Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.


I know shorter naps are developmentally appropriate right now, but if your LO wakes up after 30 minutes (unhappy and clearly still tired), do you try and resettle them? And if you do, does it normally work and get them back to sleep?


So stressed

My three week old son is not allowing us to put him down in his safe sleeping space and my husband and I are both exhausted. I’m so terrified of SIDS that I’m only trusting myself to let him sleep on me throughout the night. I don’t get much help during the day either so I’m pretty much running on 0 sleep. He loved ...


Playroom or bedroom?

We have a spare bedroom which we plan on making a playroom for our girls (currently 2.5yrs and 1yr). Eldest sleeps in the bigger room (approx 4.3x2.8m) and youngest is still in with us. They will share a room when ready to do so. There’s currently a double bed in the smaller room (approx 3.5x2m) and we’re replacin...


LB waking up cold in the morning

My boy is waking up cold in the mornings (I think!) We usually only wake up at 8am / 8.30am . This has been a constant since early days. The last few mornings, he's been moaning at around 6.30 / 7am. Moaning, but not actually fully waking up. He sleeps in a 2.5 tog sleeping bag, and a long sleepsuit, but I think...


Is this normal

My 7 nearly 8 month old has been refusing her bottles the past couple of days and she has had a couple of dry nappies aswell I’m not sure what to do


4 Month Sleep Regression😭😭😭

is anyone else’s baby going through a regression? he went from sleeping 4-6 hour stretches and now he’s waking up every 2-3 hours😭 i’m going insane im exhausted. how long does it usually last??


Down to 1 nap?

Is anyone’s baby transitioning to one nap? I know it’s early but my baby just missed his first nap completely and doesn’t even seem tired. I went to put him down for a nap at his usual time, he had a feed on the boob where he fell asleep for about 5-10mins. I went to put him in the cot and wide awake. Spent anothe...


Does napping getting better at 9 months ?

My little boy has always been a cat napper, but for the past 3 days his morning nap has lasted on average an hour and a half, I’d be lucky to get 40 mins usually ! Is this happening to anyone else !?


Leaking nappy overnight

We use size 3 nappys and have never had a problem with leaks. The last 2 morning when my baby has woken up, shes wet on her back. We dont change her nappy overnight if it is just wet. Should i start changing her overnight or do i need different nappys?


The Sleep Chief

Has anyone used a sleep guide by The Sleep Chief? I can't justify spending £55 at the moment - I have just lost my job so money is tight. My 18 month old still isn't sleeping through the night - he wakes 2 or 3 times crying and will usually settle with dummy or cuddle. Can anyone advise if they have used support...


Baby won’t sleep help !!!

She woke up every freaking 20 min ALL NIGHT she’s 6 months I didn’t even sleep she barely slept and my partner won’t do shit so im aggravated she only takes 3 naps a day she usually sleeps 8-9 hours straight then eat and goes back to bed idk what caused this im just burned out help moms what could it be


Early wake window

Help. My baby has been sleeping through the night for a long time until this week. He started waking up between 430 and 530am. I've looked it up and common reasons are late bed time, light in the room or not enough naps. He naps 2.5-3 hours a day which is suggested for his age. His bed time is between 7 and 7.20 whi...


How to get 17 month old to self settle?

My LO is 17 months and to get him to sleep me or my husband have to hold him and walk around the bedroom bobbing him and then we lie him down on his front and rub his back until we know he’s nodded off to sleep, can anyone give advice how we can start to teach him to settle to sleep without all of this please? x


Blocked nose and dummy

My daughter has a seriously blocked nose and relies on her dummy heavily for sleep. I’ve had to rock and do a contact nap for the first time in months this morning as she can’t use her dummy. I’ve tried everything to clear her nose but it just doesn’t clear it enough. Is now the time to get rid of the dummy? I’m sca...


What order would you do things if you had 2 young kids and a 2 bed (smallish rooms) home with your boyfriend?

We have 2 under 2 Newborn and 15 month old Our room has a small wardrobe and fits a next to me Baby room has toddlers cot and a bigger wardrobe with mine and babys stuff We want a bigger house with bigger bedrooms so we can fit 2 cots / toddler bed and a cot and actually have space for a table and chairs We pla...


Nappy change in the night?

I’m just curious to know how many of you still change your little ones during the night. Personally I dont if it only a wet one, I found if I did my little one would wake up and be almost impossible to get back to sleep. Sometimes when I was changing her the nappy would be no where near full so I stopped around the...


Sleep regression? - sobbing while asleep

My little girl turned 6 months yesterday, for the most part she’s always been a very good sleeper and we didn’t have much of a 4 month sleep regression. The last 5 nights we’ve started to have multiple wakeups, 11pm, 2/3am, 5am which we initially put down to a growth spurt as she seemed hungry however as the nights ...


Stopped napping

Has anyone else’s toddler stopped napping? We are on day 9 of no naps. No matter what I do, longer or shorter wake windows, pre lunch or post lunch, nothing works. We already had a sleep regression back in July where she didn’t nap, surely this can’t be another one? But it seems early for her not to nap at all? Anyo...


Morning naps and playgroups management etc

Hi, I just want to know how other parents manage babies naps and attending morning playgroups etc? Most if the playgroups start at 9.30am which is when the nap starts… or just during our napping. Feel like we’re missing on so much interactions as we’re out of sync with everyone!! What you are you guys doing?


Best way to get rid of a dummy?

My little girl is 2 and only has it for naps and bed time, sometimes when she's teething but her last tooth is coming through. We've cut back so much but I have bad teeth from sucking my thumb so I want to nip it in the bud now!


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