How do you feel about your SO taking his own children out for the day, but saying it's to do YOU a favour?

Why can't Dad's take their kids out without it being "a favour" for the mum, so that she can have some time alone?
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Make sure to tell him that it’s a favour everytime you do anything for the kids also. Haha

Do me a favour!? Absolutely NOT a favour, I wouldn't be grateful or thankful. You're taking your OWN child out for the day, that's a normal thing to do as a parent. There are zero favours owed in both directions when parenting. It should always be equal, not one person thinking they've done the other a solid by taking their own child out.

Fathering his children is the job, it’s not a favor 🙄

My dad once described looking after me when I was younger as babysitting! I think men sometimes see the everyday aspects of looking after a child as the mother's job! That needs to change, of course

My fiancé says different but acts like it’s my responsibility and he doesn’t wanna some days I’m like alright all me and keep chugging along he works hard and I remind myself my kids aren’t a burden I can’t imagine life without them idk works for me

My hubby takes the toddler out with his other Dad friends that have same age kids or they drop by each others’ houses or takes him bowling and to play some games while I’m out- they don’t see it as a favour to the mum. They see it as, they’re spending time w their child and having fun and bonding. As it should be.

Thank you!! I keep trying to explain this to him. He also thinks doing his bit around the house, washing dishes etc is doing me a favour too 🤦‍♀️ I never moan to him that he does it, but it royally drives me nuts that he's "doing me a favour"

Explain to him that IF you guys were separated ….(or single men in general) who’ll do the housework and dishes and cleaning and cooking while he’s living single? He would. All by his lonesome. So as a couple living together all we are doing is splitting those house chores that you’ll be doing single, w another person. 50/50. Even if he worked FT. IF he was single and coparenting he’ll be taking the kids every weekend, every other weekend, and some of my friends do a week on week off, so those men have a WHOLE WEEK w the kids. Not as a “favour”. But as his role simply being the Dad. We are not their mother nor a maid we co-exist in each others lives as a partner and both pitch in where needed to keep the household running smoothly. We don’t keep tally who does what we are both doing SOMETHING. As in “babe will you bathe and dress the baby while I clean up the kitchen from dinner” or “babe I’m going to put in 2 more loads can you bring in and fold what’s hanging up outside” etc.

damn if we’re keeping tabs like that then he’d owe me unlimited favors for the 9 months that i carried, nourished, and birthed his children for wtf

@Kellie so he likes to remind me a lot how he works to keep a roof over my head!! But I have to frequently remind him that he'd have to work to keep the roof over his own head regardless of me living here or not 🙄 I think it's just a very caveman way of thinking! His arse is stuck back in the 50's when men paid the bills and the women cared for the children

For me, it sometimes is a favor. But my husband also does housework and enjoys spending time with our kids. But there are definitely times that him just getting them out of the house is a favor to me

I’ve reminded my husband that providing a house and utilities for our boys is literally the bare minimum.

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