep at nearly 6:30! Any tips on how to stop this? Can’t even say it’s because she’s sleeping too much in the day because yesterday she only had 3 X half an…


2 year sleep regression

Is anyone else going through this at the moment? My little boy had been sleeping through until 6:30-7ish, but now he’s waking up at 5am every day and for the last couple of nights he’s also woken up at 1am-ish for at least an hour. We’re due baby number 2 any day now, so any tips on how to get through this regressio...


Wake window in the night

My baby has started the last 4 nights waking 40/50 minutes after going down and usually when she's done this in the past as soon as I pick her up she falls back asleep in my arms and goes back down but the last 4 nights she's hysterical, does a 3/4 hour wake window despite being knackered and then goes back down for...



Any bodies five month old tummy sleeping? My baby girl will be five months tomorrow and has decided she wants to constantly roll even in her sleep. Which I’m all for it you go girl but she has a hard time rolling from tummy to back. My anxiety is through the roof. She wakes up if I try to keep her on her side or bac...


Husband doesn’t want toddler sleeping in our bed

So my 3 year old comes up to our bed in the night, usually around midnight. We have a huge bed and he sleeps on my side yet my husband doesn’t like him coming in our bed. To me I have no problem with it, he wakes up and wants to come for cuddles and goes straight back to sleep. I get that it’s like a routine for him...


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