Boy mom with teenager hygiene question

I hope it's not just me, but if I didn't remind my 13 year old son to shower/ brush his teeth everyday then it wouldn't happen. I've even intentionally gone the entire day not saying anything and he only did it right at bedtime because I had to remind him. I just know as a girl at his age my mother didn't have to remind me. Maybe this will change when he gets to age 16? I'm trying to have him practice more independence and I worry that with him having ADHD he will have a late start at even being self sufficient 🫤. Writing things down hasn't helped either because he ignores a checklist or will say that he forgot. I'm stepping it up a notch and cutting down on his electronics or eliminating his time all together( he has time restrictions on electronics to keep him accountable) for each time he goes with a reminder. If he's consistent then I will increase his electronics time by an hour on the weekend.
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My aunt has 4 boys and they didn’t worry about hygiene until they started liking girls in high school. It will get better with time.

It's not just a boy thing. I have to tell my 12 year old daughter to brush her teeth twice a day and shower daily. She probably has ADHD given I and her biological father have it, but I've not gotten her diagnosed. We have Alexa in our house and I have a reminder for school nights when it's time to start getting ready for bed 40 minutes before bedtime which she knows means it's time to shower and brush her teeth at night. Getting her to remember to brush her teeth in the morning is the difficult part.

My son is 9 and is the same way. We have to remind him constantly. He hasn't started puberty yet but I keep telling him he's gotta clean his ass or else he's gonna smell lmfao.

Normal! My 14 year old is the same. His ADHD just isn’t there yet. His dad is good about staying on him so that he at least is semi pleasant to be around but we don’t push it. He has plenty of time and once he gets into dating, we’ll miss all the hot water. Sometimes you just need a smelly gross day to exist with no demands.

My 12 year old son is the same way! I just have to constantly remind him. I guess I just feel that not reminding could lead to teeth problems and such later, so with reminders if he still doesn’t the consequence will be fillings at the dentist and he’s aware of that. I like one of the suggestions above about the Alexa reminder as well, so maybe it’ll feel less like parent harassing, you’re doing a great job 😊

Not just you! My 11 year old daughter needs reminders every day. And her breath is BAD, so you would think she would want to be more proactive with it. We put a list up in her bathroom, but it hasn't helped much. Hoping she will grow out of it eventually. 🙃 Definitely could be related to ADHD (we haven't confirmed she has this, but all signs point to yes). She struggles with directions in general if there is more than one step involved. I've read once they hit puberty things can change. Keeping my fingers crossed. Good luck to you and keep us posted if you find something that works. 💖

@Desiree' See now he claims he has a girlfriend but I don't really think it's like that. The girl probably likes him and he doesn't like her like that. I think once they really fall for a girl that they have a crush on is when the motivation will also kick in... Thank you!!!

@Kelli Whew! So ADHD could be a leading factor? I love the Alexa idea. He has one in his room and randomly asks questions so I will have him set a reminder for getting ready for school with breakfast time, brush teeth, shower, etc .. Thank you so much ☺️

@Leslie Yeah you have a way to go but hygiene is still important. It's like boys have no issues with being gross lol. I purchased deodorant at age 11 for my son and until this day I constantly have to ask if he has on deodorant and lotion too!

@Kelsey Good to know! It's funny how I've noticed that he automatically knows on the weekend to brush his teeth and take a shower unasked before he gets his phone or play online with his friends. On the weekday for school it's like pulling teeth for him to get ready but yet he has to get to school each day.

@Natalie Omg yes! My son brushes his teeth for like 20 seconds and thinks he's done. His dentist had him hold the mirror up to his teeth to see the plaque that's starting to pull up. I invested in a really good professional electric toothbrush to help( per his dentist recommendations). Also it's helping that his dentist also challenges him to brush better or else his teeth will fall out lol

@Carin Yeah tooth brushing is crucial. My son's dentist recommended for him to stop using kids crest and start using armor baking soda toothpaste instead. He's also on an professional toothbrush ($50 on Amazon and you switch the tooth heads every 3 months). This has helped tremendously because it cleans quickly. Doesn't hurt to have her evaluated for ADHD to come up with solutions to help her as she gets older. I have no idea what I would have done if I had my son in the same state as before. He's not perfect but the following directions has improved and yes I still have to repeat myself, however it's hit or miss that he gets it the first time. The most important thing is he improved drastically at school ☺️

I have a 13 year old as well and he is the same way!! He would never shower if I didn’t tell him! He is half way decent about brushing his teeth but he has braces and I stayed on him to where he gets mad if I ask haha. It took the orthodontist getting on him then he did better. We’ve suspected he has ADHD but he hasn’t been tested for it or anything. Sending a long distance hug because I feel ya on this one haha!

My oldest is 16 and I still have to tell him to shower 🙄. Teenagers are just kind of gross. We had somewhere to go tonight so he took a shower, put on clean clothes, does his hair, actually remembers deodorant, and then as we're leaving throws on a hoodie he's worn the past three days that smells like straight up bo 🤢

@Kristen It's like they seem to respond better if a dentist or doctor tells them. Yeah braces are no joke so that's definitely something to stay on top of. I appreciate the virtual hug!!☺️

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@Rachel 😯All that work just to throw on a smelly hoodie. Teenagers love wearing hoodies all year round lol. I agree I'm just convinced that teenage boys are gross and hygiene is not important to them at all until they're much older or if someone embarrasses them in school.

I think this is normal. And not just for boys. I remember my mom having to tell me to wear deodorant. I think many kids aren’t aware their bodies have an odor once puberty hits and need to manage their hygiene.

My son is 13 too and all his life life if I don't tell him to shower or do his teeth he won't. I always say to him it's been a part of your routine since a baby to brush teeth so why isn't it clicking Also how csn he not feel the fuzz on his teeth?! Mind boggles. Biggest chore of my life getting him to be clean!

My daughter 12 and ADHD and I have to remind her every day. I have to keep reminding her to get dressed for school and finish up otherwise she gets side tracked. Sometimes I'm lucky and she will wake up on her own, make her bed and get dressed without me even asking but still won't brush teeth... She hates to brush... So it's always a constant reminder even on weekends. She will do it if I do it np.

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