Things that aren't related to baby!

How is everyone getting on with keeping on top of anything in their life not for their lil bebe? I'm struggling massively with keeping on top of any personal care, housework etc and just need to know if anyone has any tips or just to hear people are in the same position 🥹 Kind of beating myself up for not maintaining our living space as much as I'd like and feeling guilty when my partner comes home from work to a messy space and getting a bit down about not being able to wash and look after myself and looking like a troll a lot of the time! Hope you and your lil ones are all doing well 🍄💖
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Firstly don’t beat yourself up, you will be doing the best you can, whatever that looks like. I have no tips on the house work, but I take my daughter in her bouncy chair in the bathroom with me when I want to shower. I also had my haircut and roots done when she was about eight weeks so the style is easy to manage and when for a gel pedicure so my feet will look good for a good 8 weeks 😊

Got told off by the dental hygienist last week 🙃 I just feel like my routine has gone out of the window! Especially with exclusively pumping

I’m also struggling with keeping up with the housework and what was a quick 10 minute tidy before now sometimes takes me an hour. I’ve found that popping bubba in her carrier and cleaning helps as this gets her to sleep and I can then crack on. I also have a shower before my partner goes to work or wait until he gets home in the evening and have a bath then. I do miss not having to plan when I wash though.. Try not to let what you can’t do get you down when you’re busy being an amazing mum! 😊

I shower once my bf is home in the evenings, house work takes a back seat however so no tips for that but don’t beat yourself up over it! It’s just a season, won’t last forever so the housework can wait :)

Totally with you on this one, I find no one day is the same and I’ve struggled going from a constant routine before baby arrived to now going with the flow 😅 My little one won’t be put down until he is in a deep sleep and proves difficult for doing tasks when he only cat naps in the day so I feel like I can never get on top of the house and I’ve definitely neglected any self care. The only advice I have is to accept help because it’s the only way I can get things done these days. This is only temporary too - it will get easier 🙌🏼🥰

A Nana. I message Nana in the morning asking if she can have her for 2/3 hours so I can get on with house stuff/ personal stuff with out interruption, I get so much done. Then quite often go to pick her up and fall asleep on their sofa before being asked to stay for tea. 😂

First thing i thought of when I read that was “this is definitely coming from a first time Mum” omg I have felt like a troll for the last two years since having my first baby. Personal care is hard as you do everything else first for everyone else and put yourself last all time. The housework becomes more and more and especially once babies start weaning and eating properly 😩 What I found was that my partner had to start doing a lot more around the house than he used to do despite me being in more. It took him a while to figure this out tho 😂 but once I started back at work and was leaving him with the baby in evenings he realised how hard it was to get stuff done with a little one around. Everything takes 10 times longer with a little on and especially when you have two (or more). I would just say work as a team you and your partner and do what you can but don’t feel guilty if you dont do any housework and go out for days out and enjoy your maternity leave as it will soon be over.

Even if you don’t brush your hair and have no makeup and in your comfy house clothes and feel like a troll 🙈😂 xx

You should have such pride in how well you’re doing!! It’s the hardest thing in the world being a mum and a wife. A little thing I do is in the morning after I’ve fed her I’ll put one of my programmes on, and relax with her until she sleeps again so I can come round. When she naps I literally set a 35 minute timer on my phone and try to challenge myself to see how quick I can get everything done in the house- just to try maintain house work. Then I feel boasted for the day that I’ve managed to do something and then it makes keeping it clean more manageable that day. Then the day is down to me, I don’t put pressure on myself to go out etc, if I’m not feeling it that day then I won’t do it and just enjoy my own space with baby and whatever I wanna do. I get a bath when my partner comes in (sometimes this every 2nd day) and I live for dry shampoo. Give yourself words of affirmation on the daily! You deserve to hear how well you’re doing.

I struggle with this as when the house is a mess or cluttered I feel triggered, and then it affects my mental health. I really nag my partner to clean up after himself to help, but that’s not that easy with a 3 year old too. What I find helps me, not for everyone - I get up early, if baby is due a feed at say 7ish, I’d get up at 6.30 to shower and get ready for the day. I’ll be ready before they wake as many days as it’s physically possible. - I pump, which I can’t do and hold baby so when I do night pump before or after they wake for a feed, I hang the washing out (put on before bed) - carrier for day naps at home - pram naps before a walk, once in pram if happy I’ll do a few small bits that keep the kitchen tidy before going for a walk I’m early days, and it’s defo not easy. Lots of days nothing gets done and I’m triggered by mess frequently, but we’re all doing the best we can!

Also…. Face tan drops!

Just a practical suggestion. I forgo some things in order to have a regular cleaner. Recognise it’s a luxury but does mean the house is always clean which does all sorts of good things for my mental heath. I have a dog, 3 year old and a new baby and it’s a godsend. Maybe consider doing it once just to reset? On the washing, I just move the bouncer into the bathroom, after baby is fed and in a good mood and have a shower with her bouncing and watching on. Did the same with a bath yesterday. The worst that can happen is she’ll cry and I’ll have to get out and comfort her. I’m a second time mum so recognise how overwhelming doing it for the first time can be. It’s bloody hard parenting.

Hey I'm not sure why this post popped up on my phone as I'm a March mum! But I still have some advice. Every morning for 40 minutes my baby goes in his bouncer infront of the TV. I know some will judge but it's the only way I'll be able to express his milk during the day otherwise. Rory loves Bluey or Peppa Pig. To shower, I make sure he is content and fed (and unlikely to cry) and then I put him in his sit me up chair and bring him in the bathroom with me. I generally clean my teeth at the same time. Even if that is at 2pm! If he has a long nap then I'll generally run the Hoover round or peel some potatoes / prepare for dinner. I can come back to it later if I have time. If not then boyfriend will either take over with dinner / housework when he gets home OR he will take baby whilst I get on. Quite often he is really unsettled and I don't get to do any of that! So I will call either my mum or MIL or it simply has to wait. We're all in the same position here 💕💕💕

All these people with mums and MIL that don't work full time 😭 jealous

I put my little boy in his pram to come in the bathroom with me when I bath or shower (his bouncer doesn't fit 😂) and same goes for if I'm cleaning the kitchen or doing some washing, he goes in his carrier for the hoovering and mopping, try not to get too stressed about it though hun, things will all fall in to place eventually, it's just about finding what works for you x

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@Nikita I can't believe your pram fits better than a bouncer 🤣 our pram is huge

@Emmo I've just got a pushchair for him lol got so fed up of my big travel system

I’m keeping on top but feel I’m close to breaking down in all honesty

Totally with you on this. I lost the ability to keep on top of any of this until my toddler was nearly 3. By then I got heavily pregnant and it was all too hard and now I have another baby so looks like it’ll be another 3 years or so before either my house or i am better maintained again 😝. I do find baby will sit in the bouncy chair while I shower as long as he’s not tired, hungry or needing a change. But beyond a basic shower I’m not achieving much!

I try to just do things daily as I’m going if I’m in one room with baby and get the chance I’ll chance picking up a few bits, usually start with making my bed in the morning and getting any rubbish together in one place, sometimes my LO is still sleeping or I leave tv on or at times bring his bouncer in the bathroom, shower for me is non negotiable as it’s the only thing that helps me feel human but I try clean my bathroom whilst going in the shower lol, I put LO in baby wrap and take any washing from bedroom with me and pop that on for example, ive found doing a little clean at night when he’s sleeping the most helpful as I’ll do some power pumping and between those 10min breaks I will clean for 10 mins. It’s not easy and the cleaning isn’t spotless just enough so I’m not overwhelmed with the rest in the morning. And do a good clean when my bf is off work. your still doing a great job- mess can get cleaned. The memories are more important than how clean ur house was kept during xx

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